similar to: + evan weaver''s blog

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "+ evan weaver''s blog"

2008 Jan 10
Keeping Camping going
Hello all, I''m not sure who Camping''s steward is at this point(zimbatm? _why?), but I haven''t seen much activity in quite some time. I really like Camping, and I understand open source projects can fall by the wayside. So, I''d be willing to take over maintenance and releasing. I have experience maintaining my own open source projects, and a history of
2007 Sep 25
putting away HashWithIndifferentAccess
Hey, campineros. And many good handshakes to zimbatm for getting some patches applied. So, yeah, I''d really like to get rid of any serious dependancies with this 1.6 release. Anything that''s not in stdlib has to go. Of course, camping-omnibus will still assume the whole ActiveRecord, Markaby, Mongrel setup that''s in the history books. Metaid can be removed and
2007 Aug 08
Rv 3 released, with cluster support
Hey Campers, Ditch that pup-tent for Camping deployment. Maybe. Either way, drive around in Rv 3, newly released *right at this moment*. Rv A little init.d system for running Camping apps, for Linux. Features * cluster support * custom database configuration * interactive setup tasks * logging Full documentation and instructions at:
2006 Oct 03
! camping 1.5 + markaby 0.5
Not too different from their corresponding last releases, but documentation has been filled in for both. To upgrade: gem install camping --source And, here is a complete changelog: == Camping 1.5 * Camping::Apps stores an array of classes for all loaded apps. * bin/camping can be given a directory. Like: <tt>camping examples/</tt> * Console mode -- thank
2007 Sep 23
Next camping release
Dear camping users, having been contacted by Julian Tarkhanov, I am willing to prepare the next camping release. _why has given me his friendly approval, with the reserve that camping.rb should be lower than 4k. He also told me that he wanted to remove the ActiveSupport and Markaby dependencies. I am writing here to get the users input so that I don''t do any mistake. So far, my plans
2006 Jul 12
+ camping 1.4.123
And now: gem install camping --source I hope this will be the last development release before 1.5. * ActiveRecord no longer required or installed. * If you refer to Models::Base, however, ActiveRecord will be loaded with autoload. (see lib/camping/db.rb) * new Camping::FastCGI.serve which will serve a whole directory of apps (see TheCampingServer[1]) *
2007 Oct 08
Camping-list Digest, Vol 18, Issue 1
UNSUBSCRIBE On Oct 5, 2007, at 1:27 PM, camping-list-request at wrote: > Send Camping-list mailing list submissions to > camping-list at > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit > > or, via email, send a message with subject or body ''help'' to >
2008 Jun 03
I was having some issue getting the class variables in Camping::Session to work with some old apps, so I''ve changed @@state_secret to a method. module Blog include Camping::Session def state_secret; "kxxxx" end end Also, merged some of zimbatm''s patches. And trying to revive the Junebug wiki <> since it''s still
2006 Jul 06
+ camping 1.4.120
Okay, let''s see. gem install camping --source A bunch of great stuff. * Camping::Apps stores constants for all loaded apps. * bin/camping can be given a directory. [1] Like: camping examples/ * Console mode -- thank zimbatm. Use: camping -C yourapp.rb * Call controllers with Camping.method_missing. Tepee.get(:Index) #=> (Response)
2007 Oct 05
Cookie session handling?
Hi, I and a few folks on #camping thought it would be nice to have either cookie based or file based session handling. This would eliminate the need for creating a sessions table in the database (or a sequence), which feels too heavy for a lightweight framework like Camping anyway. Plus, we can more easily avoid nasty adapter errors. :) The general consensus was to create a separate
2006 Jul 25
[UHH] any blogs sprung from camping?
Hal Fulton has been e-mailing me about putting together a simple blogging package for Camping. Perhaps start with the blog in the examples and add a few things. Does anyone here want to collaborate with him? Or do any of you have your own works to offer? He''s mentioned he wants something with its own template syntax, but I think he could hack that in. _why
2006 Jul 27
more on file upload
well, so File upload seems to be only working under mongrel. I have not tried it, but Camping crash extracting the request parameters on both CGI and FastCGI. I''m looking at rails code for inspiration, but it''s a bit outside of my knowledge..... not sure what to do with a FCGI::Stream object ..... this is what rails do for CGI, I''m not sure if it works the same for
2008 May 21
Rack, Camping 2.0++
=== 1. Camping on Rack === I''ve just finished rewriting Camping to use Rack in the "core". I got rid of (a little less) than 1kB in camping.rb and removed lots of un-necessary files (lib/server/*.rb, fastcgi.rb & mongrel.rb). bin/camping does now only provide WEBrick, Mongrel and console-support and should only be used in development. It uses Rack::ShowExceptions to catch
2007 Mar 28
Pimpin'' a patch: moving the bin/camping logic to classes
Hello, Zimbatm suggested the best way to push a patch into camping was to take my case to the people. So here it is. If you want to jump straight to the patch: Goal: Move the logic in the camping command line launcher into several classes Why? In the next version of parasite ( I''d like to take over
2007 May 10
Camping and Threads!
Hey Everybody! I was wondering if/how Camping can process more than one request at once (i.e. not what Rails does). I''m fairly new to threads, and I bought a book, and read some of it, and dived into the Camping source... I found some thread stuff but I''m not... entirely sure. So I thought I would ask! RYan.
2006 Jul 17
Where are the balloons ?
Just for information, the Balloons site ( raises an Camping error. I tried to blow a balloon (''blow blow'') and the answer is "balloon not found". Seems that the MySQL server has crashed ! _why, will you get some time to fix this ( or is it due to temporary maintenance) ? BTW, Camping would be nice to develop a small ''rescue
2007 Oct 09
Camping and sessions proposal.
Hi Campers, from the discussions gathered around, the current Camping sessions don''t seem to be satisfying. ActiveRecord doesn''t seem to handle hashid as an identifier, plus it doesn''t seem to be fully consistent across the various RDBMS. On the other hand, the scope of the project does not permit to implement all kind of client persistence. Secure sessions with
2006 Oct 05
+ camping and mongrel issues
I''ve been having some trouble with certain apps under Camping with Mongrel, particularly when lots of static files get served. So, I''ve borrowed some ideas from the RailsHandler and tightened up the Mongrel::Camping classes which come with Mongrel. If you''re having any troubles or want to test it out, update from Mongrel SVN and then `rake install`. It should produce
2006 Nov 14
[UHH] any blogs sprung from camping?
Hello, I just joined the camping list. I was trolling the archives when I saw this: -- The biggest problem in Camping is authentication. This is a problem I propose to solve by providing an extension. That little bit of code uses the path to allow/disallow urls. That way it is unobstrusive. In the future I would also like to make an OpenID client and server for Camping. -- I was wondering if
2007 Apr 20
simply_helpful and edge
Does anyone have view specs running on edge with simply_helpful? I tried it seems that was written for pre-9 versions. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: