Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "New user group in Switzerland - Lausanne"
2012 Jul 10
A position of Bioinformatician is available at Sophia Genetics (Lausanne, Switzerland).
Please do NOT contact me for this post. Please see below for contact details.
The company offers solutions for the secure storage and analysis of patient genome sequence information to enable its effective, confidential application to personalized healthcare. The jobholder will be involved in clinical next generation sequence (NGS) data analysis pipeline development. The candidates will be
2006 Apr 27
mysql lost connection
I''m lost and my mysql connection as well... I got this
error in my production.log:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: Lost connection to MySQL
server during query: SET NAMES ''utf8''):
Debian Sarge (last updated), Rails 1.1.2, Webrick,
mysqld Ver 4.1.11-Debian_4sarge2 for pc-linux-gnu on i386
apache2 with mod_rewrite and webrick as proxy on 8080.
2008 Mar 15
Naissance de fr.centos.org / Birth of fr.centos.org
(For non native french speakers : that will be my only announce here in
another language than english ;-) )
Le projet CentOS est heureux de vous annoncer la naissance du site
http://fr.centos.org .
En r?ponse ? la demande croissante de la communaut? des utilisateurs
francophones de CentOS, le forum fr.centos.org a vu le jour.
Nous profitons de cette annonce pour relancer l'appel aux
2007 Dec 28
How can I change the language back to english?
I have reset my windows and re-installed R (I explicitly asked for english)
and although the windows XP version is in english I am having R display in
french. like:
"R est un logiciel libre livr? sans AUCUNE GARANTIE.
Vous pouvez le redistribuer sous certaines conditions.
Tapez 'license()' ou 'licence()' pour plus de d?tails.
R est un projet collaboratif avec de nombreux
2012 Jul 18
Can not get my Eicon Diva running with Asterisk...
Hi Guys,
asterisk drive me crazy!
Now I have tried to use FreePBX but it require MySQL which I can not
install du to a conflict with PostgreSQL.
Does someone know, how to configure FreePBX to use PostgreSQL?
Or does someone know another Asterisk Web-Frontend, without Database?
It is realy not funny, to force users to install this monster on an ARM
I need only enterprise
2010 May 11
R 2.11 on Ubuntu 9.10 does not complain abt unexisting objects
I recently updated to R 2.11 and see a strange problem. When run into
the console, R does not warn when calling an unexisting object, see
below. I don't know if this is related, but I am not able to run the R
CMD BATCH properly... Did someone see a similar problem? Which
information can I provide more on this problem?
Thanks for help!
R version 2.11.0 (2010-04-22)
2002 Nov 25
GraspeR - functions and GUI for spatial predictions written for R
I would like to announce the first version of GraspeR. It is a port of GRASP (Generalized Regression Analysis and Spatial Predictions) written for S-Plus, to R. It serves as an "automated" method for doing spatial predictions. You can find the first testing version at http://www.fivaz.ch/grasper/index.html. For now, I provide a dump file you can read with source(). A UNIX package is
2024 May 15
NOUVEAU, 2 projets immobiliers neufs aux portes du Golfe du Morbihan, proposés par IFI Promotion & Aménagement
aux portes du Golfe du Morbihan
Appartements neufs
**du 2 au 3 pi?ces**
Seulement 17 appartements
Proche de toutes commodit?s?
Belles expositions
Grandes terrasses
2024 May 22
2 nouveaux lieux de vie à ne pas manquer
aux portes du Golfe du Morbihan
Appartements neufs
**du 2 au 3 pi?ces**
Seulement 17 appartements
Proche de toutes commodit?s?
Belles expositions
Grandes terrasses
2024 Jun 04
2 opportunités d'achat dans le Morbihan
aux portes du Golfe du Morbihan
Appartements neufs
**du 2 au 3 pi?ces**
Seulement 17 appartements
Proche de toutes commodit?s?
