similar to: display formatted date

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "display formatted date"

2006 Jun 16
BackgrounDRb / Testing Error: uninitialized constant BackgrounDRb
I''m digging into BackgrounDRb and having some problems testing a worker class. The following line in my test (created from script/generate worker Test) throws an error: worker = => "testing...") Error: /activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:123:in `const_missing'': uninitialized constant BackgrounDRb (NameError) from
2006 Aug 15
AGAIN: file object treated as string
I am trying to implement the uploading of a file to a remote server I get error while trying to write the file on the server. The error I get is the following: undefined method `rewind'' for #<String:0x2aaaad062eb8> It seems to be treating my file as a string instead of a File object. --------- Code is below ------------------ VIEW: <%=
2006 Mar 14
Changing default date format in Rails
I''ve spent all day digging through the rails api and postgres-pr on this, I think it''s time to ask the list. Postgres stores a Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. My users want the dates in MM/DD/YYYY format. Sure, I could explicitly convert it on the app level every place where a date is displayed, but that seemed like a DRY violation. I thought I''d be clever and simply
2006 Jun 14
Which Payment Gateway?
I am working on an application where users sign up for one of several plans. Each plan has a different monthly fee. There is no long term contract but I would like to bill the users automatically each month unless service is canceled. What credit card gateways would you recommend for use with a rails application? My criteria in order of importance are 1. API that will let me work in
2006 Jul 17
european date format
hi, overhere users go nuts if they have to enter the date in iso format, so i have to make my applications in such a way that not only dates are displayed in the "dd-mm-yyy" format but also can be entered in that way. somewhere i found this code to put in the environment script: ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Time::Conversions::DATE_FORMATS.update( :default => ''%d/%m/%Y
2006 Jan 07
How to DRY with Fixtures (helper or extend Time class, how)?
I have a test/fixtures/users.yml like so: apa: id: 1 username: apa [...] created_at: <"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")%> updated_at: <"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")%> I don''t like how I''m repeating myself with the strftime bit. Is there some shorter Time method to format time for a (MySQL) datetime field that
2006 Mar 23
Custom date format
Hi, I''ve followed these directions : It seems pretty straightforward but obviously it doesn''t work for me... article.date_edited.to_formatted_s(:my_format_1) produce a default formatted date, not the one I''ve defined in environment.rb : ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Date::Conversions::DATE_FORMATS.merge!(
2006 Jan 02
Selecting conditionally from HABTM
Hello, I was wondering whether there is a nice Rubyesque way of selecting from a pair of HABTM models where one of them is inherited from another object. Here is the situation: I have a ''posts'' table from which ''replies'' and ''articles'' are inherited. Articles have_and_belong_to_many categories, but neither posts nor replies do (it just does
2005 May 31
Form Dates and MultiparameterAssignmentErrors
I''m using the date_select form helper for a date_of_birth field on an ActiveRecord object. When I try to save a date earlier than 1 Jan 1970, ActionController punts with ActiveRecord::MultiparameterAssignmentErrors. The message it gives is "1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes". I was able to catch the exception and look at it, and it is certainly complaining
2006 Jun 23
question closing page after action
Hi all, does anyone know of a rails command i can use so that at the end of an action, the page will close at termination? (i.e it would be the equivalent of a javascript <script> window.close </script> and would look something like this def create @contact =[:contact]) if :action => :closewindow ## or something like this? ##
2006 Jan 12
Typecasting and boolean attributes
I have 2 radio buttons like this: <%= radio_button ''group'', ''public'', true %> <%= radio_button ''group'', ''public'', false %> They hold the correct values when viewing the @group object. However, when updating, it does not appear that the params[:group][:public] value is being typecast correctly. As
2005 Oct 20
Unit Test Error: `load_specification': undefined method `parse' for Time:Class
All, I''ve come across a confusing problem when attempting to run unit tests for an application on OSX (works on Windows). I''m receiving the following error: `load_specification'': undefined method `parse'' for Time:Class (NoMethodError) This is also confusing because I can''t figure out how the error appeared. When I revert back to previous revisions,
2006 Jun 24
session alternatives
I have a web application that is getting larger all the time. There are now 3 separate models where I am storing the current find parameters in session hash and it''s beginning to seem to me that this might not be a good idea. Before I add another model to the mess - is there a better way? Do I have to create some table to store the current ''find'' criteria? It seems as
2009 Jun 15
calendardateselect problem
I am using for my date time picker. I am using format (:finnish) and i am using ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Date::Conversions::DATE_FORMATS.merge! (:default => "%d.%m.%Y") ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Time::Conversions::DATE_FORMATS.merge! (:default => "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M") in my enviroment. Everything is working
2005 Dec 31
RJS Templates not conducting callbacks
I''ve run across a weird problem with RJS that I''m trying to figure out: I have an application that was running 0.13.1 that I recently upgraded to Rails 1.0. I wanted to use RJS templates, so I installed the plugin and updated my prototype javascript file via ''rake update_prototype.'' I attempted to test the templates out via the following code, but the AJAX
2006 Apr 20
Setting :status for inline RJS?
Is there a way to set the :status when using inline RJS rendering in controllers? Something like: render :status => 500, :update do |page| page.insert_html .... end -- Derek Haynes HighGroove Studios - Atlanta, GA | San Mateo, CA Keeping it Simple. 404.751.1762
2005 Sep 12
Edit In Place: text with line breaks
All, I need to apply EditInPlace to a block of text that has line breaks. I''d like to have the editable text load instantly by grabbing the text from the page instead of using the "loadTextURL" option. However, this will pull in the html formatting ( <br> and <p>). Wanted to see what ideas the list had as far as making this possible - the best idea I''ve
2005 Sep 07
Autocomplete Error w/Version 1.5_pre4
I recently updated to version 1.5_pre4 to use the excellent in-place editor, however, I''m now seeing a bug with AutoCompletion. When text is entered in the text field for auto completion, the auto_complete div is not updated (but the server does receive the request and return a response). Upon removing focus from the text field, 2 instances of the following error can be seen in both
2006 May 21
model methods
Hello everyone, In my model, I have def leave_at_formatted leave_at.strftime("%I:%M %p") end I was wondering if there were any way to define to_s for leave_at in order to get the same result? Thanks!
2005 Dec 31
[Model] [Noob] Table Naming w/ underscores
Greetings: I am writing a basic accounting module for an app. Rather unfortunately the name "transactions" is a reserved term in Rails (being the only accounting term trully representational of a financial transaction). I am left to come up with other names. One such name was f_transaction. This worked on the DB level, but I noticed that the Model name dropped the underscore, thus