similar to: Order By Number of Comments

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Order By Number of Comments"

2006 Apr 11
I am trying to use RJS as shown in this tutorial : However it does not seem to work. I am not getting any excpetions in the logs. Here is what the logs say : Parameters: {"action"=>"add", "controller"=>"homepage"} Rendering homepage/add The homepage/add is named add.rjs I know
2006 Mar 22
has_many, belongs_to
I have one table(profiles) where each row has many rows in another table(carriers). If I write profile.carriers I get a collection containing all carriers that belong to the current profile. My question is: how do I sort the collection profile.carriers? I would like to sort it on one of the columns (found in the table carriers). Can I override some method in the carrier model or somewhere
2006 Jun 27
RJS Form Values
Hi, I have the following code : <%=link_to_function("? | China", update_page{|page| page[''tags_en''].value = "China" page[''tags_ch''].value = "?" }) %> This updates two text fields with the China and ?. However I want to append the values, not replace them. So I need something like this :
2006 Mar 31
Recommended search library?
I''m at a point where I''d like to start adding search capability to my app, so I thought I''d ask: Anyone have any recommendations for a good Rails search library/plugin/etc? There seem to be quite a few different ones out there, but I don''t have much context on any of them. What is the difference between using Ferret, or a SearchGenerator, SimpleSearch,
2006 Mar 21
Sorting by computed temporary field
Hey all, I''m rather new to Ruby and Rails (and not great with SQL), but I''m developing a ride sharing app and would like to be able to sort on something I don''t have stored. I have users, events, and rides, each of which has a zip code. Events have_many rides, and rides belong_to events. When an event is selected, I''d like to be able to show a list of
2006 Oct 30
Seymore - Content Management On Rails
I have just open sourced my Content Management System called Seymore. Rather than having a separate administration section for managing content, content management functions are available throughout the site so users are able to contextually and comfortably manage the content. I am looking for any and all feedback. Please, either checkout the latest source from subversion, grab version 0.1 from
2011 Apr 24
False Positives In ActiveRecord Tests
Every now and then when I am working on making the SQL Server adapter pass all the ActiveRecord tests, I notice one that looks like a false positive in the core DBs. Here is one case in relations_test.rb. Can someone look at this and just tell me it is normal for other DBs and just odd for SQL Server? Or maybe it is just my understand of some SQL standard. I''m really not that SQL smart.
2006 Mar 17
Security issue dealing with comment posting - anyone?
This is how I''m posting comments currently. This works, but I read somewhere that I shouldn''t inject params right into my sql query, because it makes it easy for people to hack in and ruin the db. I''m not sure if this even makes sense, but I''ve tried other things, and can''t get anything else to work. #currently def comments content =
2006 Jun 30
Apache Cache
Hi, I have a strange problem. I have implemented fragment caching. I am pulling my delicious links to my site. I print out to the log every time it connects to delicious. >From the logs I see that it is not using the cached fragment. It connects on every page load. This is running under Apache2 (ubuntu). I am using the default .htacess file that came with RoR. However when I run it
2006 May 11
Including dynamic list of params in link_to
How do I include all incoming URL parameters (i.e. list_content.rhtml?content_id=23) in my link_to statements? I know I can include specific parameters in the link_to, by using ":variable_name => 123" in the link_to statement... But what If I dont'' know what the incoming parameters will be... and I simply want to include them along with any other specific variables I
2008 Jul 09
build matrix with the content of one column of a data frame in function of two factors
Hello, First, thanks for your help (and sorry for my english !) I have a data frame in which each row represents a vote (in percent, only 20,40, 60,80,100) of one person on one content, with three columns : name (the name of the voters), content_id, vote : str(votesredac) 'data.frame': 1000 obs. of 3 variables: $ name : chr "Guillemette Faure" "Guillemette
2006 Dec 04
Avoiding SQL Injection in :order?
This thread references: ActiveRecord''s find() method has built in ways to avoid SQL injection by using the format > :conditions => [ "user_name = ?", user_name] Is there any such system for escaping injection in :order? It seems to only take a string and feed it to the SQL
2007 Sep 05
Mocking to spec a sort_by method
Hello, I have a question regarding the use of Mocha with rSpec to spec one of my methods. My spec contains the following vehical1 = mock() vehical2 = mock() vehical1.stubs(:mph).returns(150) vehical2.stubs(:mph).returns(250) comparer.add_vehical([@vehical1, @vehical2]) comparer.sort_by(:mph) The comparer is an object that has a basic "stack like" functionality, add_vehical is the
2006 Jul 20
sort_by with via a parent models child
I am having a problem with ruby''s sort_by function. I want to sort a list of parent model objects based on the children of the parent models. Normally you might say sortedList = modelList.sort_by { |model| model[''someAttribute''] } What I am tring to do is sortedList = modelList.sort_by{ |model| model.children.find(:first, order=>"price desc" ).price}
2009 Oct 04
Problem using ActiveRecord find with :joins and :select
Hi guys, When I do: temp = User.find(:all, :joins => "INNER JOIN contents ON users.agent_id =", :select => ",, users.u_date") temp.first.inspect It seems to work fine, but it only returns: #<User id: 6, u_date: "2009-10-03 19:32:23"> but not the information. I
2006 Mar 13
Displaying related entries by tags - HELP!
Ok, my site is setup like pretty much every other blog out there. A list of the most recent 5 posts, then by clicking one, you go to an individual post page, displaying the full context of that post. Now, what I would like to do is to display the related entries in the side column, which is part of the layout, based on the tags belonging to that specific entry. Here''s my coding so
2006 Feb 08
DRY methodology
because I am a grasshopper... Now that I can sort my ''list'' there a logical way of not repeating myself to having essentially the same list view with multiple sorts? i.e. def list_cl # ordered by clients last name @placement_pages, @placements = paginate( :placements, :include => [:client], :order_by =>
2006 Apr 04
Calling a method in another controller
Hi, I have three controllers. I have defined two controllers to goven the site functions. However I want to have a homepage Controller. Part of the controller will call methods from other controllers. For example it will get the last 5 blog posts and it will get the top 5 most discussed articles, and display it on the homepage. I will also have some specific homepage modules being
2006 May 14
searching on foreing keys
Hey all, I''m using a simple search function. It''s working great except for foreign keys. I have one table pets (id,name,owner_id) and another table people(id,name) owner_id being a foreign key of pet pointing to people name. here it is on the pet controller: @paginator, @pets= paginate(:pets, :conditions =>["name OR owner_id like
2007 Jan 25
React on select_tag (onchange)
Hi, I''m new in developint rails (but I love rails). I would like to react on changing a field in the view (no model field) from a selection box to show the number of rows (which I used in the controller). In the controller I read the params-hash: ... @rowsperpage = params[''rowsperpage''].to_i ... In the view I have the field, where I like to react directly. ...