Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "what is the best way to hook up my drives"
2009 Dec 23
Moving a pool from FreeBSD 8.0 to opensolaris
I was wondering what the best method of moving a pool from FreeBSD 8.0 to
OpenSolaris is.
When i originally built my system, it was using hardware which wouldn''t work
in opensolairs, but i''m about to do an upgrade so i should be able to use
Opensolaris when i''m done.
My current system uses a Highpoint RocketRaid 2340. It has 12 1TB hard
drives an intel core2 quad
2010 Dec 17
Supermicro AOC-SAT2-MV8 and 1TB Seagate Barracuda ES.2
Hi all,
I''m getting a very strange problem with a recent OpenSolaris b134 install.
System is:
Supermicro X5DP8-G2 BIOS 1.6a
2x Supermicro AOC-SAT2-MV8 1.0b
11 Seagate Barracuda 1TB ES.2 ST31000340NS drives
If I have any of the 11 1TB Seagate drives plugged into the controller,
the AOC-SAT2-MV8 BIOS appears to detect them just fine, but I get the
following problems:
1. Grub takes a
2009 Jul 10
SMART problems with AOC-SAT2-MV8 / marvell88sx driver
I''ve been trying to get either smartctl or sg3_utils to report properly.
They both have the same low-level problems which leads me to suspect
either I''m doing something wrong OR there is a problem in the
marvell88sx / sd / SATA etc framework.
I can access drive name/serial number of all drives on the SAT2 card
and the temperature is returned from the IE log page on my two
2007 Oct 22
ZFS SATA Hotswap Autoreplace
I am trying to test a new setup of NV74. I have set up the system with ZFS boot. Everything works fine until I pull a drive. The system locks up when I try to run any command e.g. zpool status. There is no communication with the server from then on. It does not even respond to pings.
Setup -
Supermicro SC836TQ-R800 Chassis
Supermicro X7DB8 Motherboard
Supermicro SAT2-MV8 SATA controller
2018 Jun 13
Samba 4.8 RODC not working
Hi Rowland,
Same, as said; winbind isn't started :-)
[root at dmzrodc ~]# ps ax | egrep "ntp|bind|named|samba|?mbd"
650 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd -u ntp:ntp -g
1205 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/samba -D
1225 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/samba -D
1226 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/samba -D
1227 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/samba -D
1228 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/samba -D
1229 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/samba -D
1230 ? S 0:00
2007 Nov 10
Best hardware
Hi all,
I am currently planning a new home file server on a gigabit network that will be utilizing ZFS (on SXDE). The files will be shared via samba as I have a mixed OS environment. The controller card I will be using is the SuperMicro SAT2-MV8 133MHz PCI-X card. I have two options for CPUs/motherboards:
AMD Athlon64 3000+ (64 bit)
DFI LanParty UT 250gb (NForce 3 based) motherboard
32 bit
2008 Nov 09
Fully supported 12-port SATA cards?
I am helping a friend who is build a storage server for his company
and I have advocated for Solaris and ZFS.
But now we are having trouble to find any good SATA controller for
12+ disks, there are Areca cards, but they seems very flaky (24 port
support, but hangs with more than 12 in JBOD mode, hangs on disk
failures etc).
The AOC-SAT2-MV8,AOC-USAS-L8i have been mentioned, but it had
2007 Oct 22
[storage-discuss] SATA Hotswap
Jeff Creek wrote:
> I posted this in ZFS-Discuss. Eric Schrock suggested I ask in this forum.
> I am trying to test a new setup of NV74. I have set up the system with ZFS boot. Everything works fine until I pull a drive. The system locks up when I try to run any command e.g. zpool status. There is no communication with the server from then on. It does not even respond to pings.
2018 Jun 13
Samba 4.8 RODC not working
Hi Louis, Hi Rowland,
I will respond to both in this mail.
Yes winbind is installed :
[root at dmzrodc ~]# which winbindd
[root at dmzrodc ~]# rpm -qa |grep winbind
I know about *mbd processes. so strange.. This is why I'm posting here :-)
I joined the RODC following the procedure available on the wiki page
2002 Mar 09
smbd running multiple times
Dear "someone who can help",
I am having a problem with SAMBA and SWAT (although
I'm not sure SWAT is part of the problem...) I get
two instances of "smbd" when ever it is started on
this system. From SWAT I can only stop it ONE time.
