Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "validation nightmare"
2006 Apr 07
What are the limitations on using:
to display errors in views?
I have tried for days to add errors from my object.rb and they never get
class Keyword < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of(:name, :message => "Name is required.")
validates_uniqueness_of(:name, :message => "This name is already in
use. Please try
2006 Mar 16
Verifying existance of related record
Is there an easy way to validate that a related record exists?
I''ve got a table that contains a set of categories and I want to make
sure the user has entered a vaild category (i.e. a category that exists
in the categories table). So in the model of the table I put this:
class Master < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category, :foreign_key => "categoryid"
2006 Dec 11
Custom Validator
I want to add a custom validator in one of Model. For example Rails has
inbuilt validation methods like validates_uniqueness_of,
validates_presence_of . What I need is a similar kind of method
(example: validates_line_items), that can run my custom code while
saving, updating the record and can add custom error messages to the
record. Please help me by suggesting how i can do this.
Posted via
2006 Aug 09
How to change the error message easy way
validates_presence_of :fname
results in the error message
"Fname can''t be blank".
What I want is "First Name can''t be blank".
I could do this
def validate
errors.add_to_base("First Name can''t be blank") if fname.blank?
I find this clunky and I have to put everyrhing in the validate method. Is
there an easy to get what I want.
2005 Sep 27
No Custom Validation
Correct me if I am wrong but there doesn''t seem to be an easy way to add
validation outside the pre-built ones (validates_presence_of,
validates_lenght_of, etc.).
Ideally there should be something like:
Class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :my_method, :on => create, :message => ''was not valid''
def my_method(param)
false unless
2005 Dec 30
before_create question
I have the following models: User, Registration, Event.
User has_many Registration, Event has_many Registration, and
Registration belongs_to User and Registration. So far, so good.
There''s a registration deadline on a Event though, a few days before
the Event occurs.
So, I have this:
class Registration < AR
def before_create
errors.add_to_base("Registration deadline has
2006 May 04
validates :on 2
Hello, I need to have this for :create and :login how do I do so
validates_presence_of :login, :password, :password_confirmation,
:user_name, :email, :on => :create
I do need it to be off in a number of places though
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2009 Feb 19
Associated child records not created on creation of a parent.
I am trying to create a record with association. Within the create
method, I would also like to pre-populate dependent (has_many) records
from a template in the database.
The child records are <u>mysteriously rolled back </u> if I insert
them in a loop. If I try to insert a single child record, it works.I
have read the books and tried to google my way out of this but am at a
2006 Mar 29
How to skip password validation when updating other fields?
Besides the hashed password, which is saved to db, I have two
password-attributes in my User model:
attr_accessor :password, :password_confirmation
I have validations on these attributes, and I need them to work both on
create and update, since I have pages for changing and resetting the
Now when I want to update just the user''s login name, I guess I have the
2006 Feb 15
Agile book - getting confusing error
Working through the beginning phase from the Agile book on
undefined method `hashed_password='' for #<User:0xb7911324>
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.13.2/lib/active_record/base.rb:1498:in `method_missing''
#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/user.rb:12:in `before_create''
2008 Oct 09
has_many validation the Rails way
Okay, this is something I run into a lot and don''t really have a great
solution. Here is a simple example:
class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :posts
validates_presence_of :name
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :blog
validates_presence_of :name
validates_presence_of :blog_id
Now, if I want to create a blog and post at the same time I
2006 Apr 01
Custom Validations
Does anyone how to create a validation that:
validates_presence_of :a OR :b
I.e. :a OR :b must be present.
I thought this would probably be possible with some kind of validation
callback, e.g.:
def check_a_or_b_is_set
return (a or b)
Any ideas?
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2010 Feb 03
customizing validation msg
i am using the default validation of RoR how i will customize them i
dont want to display the default message but i want to print the
message i want like for city_id the default message is "City can''t be
blank" i want this message as "Please enter city"
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2006 Aug 14
after_create is not being called
Hi all
I have the following model:
class PhotoGallery < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title, :description, :file_path, :title_photo_id
has_many :photos, :dependent => :destroy
belongs_to :title_photo,
:class_name => ''Photo'',
:foreign_key => ''title_photo_id''
validates_presence_of :title, :description, :file_path
2006 Jan 09
Saving an upload
I am creating a database for movies (films) and television shows (shows)
that will have has_and_belongs_to_many relationships with the pictures
CREATE TABLE screenshots (
id serial NOT NULL,
filename character varying NOT NULL,
content_type character varying NOT NULL,
primary key (id)
id serial NOT NULL,
name character varying NOT NULL,
2007 Jun 18
polymorphic validation
I have 2 models.
has_many :categories, :as => :categorized
validates_presence_of :name, :url, :created_at, :category
belongs_to :categorized, :polymorphic => true
validates_presence_of :name
Everything seems to work. I select my category from a select tag. The
problem is i don''t know how to validate if category is for example empty
(nothing in a
2009 Jun 25
standard ActiveRecord validation message
in testing my app I just use the validations
validates_presence_of :first_name, :last_name, :email
validates_presence_of :academy, :message => "You must select an
validates_presence_of :role, :message => "You must select a role"
standard error_messages are fine for most of my fields , resulting
in :
5 errors prohibited this data from being saved
2011 Apr 28
difference between validate and validate_on_create
i just ran into a problem with some test, and i am not exactly sure why,
but the difference happened when i changed my model validation from:
validate :custom_validation
validate_on_create :custom_validation
can someone give me any ideas on where in the chain the validation takes
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Jul 12
validate method not getting called?
Here''s a snippet of my model:
validates_presence_of :from_name, :from_email, :reply_name,
:reply_email, :eSubject
def validate
puts "Calling: #{target_list_ids}"
errors.add_to_base("You must choose at least one target list for
this job") if self.target_list_ids.nil?
It appears that the validates_presence_of are being called just fine,
2005 Dec 02
UserEngine: stack level too deep
I''m trying to get the UserEngine running.
I have installed the LoginEngine, added the essential lines to
environment.rb / application.rb and application_helper.rb.
Worked fine.
Then I did the same with the UserEngine and when trying to set up the
rake engine_migrate ENGINE=user
I get:
Migrating engine ''user_engine''
rake aborted!
stack level too deep