I've changed the subject to draw attention to this issue.
For more, see inline below
> Hi,
> I installed R-3.1.1 on AIX-5.3 and my installation hanged up while
> installing Matrix Package.
> so i killed the gmake ; gmake install the software nad tired installing
> Matrix package manually -
> [ncmr0202][/gpfs1/home/shivali/gang/R-3.1.1/bin/package]>
> /gpfs1/home/shivali/gang/R-3.1.1/bin/R CMD INSTALL Matrix
> the package compiled successfully but while loading Matrix package the
> installation hanged up -
> in method for 'coerce' with signature
'"sparseMatrix","graphNEL"': no
> definition for class "graphNEL"
> in method for 'coerce' with signature
'"TsparseMatrix","graphNEL"': no
> definition for class "graphNEL"
> Creating a generic function for 'format' from package
'base' in package 'Matrix'
> Creating a generic function for 'qr.R' from package 'base'
in package 'Matrix'
> Creating a generic function for 'qr.Q' from package 'base'
in package 'Matrix'
> Creating a generic function for 'qr.qy' from package 'base'
in package 'Matrix'
> Creating a generic function for 'qr.qty' from package
'base' in package 'Matrix'
> Creating a generic function for 'qr.coef' from package
'base' in package 'Matrix'
> Creating a generic function for 'qr.resid' from package
'base' in package 'Matrix'
> Creating a generic function for 'qr.fitted' from package
'base' in package 'Matrix'
> ** help
> *** installing help indices
> ** building package indices
> Loading required package: Matrix
> On checking more i come accross the CPU utilization for thread using
> ps -ef command (CPU priority penalty ) is inreasing upto 120 max limit.
> [ncmr0202][/gpfs1/home/shivali/gang/R-3.1.1]> ps -ef | grep R-3.1.1
> shivali 323978 459010 0 14:36:14 pts/14 0:00 grep R-3.1.1
> root 492034 336504 0 14:34:36 pts/11 0:00 sh
/gpfs1/home/shivali/gang/R-3.1.1/lib/R/bin/Rcmd INSTALL Matrix
> root 525188 492034 120 14:34:37 pts/11 0:30
/gpfs1/home/shivali/gang/R-3.1.1/lib/R/bin/exec/R --args --args --args
> [ncmr0202][/gpfs1/home/shivali/gang/R-3.1.1]>
As maintainer of the Matrix package I'm currently claiming that
this is more an issue of AIX configuration when installing R
(and hence the Matrix package) than an issue of the Matrix
package per se.
> Please help
I'm trying, asking a few questions:
- Have made use of the many hints and consideration about AIX
installation in the official "R Administration and Installation"
Manual, notably section 'C.5 AIX', see, e.g.,
- What was the exact output when running ..../configure ?
- Have you set environment variables / PATH for compilers,
libraries, etc? If yes, which one?
Hoping this will lead further,
Martin Maechler
> Regards,
> Shivali Gangwar