Belles expositions
Grandes terrasses
2024 Jun 07
2 opportunités d'investir à Vannes
aux portes du Golfe du Morbihan
Appartements neufs
**du 2 au 4 pi?ces**
? seulement 5 minutes de Vannes
R?sidence intimiste de 11 appartements
Tout faire ? pied
2006 Jan 31
Announce: Contributed Documentation
[Version fran??aise plus bas]
To the R community,
A quick word to announce the publication of my document "Introduction
?? la programmation en S". It is available in the French section of the
Contributed Documentation page of CRAN.
Many of the documents or books currently available on S-Plus and/or R
present the software in a statistical analysis context. My document
rather focuses
2009 Nov 17
Problem loading fAssets.
I'm using the fAssets package from the Debian distribution. I've been
experiencing the following behaviour:
> yziquel at seldon:~$ R
> R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24)
> Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
> ISBN 3-900051-07-0
> R est un logiciel libre livr? sans AUCUNE GARANTIE.
> Vous pouvez le redistribuer sous certaines
2008 May 17
Job offer in France : FreeBSD administrator
This job offer comes from "Computer Futures" an french provider of
recruitment services to the IT industry. I receive this email this week
from one of the recruiters.
This job is based in France, not so far from Paris; I post here the
offer in french.
Marianne Cohen
Computer Futures Solutions - France
40 Rue De La Boetie, 75008 Paris
Phone 0033
2006 Mar 28
Error once having applied (PR#8718)
Hi, people. Here is a transcript of a "R --vanilla" session:
R : Copyright 2005, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Version 2.2.1 (2005-12-20 r36812)
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
R est un logiciel libre livr?? sans AUCUNE GARANTIE.
Vous pouvez le redistribuer sous certaines conditions.
Tapez 'license()'
2007 Sep 10
I can't do it again on an other PC : R+RMySQL ->error loading dll
Some weeks ago, thanks to you, I managed to install R, to connect to a local
MySQL Database and to launch some queries with a script written with Tinn-R.
My script is now ok and would like to test it with the "real" database.
I did the same installation of R, DBI package and RMySQL package I did on my
PC (I wrote everything I did in order to make it easy ...) but when I type
2002 Nov 06
Combo Box Wdget for Tcl/Tk under R
I have two questions:
First, does anyone know how to put a combobox inside a GUI made with Tcl/Tk ? I think there isn't a simple way to do this (a command like tkcombobox()!), but is it possible to write a more complex code to achieve this ?
Second, when I put two listboxes in the same window or frame (even in two different toplevel windows), I cannot select things in the two lists
2002 Nov 13
Comparing GAM objects using ANOVA
Is it possible to compare two GAM objects created with the gam() function from the mgcv package. I use a slightly modified version of anova.glm() named anova.gam(), modified from John Fox (2002). It often gives me some aberant responses, especially with "F" test. I use a quasibinomial model and scale (dispersion) is calculated and used in the calculation of the F value. Does someone
2008 Mar 08
Installing odesolve package of R under Ubuntu (Debian) Linux
Je cherche à installer le package odesolve du logiciel de statistique R sous
Ubuntu Linux.
C'est un package qui contient des fonctions appelant du code en Fortran.
A l'installation sous R via le shell, j'obtiens l'erreur suivante:
I tried to install odesolve package of R under Ubuntu Linux.
But I got the following error:
ghislain@ghislain-laptop:~$ sudo R
2006 Apr 04
[SUISSE] Utilisateurs Ruby on Rails région Lausanne
Je trouverais enrichissant de pouvoir rencontrer quelques utilisateurs
de RoR dans la r?gion pour ?changer des bonnes id?es, se faire des
critiques sur les choses ? faire, ? ne pas faire, se donner quelques
coups de main...
Si vous habitez dans la r?gion et ?tes int?ress? par une telle
proposition, merci de m''envoyer un email ? gaspard AROBASE teti POINT
ch. Je me chargerai de