Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "textarea fails on rows attribute"
2007 Sep 27
Camping and ruby2ruby
Hi everybody,
I would like to use ruby2ruby in a caming project, but there seems to
be an incompatibility with camping, ruby2ruby and markaby.
Unfortunately I receive strange Markaby::InvalidXhtmlErrors.
To demonstrate, that only combination of all three components causes
the problem I added the following code. I relies on Markaby and
ruby2ruby only and works fine (a.k.a. as expected).
2006 Jan 19
TIP: Using field_error_proc to add style attributes to form elements
I just put this up on the wiki, and thought I''d share in case it''s
useful to anyone else. This is handy if you don?t want to wrap your
input elements inside a div when an error occurs, but instead want to
add some sort of CSS style to fields with errors:
ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = Proc.new do |html_tag, instance|
msg = instance.error_message
error_style =
2007 Jul 11
Extending Markaby for SVG
Hi all,
I love the elegance of Markaby for HTML generation. I''d like to do
something similar for SVG, e.g.:
svg11 do
title "Slide Title"
stroke:black", :transform=>"translate(17,-38)"}) do
circle({:cx=>70, :cy=>100,
2007 Sep 23
Next camping release
Dear camping users,
having been contacted by Julian Tarkhanov, I am willing to prepare the
next camping release. _why has given me his friendly approval, with
the reserve that camping.rb should be lower than 4k. He also told me
that he wanted to remove the ActiveSupport and Markaby dependencies.
I am writing here to get the users input so that I don''t do any
mistake. So far, my plans
2007 May 03
How to create a drop-down list with Markaby?
I couldn''t figure out, how to create a drop-down list with Markaby. How
would I create something like this:
<select name="character">
<option value="marvin">Marvin the paranoid Android</option>
<option value="arthur">Arthur Dent</option>
<option value="zaphod">Zaphod
2006 Aug 24
Mousehole stuff
Hey everyone,
I''m using mousehole for the first time today (love the artwork, btw) and I
seem to be having problems with Camping and Markaby. When I go to the Apps
page I get:
Camping Problem! MouseHole::Controllers::RApps.GET TypeError
/Users/tzaharia/Sites/mouseHole/lib/mouseHole/views.rb:78:in `+'': can''t
convert String into Array:bla bla bla...
The line in question
2007 May 07
Module Madness
I''m wanted to make a "global" module that I could include in my
application for some shared code between them. I''ve been making
several camping apps and wanted them all to share a helper/partial
that contained the navigation.
I ran into a lot of difficulty when trying to include it, the primary
problem being "methodUndefined" errors. I did finally get it to
2006 May 31
Camping and Builder and XML
I have built a simple Camping application which indexes an ODBC
datasource using Ferret on startup, then accepts search strings and
renders the resulting hit list in HTML, and it works quite nicely.
The next step was to alternately render the list in XML for consumption
by another application. In Rails, I would simply use Builder in the view
to get the job done, and so I did the same in
2007 Sep 25
putting away HashWithIndifferentAccess
Hey, campineros. And many good handshakes to zimbatm for getting
some patches applied.
So, yeah, I''d really like to get rid of any serious dependancies with
this 1.6 release. Anything that''s not in stdlib has to go. Of course,
camping-omnibus will still assume the whole ActiveRecord, Markaby,
Mongrel setup that''s in the history books.
Metaid can be removed and
2006 Nov 03
[OT] Markaby trunk and Rails ivars
Can someone explain the new Markaby syntax to me? I''m using Markaby
as a Rails plugin, fetched from the trunk.
I''m losing my instance variables somehow (@thing is always nil):
class ThingsController < ApplicationController
def index
@thing = "Bacon of the chunky variety"
# app/views/index.mab
h1 { "You should see a thing here:" }
p {
2007 May 18
TentSteak First Release
Hey all,
I just pushed out the inaugural release of TentSteak 0.1.0, a set of
Camping/Markaby helpers to minimize the busywork in your views (or
was that the "viewwork in your busies"?). It includes lotsa HTML
form and table helpers, plus a little bootstrapper to make it easy to
load in shared helper modules of your own.
Please check it out and let me know what you think.
2006 Apr 25
markaby or erb?
We''re embarking on a new dev project, and I''m curious....why would one
choose markaby over erb? I for one am no fan of the erb syntax, but
aside from that it''s similar to other technologies I''ve used in the
past: PHP, JSP, ASP, etc.
Why would one choose markaby over erb? What are the benefits? What are
the drawbacks? Is there anything remarkable
2006 Jun 13
What''s the current status of Markaby? I''ve played with it a bit and
love it and am considering using it for a large project I''m starting.
If you''ve used it, I''d love to hear your comments!
2007 Nov 06
help on helper module inclusion/extension
I want to include helper methods included to my Camping App from by
requiring an external file but I can''t seem to include helpers from
another module.
module CampingHelpers
def self.included(base)
base::Helpers.send(:include, Helpers)
module Helpers
def show_test
p "test"
Camping.goes :CampingApp
2006 Jul 18
+ camping 1.4.138
Just up:
gem install camping --source code.whytheluckystiff.net
The changes:
* Both bin/camping and Camping::FastCGI.serve now act according to the
Camping Server specification.[1]
* Docs are complete.
[1] https://code.whytheluckystiff.net/camping/wiki/TheCampingServer
2006 Jul 28
multipart/form-data support for Camping Apache/FastCGI
sorry I broke it for mongrel, but the programmer who did the work for
mongrel should not have much problem integrating the two I think. Apache/CGI
is different and still will not work.
I fuck around for a full day at the end of the day, I found Iowa another web
framework and I try using their code
but using Iowa::Request.new.read_multipart was more confusing than anything,
although it helped me
2007 Jan 10
Dream Ledger
Hello Fellow Campers,
I''m feeling crazy tonight and thought I''d go ahead and announce my new
little project riding on the Camping framework: Dream Ledger
The app was written to scratch a personal itch, which is the simple
fact that I wanted an easy way to record my nightly dreams and sleep
experiences. Think about it as ''dream
2008 May 11
Latest rb_win32_select patch
Hi Park,
I tried your latest patch and ran the sample code:
readPipe, writePipe = IO.pipe
t = Thread.new{
sleep 5
while true
sleep 0.1
puts "got #{readPipe.readline.length} bytes"
i = 1
while true
i += 1
sleep 1
puts "hello from main"
if i > 3
writePipe.puts "a"*2048
At the console I typed the
2006 Jul 15
camping - inspiring new way to write applications
hi all,
curious about your input on this latest design experience i''ve had
with camping.
none of that developing a traditional html ui, a ruby backend, and
ajax-ifying the application after being built.
- i started straight off with a camping-based json api (for the model).
- next step was writing the controller in pure js - no dom interactions here.
- then finishing off with a view
2009 Aug 02
win32-security, 1.9.x, encoding issue?
Windows Vista Home Premium
ruby 1.9.2dev (2009-07-18 trunk 24186) [i386-mswin32_90]
I noticed there was an ordinal bug in win32-security and Ruby 1.9.x. I fixed
those easily enough, but now we''re left with this:
1) Error:
ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII