Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Concatenated key"
2006 Mar 13
HABTM: two habtm''s between the same two tables
Imagine I want to track people, and the clubs that they belong to.
table people with columns person_id, person_name
table clubs with columns club_id, club_name
And I have the association table:
table clubs_people with columns person_id, club_id
Now I know how to do this habtm between the two, in order to associate
people with clubs that they belong to.
However my application also needs a
2006 Jan 02
DB Modelling the Rails way - Opinions??
I''m trying to figure the most efficient way to model the following. I
can think of at least two ways to relate the tables but from a
client/server perspective! I''m wondering how to best (and
elegantly)relate them from an AR perspective.
A project has many people,
A person can work on many projects at any time,
A project has many roles,
A role is performed by a person,
2006 May 22
naming convention for bridge tables.
I read somewhere that the correct naming of bridge tables is in alpha order.
For example. I have two tables:
houses, and colors.
If I want to create a bridge table to associate colors with houses, I would
name the table:
The associations work fine.
But, if I have a table named: track_houses.
Building a bridge table called: colors_track_houses, gives me model
associaton errors.
2007 Sep 06
HABTM association with own class?
If I have a class, Asset, which has and belongs to many associated Asset
objects, how do I do this?
has_and_belongs_to_many :associated_assets, :class => "Asset",
:foreign_key => ?????, :association_foreign_key => ?????
Right now, my table has a :first_asset_id and a :second_asset_id, but I
don''t see how the objects themselves are supposed to distinguish one
from the
2006 Jul 25
join in legacy DB?
I''ve got a problem with some tables that don''t follow any RAILS
standards. how do I define the join in the model when all three tables
have wacky names?
class Machine < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table_name "tbl_CodeMgmt_Host"
set_primary_key "Id"
class Pool < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table_name "tbl_CodeMgmt_Pool"
2005 Dec 19
need some help designing my messaging system
I am trying to create a messaging system for my users but I''m having a
hard time designing my db. This is what i have in mind, but I am not
sure if its the best approach.
user has_one inbox
user has_one outbox
inbox has_many messages
outbox has_many messages
inbox table
outbox table
messages table
box_id (refers to either inbox or outbox - how?)
2006 Jun 26
has_many :through
first, the models:
class Listing < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :keyword_links
has_many :keywords, :through => :keyword_links, :conditions => "active =
class Keyword < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :keyword_links
has_many :listings, :through => :keyword_links, :conditions => "active =
class KeywordLink < ActiveRecord::Base
2006 May 11
ActiveRecord collection_select and has_and_belongs_to_many
Hello everyone, first post to the list and a relative newbie to Rails
development. Done quite a bit of JSP, PHP, HTML, XML etc and thought I would
kick the tires on Rails to see if it can speed up development for internal
applications. Anyway, I am running into a problem that is just driving me
crazy and everything I read on the net doesn''t seem to help. I was hoping
someone here might
2006 May 16
Problems with multiple ''id'' columns in a join_table
I have a problem declaring a relationship through a join_table ; the SQL
generated by ActiveRecord is correct, but there are two columns called
''id'', and the final object gets the ''wrong'' column ...
Here''s a more detailed description of the data, code, and problem :-
There''s a People table, with id, name, and a few things.
Also a
2006 Feb 27
2 belongs_to to the same parent table
I have 2 table: users and buddies
User: id, name, ...
Buddy: id, user_id, user_buddy_id, ...
So if you have 2 users 1,jack and 2,fred and fred is a buddy of jack,
there is a Buddy object: id=1, user_id=1, user_buddy_id=2
I can declare only one belongs_to in Buddy and one has_many in User. And
there is conflict if I had the second one (the first one is discarded)
class User
2006 Jan 21
n-way joins
I''m somewhat of a Rails newbie and am trying to understand how to
formulate n-way (3 or 4 way) joins in Rails (where the join tables
contain extra data as well.)
Let me give you my basic entities:
id - pk
name - unique
id - pk
name - unique
id - pk
name - unique
id - pk
name - unique
then i have two separate join tables:
foos_bars_bazs - 3 way join
2006 Apr 17
model.models.models or model.models.find(:first).models
I the following three models which all have has_and_belongs_to_many
# User <-> UserGroup <-> Permissions
class UserGroup < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :users, :join_table => "user_usergroup_join"
has_and_belongs_to_many :permissions, :join_table =>
"usergroup_permission_join", :uniq => true
I can do this:
permissions =
2006 Jan 06
Re: Some advice on DB modeling
I have more or less the same problem. I''m trying to build a system where
users can enter their friends. But the solutions seems not to work for me.
I used same sql:
CREATE TABLE `friends` (
`user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default ''0'',
`friend_id` int(11) NOT NULL default ''0'',
KEY `user_id` (`user_id`),
KEY `friend_id` (`friend_id`),
2005 Mar 07
Automatic timestamping in join tables [596]
A few days ago I submitted the following ticket
asking that ActiveRecord::Timestamp also apply for the join tables of
The answer was that it was left for milestone 1.x, and since I think
that without this functionality rails 1.0 would be incomplete, I''m
raising the issue here to discuss it.
My use case is very simple, I
2006 Feb 15
problem with saving id''s in a join table
I''am new to ROR and I have a problem.
I have to models "rights" and "roles" on a has_and_belongs_to_many
relationship, through "roles_rights" table. When I try to add a new role
although I put in my form fields for each right, a record is added to
table roles but none to roles_rights.
I am using Ruby 1.8.4 rails 1.0 mysql 5.0
here is my code:
2007 Jul 26
Bi-directional self-referential HABTM
I''m having a little trouble figuring out how to make a self-
referential HABTM bi-directional.
I have a Employee class. Each employee can have a couple of bosses,
who are also employees. The employee class has the following HABTM:
has_and_belongs_to_many :bosses, :class_name =>
"Employee", :join_table => "bosses_courses", :association_foreign_key
2008 Aug 29
Many to Many Relationship with One Model
Hey everyone,
I''m working on allow users to follow other users in my app so they can
receive updates to what all their friends are doing (like Facebook/
Twitter). I''m wondering on how the relationship would be for the
model. Sounds like a HABTM type of association, but how would I go
about doing it for only one model?
2006 Jan 11
Member.buddies.sort >> undefined method `<=>''
Hi all
I have a model Member that has a habtm relationship to buddies (also
Now I wanted to sort them using sort, but this ends in an error
"undefined method <=>"! Where''s the problem here? Sorry, I''m still
beginning to learn Ruby. ;-)
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Feb 21
HABTM :insert_sql help
Hi all,
I''m working with a legacy sqlserver db and I''m trying to override the
insert sql in as defined in the HABTM method below(becasue the join
has three primary keys), but I''m getting the error: ''undefined local
variable or method `record'' for Project:Class''
has_and_belongs_to_many :people,
:class => ''Person'',
2006 Mar 20
AHHHhhhhh... has_and_belongs_to_many, that is going on?
I don''t have a class by the name of "ReviewersScoreCard", yet my many to
many configuration looks as follows. And, these errors while running some
simple test with ./script/console is giving me a headache:
Loading development environment.
>> r = Reviewer.find_first
=> #<Reviewer:0x19d0a48 @attributes={"id"=>"1",