Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "New package: gRain - gRAphical Independence Networks"
2007 Apr 15
unable to find inherited method for function "edges", for signature "ugsh", "missing"
I am new to using S4 methods and have run into this problem (on Windows XP using R 2.4.1): I am writing a package in which I use the graph package. I define my own classes of graphs as:
setIs("ugsh", "graphsh")
(I know that I "should have" used setClass instead - and I will eventually - but right now
2005 Jan 13
how to use solve.QP
At the risk of ridicule for my deficient linear algebra skills, I ask
for help using the solve.QP function to do portfolio optimization. I
am trying to following a textbook example and need help converting the
problem into the format required by solve.QP. Below is my sample code
if anyone is willing to go through it. This problem will not solve
because it is not set up properly. I hope I
2007 Sep 03
The quadprog package
Hi everybody,
I'm using Windows XP Prof, R 2.5.1 and a Pentium 4 Processor.
Now, I want to solve a quadratic optimization program (Portfolio Selection) with the quadprog package
I want to minimize (\omega'%*%\Sigma%*%\omega)
Subject to
(1) \iota' %*% \omega = 1 (full investment)
(2) R'%*%\omega = \mu (predefined expectation value)
(3) \omega \ge 0 (no short sales).
2009 Feb 16
solve.QP with box and equality constraints
Dear list,
I am trying to follow an example that estimates a 2x2 markov transition
matrix across several periods from aggregate data using restricted least
I seem to be making headway using solve.QP(quadprog) as the unrestricted
solution matches the example I am following, and I can specify simple
equality and inequality constraints. However, I cannot correctly specify a
2014 Oct 07
Issue installing Matrix Package
I installed R-3.1.1 on AIX-5.3 and my installation hanged up while
installing Matrix Package.
so i killed the gmake ; gmake install the software nad tired installing
Matrix package manually -
/gpfs1/home/shivali/gang/R-3.1.1/bin/R CMD INSTALL Matrix
the package compiled successfully but while loading Matrix package the
2008 Aug 05
Fix for nls bug???
Hi All,
I've hit a problem using nls. I think it may be a restriction in the
applicability of nls and I may have found a fix, but I've been wrong before.
This example is simplified to the essentials. My real application is much
more complicated.
Take a function of matrix 'x' with additional arguments:
matrix 'aMat' whose values are _not_ to be determined by nls
2003 Jun 02
Help with factorized argument in solve.QP
I'm having problems getting the "factorized" argument in solve.QP (part
of the quadprog library) to work as expected. The helpfile states that
when the factorized argument is set to TRUE, then the function requires
the inverse of a square-root factor of the Hessian instead of the
Hessian itself. That is, when factorized=TRUE, the Dmat argument should
be a matrix R^(-1), such
2008 Mar 03
Constrained regression
Dear list members,
I am trying to get information on how to fit a linear regression with
constrained parameters. Specifically, I have 8 predictors , their
coeffiecients should all be non-negative and add up to 1. I understand it is
a quadratic programming problem but I have no experience in the subject. I
searched the archives but the results were inconclusive.
Could someone provide suggestions
2006 Mar 18
listing nodes in paths
Hi All,
I have the following adjacency matrix for a directed graph:
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
[1,] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[2,] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[3,] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[4,] 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
[5,] 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
[6,] 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
[7,] 0 0
2008 Jun 08
R CMD CHECK WARNING inappropriate for S4 method?
The package 'graph' defines classes graph and graphNEL (extending
graph) and a union,graph,graph-method. These are all exported and
fully documented.
The package 'GSEABase' Imports: graph and importClassesFrom(graph,
graphNEL). GSEABase defines methods on union for its own classes (not
graph / graphNEL), and has exportMethods(union).
union,graph,graph-method is not used in
2011 May 11
Problem with constrained optimization with maxBFGS
Dear all,
I need to maximize the v:
v= D' W D
D is a column vector ( n , 1)
W is a given matrix (n, n)
subject to:
sum D= 1
(BTW, n is less than 300)
I´ve tried to use maxBFGS, as follows:
Amat<-rbind((rep(-1, nrow(D))), Amat)
bvec<-matrix( c(0), nrow(D)+1,
2012 Nov 01
GraphNEL object retrieve edgenumber from acc() or is it list of lists?
Hello everyone,
Im working with graphNEL object and want to extract all the nodes which
have adjacent nodes with at least 20 nodes in between them.
acc(graph, graphnodes) obviously provides a list for the accessable
nodes of every node from a node and a number of the edges between them.
Like this:
hsa:100131844 hsa:10393 hsa:246184 hsa:29882 hsa:29945
2011 Sep 26
compute probabilities on a Bayesian Network
Deal R Users,
I'm trying to find out how can I compute probabilities on a Bayesian
Network using R. The Bayesian Network I modelled is shown at
http://www.dsr.inpe.br/~mello/1727/BNgrapmodel.png and I'd like to know
how can I proceed (commands on R) to answer questions like: (1) what is
the probability of S=T given C=T, L=T, R=F, H=F and D=F; or (2) what is
the probability of S=T
2005 Nov 29
Constraints in Quadprog
I'm having difficulty figuring out how to implement the
following set of constraints in Quadprog:
1). x1+x2+x3+x4=a1
2). x1+x2+x5+x6=a2
3). x1+x3+x5+x7=a3
4). x1+x2=b1
5). x1+x3=b2
6). x1+x5=b3
for the problem: MIN (x1-c1)2+(x2-c2)2+...+(x8-c8)2.
As far a I understand, "solve.QP(Dmat, dvec, Amat, bvec, meq=0,
factorized=FALSE)" reads contraints using an element-by-element
2006 Jan 05
Generic Functions
I've been using the package "graph" in the BioConductor assortment and
writing some functions based on its classes. My question is not specific to
this package or BioConductor (I think), but it serves as a useful example.
I recently wanted to look at the code for the function "edgeMatrix" for the
class "graphNEL".
Usually I would type
> func.foo
2011 Sep 28
how to solve a simple discrete Bayesian Belief Network?
Can somebody save-me? Thanks in advance!
#R script:
#trying to find out how solve a discrete Bayesian Belief Network.
#option: using 'catnet' package
cnet <- cnNew(nodes = c("a", "b", "c"), cats = list(c("1", "2"),
c("1", "2"), c("1", "2")), parents = list(NULL, c(1), c(1,
2005 Dec 14
mysql connection problems
hi i have a problem trying to connect to the mysql database when I do a
rake it says: Access denied for user: ''@localhost'' to database ''''
My database.yml file is fine
Any ideas why this is happening
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2013 Mar 15
quadprog issues---how to define the constriants
Hi list:
This is my first time to post my question on the list. Thanks for your
I am solving a quadratic programming using R. Here is my question:
w = arg min 0.5*w'Mw - w'N
s. t. sum(w) = 1;
note: w is weight vector, each w_i must >=0, and the sum of w =1.
Here is my R code:
A <-matrix(c(2.26,1.26,1.12,1.12,2.27,1.13,1.12,1.13,2.2),3,3);
B <-
2012 Dec 13
[PATCH special] vtpm fix cmake dependency
Ian, this one is special just for you. I''m sending it as an attachment
because my email client will mangle it.
This patch will remove the cmake dependency from xen prior to autoconf
This patch applies ontop of [VTPM v7 3/8] vtpm/vtpmmgr and required libs
to stubdom/Makefile
You can apply it to your tree by doing the following:
git rebase -i <VTPM v7 3/8 revision>
2012 Sep 26
Specifying a response variable in a Bayesian network
I'm trying to teach myself about Bayesian Networks and am working with the
following data and the bnlearn package.
I understand the conceptual aspects of BNs, but I'm not sure how to specify
the response variables in R when constructing
a dag plot. I've cecked ?hc and done numerous google searches without luck.
Can anyone help?