similar to: Diffrent OS on domU in paravirtualization ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Diffrent OS on domU in paravirtualization ?"

2010 Oct 19
AW: Re: [Xen-devel] with SUSE patches: Invalid Kernel
Jup, 64 Bit Kernel build is done now and works, but 32 Bit kernel config is different, as I use 64 Bit in Dom0 and DomU, 32 Bit only in DomU incl. DomU with DVB etc. XEN options are the same, it''s only the selection of drivers... Andrew, any idea? Boris, do you know a safe way to create a 64 Bit config out of a 32 Bit one? Sorry, I am not so used to kernel building... BR, Carsten.
2008 Feb 21
[PATCH 00/28] ia64/xen domU paravirtualization
Hi linux/ia64 developers. Few days before Eddie posted the mail for Linux/IA64 paravirtualization. But only a few responded partially because there was no reviewable patches. Here is the patches for xen/ia64 Linux paravirtualization. The goal is to merge IA64 xen Linux paravirtualization for both domU and dom0 eventually. However the first step is to merge domU portion. As you can see from the
2011 Aug 19
Leading zeros
An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: n?o dispon?vel URL: <>
2018 Feb 14
Diffrent volumes on diffrent interfaces
Hi, I run a proxmox system with a glustervolume over three nodes. I think about setup a second volume, but want to use the other interfaces on the nodes. Is this recommended or possible? Bye Gregor
2018 Feb 14
Diffrent volumes on diffrent interfaces
Hi, I run a proxmox system with a glustervolume over three nodes. I think about setup a second volume, but want to use the other interfaces on the nodes. Is this recommended or possible? Bye Gregor
2011 Aug 05
Best Mongo Framework to work with Rails
Hi all, Wanted to hear your opinions about the currently best option for mongo with Rails. Thank you all in advance, Vasco Andrade e Silva -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2009 Dec 22
iptables ... *BSD pf ... pfSense
Hi, I followed the "Optimizing CentOS for gigabit firewall" posting and as some posters wrote pf is soo sooo ssooooo mutch faster, I was thinking to give it a try. But I'm not familier to BSD so I was looking for some tools and found "pfsense" "pfSense is a free, open source customized distribution of FreeBSD tailored for use as a
2019 May 13
Diffrent date codes from pwdLastSet and Password must change Time
Hi, i have little strange behaviour I have a bash script running to notify users about the expire of there password I query the users with ldapsearch and use pwdLastSet, but this search is diffrent to "Password must change Time" with rpcclient i now found out. Password must change Time is +1 Day vs pwdLastSet. can sombody explain this? pwdLastSet: 131945210982711300
2009 Mar 28
cpu frequency scaling in xen 3.3.1
Hi, i read the xenpm wiki page, but i cannot use the "p-states". xenpm shows: xenpm cpu id : 0 total C-states : 2 idle time(ms) : 1776034 C0 : transition [00000000000000000000] residency [00000000000000000000 ms] C1 : transition [00000000000000260278] residency
2006 Aug 13
Inheritance in helpers? Or should I do it all in a completely diffrent way?
Hi there. In the process of learning Rails I''m displaying data from my model in an HTML table. The view template got really messy so I decided to build a class to tidy things up and help me with the table generation. I started out putting it in the controller. But then I thought that the right place for it (following the MVC pattern and Rails orthodoxy) would be in a view helper. But
2005 Dec 21
for_remote_tag to update diffrent <div> depending on call result ....
hi, is there a way to use form_remote_tag to update one div or an other depending on the call result...??? perhaps with evaluate_remote_response but can''t get it to work. help thanks olivier
2018 Mar 06
Multiple Volumes over diffrent Interfaces
Hi, I'm trying to create two gluster volumes over two nodes with two seperate networks: The names are in the hosts file of each node: root at gluster01 :~# cat /etc/hosts localhost gluster01 gluster02g1 gluster02g2
2010 May 17
Sharing same storage on two diffrent KVM hosts
Hello , I whould like your suggestion regarding the following problem : I got 2 host which are running under RHEL5.4 hypervizor . both of the hosts disks is a logical volume .( Each for each ) under the same VG . I want to add storage ( another logical volume ) which will be availble for both of the host as local disk . ( Share storage ) Thanks . -------------- next part -------------- An
2010 Feb 19
How to use same function for diffrent input values
Dear R helpers   I have written some function (the actual code I have pasted at the end of mail) like say   indiv_rate = function(n, rate_name, rate, rate_rf1, rate_rf2, rate_rf3, rateprob1, rateprob2, rateprob3) { ........some R commands   return(data.frame(rate_name, rates = round(rate_data, digits = 4)))   }   ## INPUT   rates = indiv_rate(n = read.csv('number.csv')$n, rate_name =
2008 Mar 19
plot with diffrent colour and plotting symbols
Dear mailing list members, I am a new R user, I would like to plot the follewing data var1 <- c(1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,2) var2 <- round(rgamma(10,2,1)/0.1)*0.1 var3 <- c(0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0) var4 <- c(1,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1) Var <- data.frame(var1,var2,var3,var4) Var <- Var[sort(Var$var1),] tt <- Var$var1+((runif(length(Var$var1))/6)-(0.5/6)) labelname <- c("time 1",
2012 Jan 04
Fwd: Re: Samba Freezes accessing shares/ low performance
Thanks Volker, I've Changed the values as you suggested, i noticed that the default value for max xmit is much less 16384! Still I feel like the performance is very slow indeed. This because on server, a can make copys arround 8gb/s! and in samba is all so slow and it freezes as i sad many times... Can you have a second look to the log, to see if you see anything strange? I'm putting
2002 Nov 22
Print limiting
Hi all This is my first time writting to samba I'd like to get a quickly help in this: Where can I find a program or how can I configure my samba server in order to limit the number of pages to be printed by users. Best regards
2010 Feb 25
restarting xend
Hi, I''ve just made changes on xend config xend-config.sxp file, but I''m not sure if restarting xend daemon also restart domUs? Thoughts? thanks in advance. -- Regards; Israel Garcia _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2016 Dec 20
Creación grupo País Vasco
Buenas chicos, Siguiendo con los temas "off-topic" he visto que en país vasco no hay grupo R, por lo que me gustaría poder fomentar la creación de uno. Por ello escribo esto, para ver si hay alguien más de la zona uqe estaría interesado, y también pedir consejos al resto de grupos, para ver como se constituyeron, etc.. Un saludo Jesús [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Jun 20
WINS on diffrent Box to PDC
Hello I'm trying to setup a samba PDC on my server. The problem is that my server is in a dmz network, and my lan is So i decided to install samba on my Firewall box as a wins server. The WINS server is working perfectly. All of my Boxes on my lan can join the PDC, but cannot logon to the PDC. After looking in the logs i found this is what is coming when i