similar to: + camping/session

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "+ camping/session"

2006 Aug 13
+ migrations in camping
Camping apps are supposed to be little independent apps, often contained in a single file, which create the database tables and manage them without hassle. These days it''s common to see in a Camping app: module Tepee::Models def self.schema(&block) @@schema = block if block_given? @@schema end end Tepee::Models.schema do create_table :tepee_pages,
2012 May 15
setting up the SQLite database
I know this isn''t Python, but I''d like to get a view on the ''one obvious'' way to set up an SQLite (or other) database and its location per-app. I''ve got a bit lost with the Camping 2 changes and various code snippets I have kicking around. 1. is it best to set up the DB creation/connection: 1.1 at the end of the app
2006 Jul 18
+ camping 1.4.138
Just up: gem install camping --source The changes: * Both bin/camping and Camping::FastCGI.serve now act according to the Camping Server specification.[1] * Docs are complete. _why [1]
2008 Jul 10
AR Sessions
Hi all, I have a little camping micro-blog that''s working well with the cookie session store, but falls over when I try to use the AR session store. The changes I made were: require ''camping/session'' becomes require ''camping/ar/session'' module Blog; include Camping::Session; end becomes module Blog; include Camping::ARSession; end and I did the
2008 May 21
Rack, Camping 2.0++
=== 1. Camping on Rack === I''ve just finished rewriting Camping to use Rack in the "core". I got rid of (a little less) than 1kB in camping.rb and removed lots of un-necessary files (lib/server/*.rb, fastcgi.rb & mongrel.rb). bin/camping does now only provide WEBrick, Mongrel and console-support and should only be used in development. It uses Rack::ShowExceptions to catch
2006 Jul 25
+ camping 1.4.140 -- apache+fastcgi, lighttpd+fastcgi
Okay, I have tested mounting several of my apps under Lighttpd and Apache, both running FastCGI. I''m going to explain the configuration, but first: update. gem install camping --source == Mounting Root for Lighttpd+FastCGI == server.port = 3045 server.bind = "" server.modules = (
2006 May 01
Mongrel, Ubuntu (Dapper) and Park Place
Hello. (This message is a followup of a previous request for help sent to the rails mailing list on the same subject.) I managed to compile [the native extensions for] mongrel on ubuntu based on some feedback I got from Zed on the rails mailing list, but still no joy in running parkplace ? The system seems working but I get no CSS rendered, and it seems I cannot send a file with a permission
2008 May 24
Camping 2.0 - What''s left?
I''ve just sent a pull-request to _why with my changes[1] and here is some things that I think needs to be done before a (possible) release: * The cookie session is named Camping::Session and is placed in camping/session.rb. Maybe this should be called Camping::CookieSession or??? * The ActiveRecord session is named Camping::ARSession and is placed in camping/ar/session.rb. Maybe it
2007 Jan 06
? camping apps in gems
So would you like this: $ wget $ camping junebug-0.0.18.gem Or should it be: $ gem install junebug $ touch junebug.gemcamp $ camping junebug.gemcamp _why
2006 Nov 29
Mongrel as Win32 service for a camping app?
As subject line, basically... describes how to install Service support for Mongrel on Win32. But it seems to be focussed on providing a way of running Rails apps. If it is possible at all, can you provide hints or refer to documentation that explains how to run apps that use other frameworks, like Camping, as Services please? Is it written up online,
2008 Jan 10
Keeping Camping going
Hello all, I''m not sure who Camping''s steward is at this point(zimbatm? _why?), but I haven''t seen much activity in quite some time. I really like Camping, and I understand open source projects can fall by the wayside. So, I''d be willing to take over maintenance and releasing. I have experience maintaining my own open source projects, and a history of
2006 Feb 10
! camping paid gigs
Oh, boy, this is great. Anyone here want to get paid for doing some camping work? Because O''Reilly is interested in doing a 20-30 page PDF on Camping. Please do it, guys. I won''t blab about how much it pays, but if it took you a couple days, you''d get back a hacka lot of moaney. Anyway, post your camping paid gigs, people. If we could have one guy in the world
2007 Jan 06
Camping Podcast
I''m putting together an episode of the Rails podcast that will be dedicated to Camping. I already have the first interview recorded. I''d like to get 3 or 4 more short interviews (short...maybe 4.096 minutes each). If you''d like instant fame, send me an email and tell me what camping project you would like to talk about, what your skype username is, and when is a good
2006 Nov 14
RESTful mixin, mixin repo?
Hi, I just put together a little mixin to provide pseudo-RESTful services in camping apps. Basically, it looks for a hidden _verb field in form posts, and sets the @method to the supplied value (e.g. put or delete - which browsers don''t support). This lets you define put and delete methods in your controllers. Groovy. Code: Is there any permanent repo of
2008 May 22
Camping-list Digest, Vol 23, Issue 8
Removed 25% of the framework? Gosh, I wish _why wasn''t so darn verbose... -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2006 Jul 25
[UHH] any blogs sprung from camping?
Hal Fulton has been e-mailing me about putting together a simple blogging package for Camping. Perhaps start with the blog in the examples and add a few things. Does anyone here want to collaborate with him? Or do any of you have your own works to offer? He''s mentioned he wants something with its own template syntax, but I think he could hack that in. _why
2006 Jul 28
multipart/form-data support for Camping Apache/FastCGI
sorry I broke it for mongrel, but the programmer who did the work for mongrel should not have much problem integrating the two I think. Apache/CGI is different and still will not work. I fuck around for a full day at the end of the day, I found Iowa another web framework and I try using their code but using was more confusing than anything, although it helped me
2006 Oct 05
+ camping and mongrel issues
I''ve been having some trouble with certain apps under Camping with Mongrel, particularly when lots of static files get served. So, I''ve borrowed some ideas from the RailsHandler and tightened up the Mongrel::Camping classes which come with Mongrel. If you''re having any troubles or want to test it out, update from Mongrel SVN and then `rake install`. It should produce
2006 Aug 15
Camping with Dr. Nic
Campers. Dr. Nic. The new migrations in Camping''s trunk are very nice. They also open the door (just an inch) to using Dr. Nic''s Magic Models with Camping. Here''s my stab at ''er: Run that against Camping trunk. Don''t forget to `sudo gem install dr_nic_magic_models`. The hackery is in
2007 Sep 23
Next camping release
Dear camping users, having been contacted by Julian Tarkhanov, I am willing to prepare the next camping release. _why has given me his friendly approval, with the reserve that camping.rb should be lower than 4k. He also told me that he wanted to remove the ActiveSupport and Markaby dependencies. I am writing here to get the users input so that I don''t do any mistake. So far, my plans