After that, each time I attempt to stop the SMBD
daemon from SWAT it simply starts TWO more instances
of the daemon (or something
2018 Jun 13
Samba 4.8 RODC not working
 If its really urgent then u would really suggest, invest in samba a bit and pay them to get this working.
Thats what sernet can do for you. Get commercial support.
Im pretty much out of options, execpt upgrade to 4.8 and try it again.
Van: Gaetan SLONGO [mailto:gslongo at it-optics.com]
Verzonden: woensdag 13 juni 2018 10:40
Aan: Rowland Penny; L.P.H. van Belle
2018 Jun 13
Samba 4.8 RODC not working
On Wed, 13 Jun 2018 09:46:03 +0200 (CEST)
Gaetan SLONGO <gslongo at it-optics.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Here is the current process list. We can see missing winbind and *mbd
> processes :
> [root at dmzrodc ~]# netstat -plaunt | egrep "ntp|bind|named|samba|?mbd"
I wouldn't worry about 'winbind' not being in the output of the above
2007 Nov 02
Force SATA1 on AOC-SAT2-MV8
I have a supermicro AOC-SAT2-MV8 and am having some issues getting drives to work. From what I can tell, my cables are to long to use with SATA2. I got some drives to work by jumpering them down to sata1, but other drives I can''t jumper without opening the case and voiding the drive warranty. Does anyone know if there is a system setting to drop it back to SATA1? I use zfs on a raid2 if
2000 Feb 29
Session request failed: SMB error
Hello all,
I receive some errors which I cannot explain :
Hopefully there's someone who can help me.
When I type: "smbclient -L"
I get:
Session Request to failed (code 0)
Session Request to 10 failed (code 0)
Session Request to *SMBSERVER failed (code 0)
What does code 0 mean?
Log.smb shows problems with socket-options:
But I haven't changed these
2010 Sep 02
Strange Data Problems with legacy dbf tables.
I sent the following to the Opensuse Forum, but I might find
better expertise directly with Samba with no intent to duplicate
the request.
> Since upgrading to 11.3 I have noticed a number of strange problems
> accessing or manipulating Foxpro DOS tables.
> This is of course a Samba Issue.
> I see a lot of issues with 11.3, I can't even operate an ssh login
> to run yast
2008 Apr 30
smb.conf advise
I support a number of small systems that run my Foxpro (DBF Files)
Application (Program and Data on the Server).
These system are primarily OpenSuSE 10.3 and the only have two
purposes in life...
First, they are a Samba Server
Second, Backup and Restore.
That's it. The Server is behind a Router.
All Clients are WXPP SP2/3
With that in mind I'd like to optimize the smb.conf
and per the
2018 May 31
Samba 4.8 RODC not working
Yes, but with or without internal dns server, the command is missing ports.
netstat -plaunt | egrep "ntp|bind|named|samba|?mbd"
And do note here that i used the "bind" for bind and winBIND detection.
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: samba [mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org] Namens
> Rowland Penny via samba
> Verzonden:
2018 Jun 13
Samba 4.8 RODC not working
Here is the current process list. We can see missing winbind and *mbd processes :
[root at dmzrodc ~]# netstat -plaunt | egrep "ntp|bind|named|samba|?mbd"
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1229/samba
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1226/samba
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1226/samba
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1226/samba
tcp 0 0
2018 Jun 13
Samba 4.8 RODC not working
Not sure sernet can help. It really looks like a samba issue to me..?
Just found this in logs when starting the RODC :
[2018/06/13 10:59:11.546077, 3, pid=12673, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0)] ../lib/util/util_runcmd.c:291(samba_runcmd_io_handler)
samba_runcmd_io_handler: Child /usr/sbin/winbindd exited 1
[2018/06/13 10:59:11.546131, 0, pid=12673, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0)]
2019 Nov 16
Newby questions about using samba
On 16/11/2019 18:47, William Lugg via samba wrote:
> OK, here's the result of ps ax:
> ?1324 ???????? Ss???? 0:00 /usr/sbin/nmbd --foreground --no-process-group
> ?1348 ???????? Ss???? 0:00 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group
> ?1351 ???????? S????? 0:00 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group
> ?1352 ???????? S????? 0:00 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground