similar to: summarize: A log analysis script

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80 matches similar to: "summarize: A log analysis script"

2006 Feb 07
Render Time, Search Time
Hi Folks! goofing around, i foun in lighttpd console, a line showing how much time it takes to render it, and how much to search in the database, ... hmm, that i guess will be interesting to show in the footer''s page. So, searching around, the only way I found it about showing is to get the "start time" in some initialize method, and the, in the view, get something
2007 Apr 23
request logging: around_filters can't see error responses!
Hello, I want to emit a structured log entry (in YAML) for every request that hits my Rails app. For example, an entry in this log would look something like: --- SYSTEM_TIME: 0.0166666666666667 USER_TIME: 0.0999999999999996 DB_TIME: 0.00247621536254883 REAL_TIME: 0.091976 STATUS_CODE: 500 SESSION_ID: 64ad46a8841c66bbf64e93335cedc50d REQUEST_ID: 32d6a42f-da58-43e2-ab27-09d3e2a775cb
2018 Jan 24
Function gutenberg_download in the gutenbergr package
I've been working through wherein everything worked until I got to this part in section 1.5 > hgwells <- gutenberg_download(c(35, 36, 5230, 159)) Determining mirror for Project Gutenberg from Error in open.connection(con, "rb") : Failed to connect to port 80: Connection
2012 Sep 18
creating graphs using Rook
hi, I m said to display graph in browser using Rook. So i found a code i.e library(Rook) # for web functionality library(ggplot2) # for graphing library(tseries) # used to grab time series from yahoo for stock symbols library(plyr) # data tweaks PIC.DIR = paste(getwd(), 'pic', sep='/') # define the web page form newapp = function(env) { req =
2009 Aug 27
Setting @request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] in an integration test
Hi. I would like to set @request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] in an integration test, but due to its nature, I would naturally set this value to the previousle request url. How do I do that. Thanks. Jarl
2012 Aug 22
Error in if (n > 0)
I've searched the Web with Google and do not find what might cause this particular error from an invocation of cenboxplot: cenboxplot(cu.t$quant, cu.t$ceneq1, cu.t$era, range=1.5, main='Total Recoverable Copper', ylab='Concentration (mg/L)', xlab='Time Period') Error in if (n > 0) (1L:n - a)/(n + 1 - 2 * a) else numeric() : argument is of length zero I do
2018 Jan 02
httr::content without message
Thanks to all that replied. I had just looked through the httr code and sure enough for a .csv mime time it calls readr::read_csv(). The httr::content docs suggest not using automatic parsing in a package, rather to determine mime type and parse yourself and Ben's suggestion also works if I do: junk <- readr::read_csv(r1$content, col_types = cols()) Perfect. Using httr rather than
2003 May 20
intermittent failure of ability to connect to samba share from win (NT/2k) client
First, my installation is samba 2.2.8 running as a daemon (not inetd) on Solaris 8 configured to use a WINS server and provide authentication via a PDC (same host as WINS server). I do have an lmhosts file in the samba /lib directory with the PDC/WINS server address in it. My globals section; [global] workgroup = WORKGROUP netbios name = SAMBASERVER security =
2014 Nov 13
Help with ddply/summarize
I have a straightforward application of ddply() and summarize(): ddply(MyFrame, .(Treatment, Week), summarize, MeanValue=mean(MyVar)) This works just fine: Treatment Week MeanValue 1 MyDrug BASELINE 5.91 2 MyDrug WEEK 1 4.68 3 MyDrug WEEK 2 4.08 4 MyDrug WEEK 3 3.67 5 MyDrug WEEK 4 2.96 6 MyDrug WEEK 5 2.57 7 MyDrug
2014 Nov 21
dplyr/summarize does not create a true data frame
I got an error when trying to extract a 1-column subset of a data frame (called "my.output") created by dplyr/summarize. The ncol() function says that my.output has 4 columns, but "my.output[4]" fails. Note that converting my.output using makes for a happy ending. Is this the intended behavior of dplyr? Tx, John > library(dplyr) > # set up data frame
2004 Jul 13
Is there a statistics that can summarize the correlation formore than two random variables?
