Yeah, this is my fault - sorry for the breakage :)
p { thing } should work just fine now (as of r91).
The idea behind these recent changes is to keep instance variables for
own purposes, and force everything else coming in from outside (i.e.
to go through method_missing. The code is a bit cleaner as a result.
Any objections to the new style?
On 03/11/06, Geoffrey Grosenbach <boss at>
wrote:> Can someone explain the new Markaby syntax to me? I''m using
> as a Rails plugin, fetched from the trunk.
> I''m losing my instance variables somehow (@thing is always nil):
> class ThingsController < ApplicationController
> def index
> @thing = "Bacon of the chunky variety"
> end
> end
> # app/views/index.mab
> h1 { "You should see a thing here:" }
> p { @thing }
> And I get a NoMethodError when trying to get at it with the thing()
> method, as mentioned in the README.
> I can, however, get to the instance variable like this:
> @thing = @helpers.controller.assigns[''thing'']
> What am I doing wrong?
> Geoff
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