Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "validation on before_add callback"
2010 Jul 12
How to turn :before_add exceptions into validation errors
As per http://rails.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Associations/ClassMethods.html
Possible callbacks are: before_add, after_add, before_remove and
Should any of the before_add callbacks throw an exception, the
object does not get added to the collection. Same with the
before_remove callbacks; if an exception is thrown the object doesnât
get removed.
However, when the add
2006 Apr 07
What are the limitations on using:
to display errors in views?
I have tried for days to add errors from my object.rb and they never get
class Keyword < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of(:name, :message => "Name is required.")
validates_uniqueness_of(:name, :message => "This name is already in
use. Please try
2006 May 10
dynamic setting of username and password in database.yml
I''ve now read a lot about application-level authentication in Rails, but
I need to do database-level authentication.
The reason is that my database needs to have the current_user (database
current_user, not current_user defined in an ActiveRecord Model) set to
execute triggers for automatically updating audit tables. So it is not
enough to have a session check against a User
2007 Jun 18
polymorphic validation
I have 2 models.
has_many :categories, :as => :categorized
validates_presence_of :name, :url, :created_at, :category
belongs_to :categorized, :polymorphic => true
validates_presence_of :name
Everything seems to work. I select my category from a select tag. The
problem is i don''t know how to validate if category is for example empty
(nothing in a
2006 Jun 01
how can I control when to commit a transaction?
it seems like this question has appeared a few times with no answer:
how do you get rails to issue ''write'' statements (ie ''CREATE/UPDATE'') to
the database without committing each time?
I tried setting
before calling any action on my object, but as soon as
is called,
2000 Oct 26
Problem with lm
Hello Everybody,
I have a problem with the output of lm.
In fact, when I compare the R output and the Splus output, the results
appears to be different :
I have a dataframe with 5 factors , 16 rows and a response.
First, I tried to fit this response to a linear model :
The results beetween SPlus and R are different.
In a second time, I tried a new fit :
2006 Jun 01
Ruby on Rails strange issue
I just installed Ruby on Rails and created the new repository.
I wanted to use Ruby on Rails with FCGI
The repository was created in /path/to/public_html
ls /path/to/public_html/ :
app cgi-bin config doc log public README script
asd components db lib logo.jpg Rakefile README_LOGIN test
I installed fcgi support for ruby on rails and
2006 Nov 29
how do I model self-referential entities?
Hi all -
I am having some trouble figuring out how to model self-referential
entities in Rails.
I have a "group" model, which can have 0 or more "group" objects or 0 or
more "user" objects.
I tried creating a subgroup table that has a parent_group_id and a
child_group_id as foreign keys but can''t figure out how to create the
mapping in my ruby model
2003 Sep 24
Problem with memory for large datasets
I would like to know if there is a possibility to "clean" the R memory
during a R session. In fact, I realize a lot of instruction with large
objects (matrix of 500*5000), and I can not manage to achieve the end of my
script due to memory lack. Of course, I've tried to remove all "temporary
object" during the script execution and to perform a garbage collector ...
2006 Apr 07
validation nightmare
Please help, I am really at a loss at how validation is supposed to work
in rails.
Model contains
I want to force my NEW objects to have a parent
I do NOT want existing object to have a parent
so I only want to have parent_id on create, NOT on update.
I am trying this:
def validate_on_create
validates_presence_of :parent_id, :message => "You must specify a
2003 Apr 08
density ranges for uniform law
I would have some details and explanations about the results I get.
In fact, I start with a uniform sample between -1 and 1, and then plot its
My problem is that the density ranges are much more longer than I expected :
samp <- runif(10000,-1,1)
Instead of varying between -1 and 1, the density varies between approximaly
-1.5 and 1.5
Could someone explain
2001 Nov 08
Problem with optim (method L-BFGS-B)
I've just a little problem using the function optim.
Here is the function I want to optimize :
test_function(x){(exp(-0.06751 + 0.25473*((x[1]-350)/150) +
0.04455*((x[2]-40)/20) + 0.09399*((x[3]-400)/100) -
0.45984*((x[5]-550)/150)-0.39508*((x[1]-350)/150)* ((x[1]-350)/150) -
0.05116*((x[2]-40)/20)* ((x[2]-40)/20) -
0.27735*((x[3]-400)/100)*((x[3]-400)/100) -
2008 Apr 17
Moving from Splus to R: irregular and regular time series
Dear R developpers,
I am a user of Splus since many years and I have developped lots of
functions to plot graph of data and model results of irregular or
regular times series.
In Splus regular times series are created using the rts function and
irregular time series using the its functions. In both cases, times is
given as a numeric vector.
There is no problem in plotting a regular and an
2001 Aug 21
Problem using GLM in a loop
I am try to perform a modeling which is relevant in a strongly
heteroscedastic context.
So I perform a dual modeling (modeling of both mean and variance of a
response) in using the following loop:
jointmod <- function(formula, data, itercrit=10,devcrit=0.0001)
# Init step
init <- glm(formula=formula,family=gaussian, data=data)
response <-
2000 Oct 16
Crash while R111 install
I try to install the R111 version for few days on my PC (on Windows NT),
and every time the same problem :
I start the rwin.exe application and a couple of seconds later, the
install failed, and my PC is down. I must then swich it
down and restart a new session.
If someone has some help ...
Isabelle Zabalza-Mezghani Tel : 01 47 52 61 99
Institut Fran?ais du P?trole
2003 Feb 17
Call to glm inside a function
I want to call glm inside a function. In the first lines of code I build the
weights, the formula, ... and then I call glm with the following command:
glm(formularesp, data=data, family=familyresp,
My problem is that the fitting proccess is performed just like if
weights=NULL, even if my weights are not equals to 1. I've performed some
return() command
2003 Jun 27
A vector or matrix response
I wonder if anybody has some idea about how to solve my problem :
I am working , I would say trough an experimental design approach (perform
experiments, get responses, make regression, sensitivity analysis, risk
analysis ...). The problem is now that I have to face with not only a
response but a vector or a matrix (typically a spatial distribution of a
physical property ... pressure).
2003 Oct 27
Starting and Terminating the JVM for package SJava
I would like to know if there is a possibility to open an R session via Java
(using the SJava package), then to terminate it, and re-run another.
It seems not to be possible. If this is the case, I would like to understand
where is the problem or the limitation (is it due to the SJava
implementation, to the Java behavior, or to the R application).
In fact, I am interesting in re-starting
2002 Nov 07
Qualitative factors
I have some doubt about how qualitative factors are coded in R. For
instance, I consider a response y, a quantitative factor x and a qualitative
factor m at 3 levels, generated as follow :
(Intercept) x m2 m3
3.96364 0.09818
2006 May 03
render partial collection
my view contains a call to a partial:
<%= render(:partial => ''item_list'', :collection => @keyword.synonyms,
:locals => { :action_delete => "removesynonym", and_some_other_stuff
_item_list.rhtml contains:
<%= link_to (
{ :action => action_delete,
:id =>