This seems more like a STATS question than an R question - asking on a list like STAT-L or ALLSTAT may result in more replies Nevertheless, it seems to me that you need to describe (and maybe decide) what you mean by 'summarize' the correlations. Certainly the mean DOES summarize them, but is it the summary you want? Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps the median? Or a trimmed mean? Do you want
2006 Apr 19
Hmisc + summarize + quantile: Why only quantiles for first variable in data frame?
Hi, I'm working on a data set that contains a couple of factors and a number of dependent variables. From all of these dependent variables I would like to calculate mean, standard deviation and quantiles. With the function FUN I get all the means and stdev that I want but quantiles are only calculated for the first of the dependent variables (column 8 in the summarize command). What do I
2009 Mar 31
summarize logical string
Hello everyone, I am a newbie, working on a gene clustering problem, and I have problems in summarizing a logical string into number of repeats of each value. In other words, how could I obtain from 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 this: 1 3 4 2 1 1 2 so a string that gives me the number of repeated values, no matter zeros or ones. I've been diving in the manuals and the mailing list but,
2009 Apr 24
By= levels with the Hmisc summarize function.
Hi, All I have a data frame as follows: > attach(mf) > names(mf) [1] "centre" "complex" "appl" "pool" "month" "alloc_gb" I want to summarize this as follows: agg<-summarize(alloc_gb,by=llist(centre,complex,appl,month),FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE) That seems to run fine but there something odd about the output. The
2010 Apr 13
Hmisc::summarize with a dataframe as input?
Hi all, I'm looking for a function with the same functionalities as Hmisc::summarize but accepting a dataframe as input (not just a vector or a matrix). I'd like to compute the correlation between two variables in my dataframe, grouped according to other variables in the same dataframe. For exemple, consider the following dataframe D: V1 V2 V3 A 1 -1 A 1 1 A -1 -1
2012 Aug 10
summarize a vector
I have a long numeric vector v (length N) and I want create a shorter vector of length N/k consisting of sums of k-subsequences of v: v <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) N=10, k=3 ===> [6,15,24,10] I can, of course, iterate: > w <- vector(mode="numeric",length=ceiling(N/k)) > for (i in 1:length(w)) w[i] <- sum(v(i*k:(i+1)*k)) (modulo boundary conditions) but I wonder if
2024 Nov 23
dplyr summarize by groups
# Get mean, min, max sigma and skew by group options (digits = 3) library (ISwR data(energy) data %>% group_by(stature) %>% summarize( Mean = mean(expend), Min = min(expend), Max = max(expend), Sigma = sd(expend), Skew = skew(expend)) # Output stature Mean Min Max Sigma Skew <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> 1
2003 May 23
intermittent failure of ability to connect to samba share from win (NT/2k) client]]
I am not sure if your problem is similar to what we have just experienced. we are using samba 2.2.3a-12.3 on debian with winxp sp1 clients we are using roaming profiles first logon after reboot fails sortof Windows cannot find a server copy of roaming profile will logon with local profile funny thing we never saw any activity in hostname.log (seperate smb.log for each machine) smbstatus showed
2009 Jun 13
Hmisc summarize() with level "" in by variable
I was using summarize() in a data set in which one of the levels of the by variable was "". The summary statistic was consistently off by one level and the "" level was not in the output data frame. I tried to report it as a bug, but I could not log into the Hmisc bug reporting website to do so. I searched for this in the email archives. If it's there, I failed to find
2004 Jul 13
Is there a statistics that can summarize the correlation for more than two random variables?
Hi, R people, I wonder if there is a statistics than can measure the correlation for more than two random variables, instead of computing the correlation coefficient matrix. If so, what R package should I use? Right now I can only think of the mean of all pair-wise correlation coefficients, e.g., (corr(x,y) + corr(x,z) + corr(y,z)) / 3 for three random variables (x, y, z). Thanks a