similar to: has_many validation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80000 matches similar to: "has_many validation"

2006 Feb 17
validate() with has_many association
I''m creating a simple portfolio site for a painter. I have a painting and an image model with following relationship: Painting has_many :images Image belongs_to :painting On the edit screen the user can edit the Painting data as well as upload pictures for a thumbnails and full size image. The Image model extracts filename, width, and height from the uploaded file, saves those
2008 Apr 11
Validating an ActiveRecord object and its has_many :through associations
Considering an object with several has_many :through => associations, what is the ''best'' way to handle validations? As an example: class Student < ActiveRecord::Base # some attrbutes like # :name # :grade # relationships has_many :students_assignment, :dependent => :destroy has_many :assignments, :through => :students_assignment has_many
2006 Apr 11
Validations and has_many :through (Join Models)
Hello again: I''m hoping that somebody, anybody, can help with this question. How do I make sure that records in a join model are unique? Using the scenario outlined in Chad Fowler''s "Rails Recipies", number 16, "Many to Many Relationships Where the Relationship Iteself Has Data". Here are the tables: create_table :magazines do |t| t.column :title,
2006 Jul 11
checkboxes with a has_many :through relation
All, I''m populating a view with checkboxes in a list. I want to be able to assign to my has_many relationship using the post values of these checkboxes. Essentially, I want to populate the relationship table which will create the correct join values in my model. Here is my check_box_tag code: <%= check_box_tag("@current_job[target_list_ids][]",
2010 Jan 08
problem using build with has_many :through relationship
Hello all, I''m having problems creating a new record with has_many :through My application is quite complicated so I''ll try to explain it as easy as I can. I have a many to many relationship with Projects, IRBs and Reviews. Where reviews is the joined model. In the new project view, I have a link (add IRB). This will add an a list of IRBs to the new project form. I have visited
2006 Jul 02
prevent duplicate inserts with has_many :through ??
Does anyone have an efficient/elegant way to prevent duplicate inserts when using a has_many :through relationship. So I have something like this: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :favorite_teams has_many :teams, :through => :favorite_teams end class FavoriteTeams < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user belongs_to :team end class Teams < ActiveRecord::Base has_many
2006 Aug 09
has_many through delete issue
I have the following many-to-many relationships defined in my model code to model a many to many relationship between Media and PriceCode with Price being the association table: class Media < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :prices has_many :price_codes, :through => :prices end class Price < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :media belongs_to :price_code end class PriceCode <
2006 Aug 02
Self-Referential has_many :through
Hello all. I am trying to create a self-referential has_many :through. I used the following site as a guide but it still doesn''t appear to be working. I have two models. Person and Relationship. A person has many contacts (Which is another person) through relationships class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
2006 Jun 22
how to save objects in a has_many :through association?
(I posted this yesterday but it never showed up on the mailing list... weird.) I recently converted a habtm relationship into one using has_many :through. Some of my old logic relied on the ability to use the #<< operator to add items to the relationship and get them auto- saved. I''m curious to know the best way to do the same operation with the has_many :through
2006 Mar 19
some strange behavior for has_many with STI
Hi all, I''m having some trouble with a has_many association on a table using the single table inheritance model that I''m hoping someone can help me with. The schema for the table is: CREATE TABLE `comments` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `user_id` int(11) default NULL, `type` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '''', `type_id` int(11) NOT NULL default
2009 Nov 12
Problem with has_many :through, :uniq => true with polymorph
Didn''t have quite enough space to describe it there...basically i''m having a problem with the :uniq option in my tags. I''m using acts_as_taggable_on_steroid which adds these associations to my Resource class: Resource has_many :taggings, :as => :taggable, :dependent => :destroy, :include => :tag has_many :tags, :through => :taggings, :uniq => true
2006 Jul 22
Validation with has_many
I have two problems. I have a comment that has_many uploads. Before saving the comment, I want to be sure that the upload(s) has passed validation, but I also need to validate in other ways. For example, I do not want to save the comment if there is no comment or upload. Or, I do not want to save the comment if the image has been uploaded previously (comparing md5s with past upload md5s
2007 Oct 18
Getting the through items from a has_many :through :uniq relationship
Getting the through items from a has_many :through :uniq relationship In a nutshell, I have been using the has_many :through :uniq relationship, and I want a DRY way to list the join model objects. Currently, my objects include taxon objects, toxin objects, data_object objects, and taxon_toxin_citation objects ("citation" is another word for data_object). A taxon has many data objects,
2006 Apr 03
Problems with STI in has_many/belongs_to in Rails 1.1
I have a problem that surfaced in my attempt to upgrade my application to Rails 1.1. We have a STI model on the "belongs_to" side of a has_many/belongs_to relationship. All my unit tests for this model pass, and the relationships all seem to work fine. But in my functional tests, I''m getting errors. I''ve traced it back into the call to the has_many
2009 Apr 12
rails 2.3 nested forms with has_many through checkboxes
I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to combine the new nested forms in rails 2.3 with a has_many through relationship via checkboxes. Basically I have a page model, a page_category model and a category_items join table. Pages have many page categories through category items. The category_items table is polymorphic so i can use it for other models who need categories (maybe this is
2008 Apr 23
Validation dependent on unsaved parent
I''m having trouble with a validation that depends on an attribute of a belongs_to parent. If the child is added to an unsaved parent (parent.children << new child), the has_many collection parent.children includes the unsaved child. However the belongs_to attribute child.parent appears to be nil until the parent has been saved. Without access to the parent attributes, the validation
2009 May 27
Nested Forms with has_many associations with validations
I want to have a parent model that I can add child objects (via a has_many association) using the rails 2.3 nested form syntax. However, it seems like rails throws an error during validation of the parent model if I have a validates_presence_of :parent_id defined in the child model. Is the only solution to this to remove the validates_presence_of :parent_id? This seems like a hack-ish workaround.
2008 Oct 09
has_many validation the Rails way
Okay, this is something I run into a lot and don''t really have a great solution. Here is a simple example: class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :posts validates_presence_of :name end class Post < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :blog validates_presence_of :name validates_presence_of :blog_id end Now, if I want to create a blog and post at the same time I
2006 May 23
self-referencing has_many
Having a devil of a time finding records in a self-referencing has_many table relationship. Everything is working find looking at the has_many and the belongs_to relationship. But, when I try to find all "orphans", records that are neither a parent nor a child, I can not find a query that work in ActiveRecord. This query works in MySQL: SELECT * FROM templates LEFT JOIN templates
2006 May 28
Self-referential has_many :through relationship
Hi, I have a self-referential has_many :through relationship setup to track relationships between users. Basically relationships are modeled as a join table with an extra column ''relation''. create table relationships ( user_id integer unsigned not null, friend_id integer unsigned not null, relation char(1) not null, ) --- relations --- f = friend r = request to