Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Accessing vars within helpers in Markaby"
2006 Mar 30
Rails 1.1, Markaby, options_from_collection
Last night, I upgraded one of my rails apps to 1.1. This app uses
Markaby exclusively for its'' views, and once I checked out the latest
revisiong of Markaby (r33), everything was working fine except for one
select_tag(''province_id'', options_from_collection_for_select(@provinces,
"id", "name"))
Now returns this (as you see it is spitting
2007 Nov 26
Best Way to Write Helpers Using Markaby?
Hey there Merbers,
I''m a Merb neophyte checking it out with a simple app exploration
after being inspired by Mr. Katz''s presentation @ JQueryCamp and with
the desire to use Markaby if at all possible (I heart camping). I''ve
done a little exploration of how to use Markaby in helper code, but
any guidance would definitely be appreciated (I definitely do not
2006 Jul 18
Markaby and select?
How do you get the select tag to work with Markaby? Apparently there''s
some sort of conflict? I don''t see a ''select'' function in Markaby''s
rdocs. I''ve tried all different variations and can''t get it to output
correctly, so I''m using select_tag instead.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2008 Jul 31
Stuck on options_from_collection_for_select
Hi everyone,
I''m stuck on something that seems to be super easy, but maybe I''m just
too tired to see the obvious answer.
I''m trying to make a drop down with select_tag and
options_from_collection_for_select. I''m trying to fill this drop down
list with different human races (white, black, hispanic, etc. in the
database under the name field, with a unique id
2006 Jun 28
[markaby] Trouble accessing session values.
Evaluating session variables inside a markaby paragraph tag always returns
false. For example
p "Good morning Mr. #{session[:user]}."
Good mornig Mr.
How can I access session variables in maraby?
Best Regards,
"Work, work, work...there is no satisfactory alternative."
--- E.Taft Benson
-------------- next part
2006 Nov 03
[OT] Markaby trunk and Rails ivars
Can someone explain the new Markaby syntax to me? I''m using Markaby
as a Rails plugin, fetched from the trunk.
I''m losing my instance variables somehow (@thing is always nil):
class ThingsController < ApplicationController
def index
@thing = "Bacon of the chunky variety"
# app/views/index.mab
h1 { "You should see a thing here:" }
p {
2007 Jul 07
[patch] trunk markaby fix
so i guess the parser changed or something..
-------------- next part --------------
Index: camping.rb
--- camping.rb (revision 194)
+++ camping.rb (working copy)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
c=self/c;c="//"+ at env.HTTP_HOST+c if c[/^\//];URI(c)end;def/p;p[/^\//]?@root+p :
p end;def errors_for o;ul.errors{o.errors.each_full{|x|li
2006 Jan 19
select vs. select_tag
I have a "Users" object and
a "Timesheets" object. Each timesheet entry belongs to a User, which is
selected from a drop-down list. The timesheet has a user_id field. (The
user needs to have an option to select a different user due to the way
our system works.)
If i use the "select" object, which is bound to the Timesheet model,
using this code:
<%= select
2005 Nov 22
non model select_tag problem
What am I doing wrong here:
options_from_collection_for_select(Website.find_all, ''id'', ''name'',
params[:website_ids]), {:multiple => true, :size => 5})
It works fine except that it does not display the selected options once
the form is submitted (it submits to the same page). The
2013 Jan 18
I have just started using RoR and am creating some select boxes on my form
with the following code:
<%= select_tag(options_from_collection_for_select(Owner.all, :id, :fname))
My problem is that it does NOT return the first record from the table, but
just the second and succeeding records.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get the first record included in
the select box?
2011 Aug 29
:onchange in rails 3
Anybody know why :onchange works here...
<%= select_tag "Minisections",
options_from_collection_for_select(@minisections, :id, :title, :selected
=> @minisection.id), {:onChange => "{alert(''Minisection has been changed
to x !'')}"} %>
but NOT here (to call a function)...
<script type="text/javascript">
function xyz() {
2008 Jul 31
selected value for options_from_collection_for_select
I am trying to get a select list with a selected value in it. Even if I
put in an integer, like this,
<%= select_tag(fruit.id, "<option>No Contract</option>" +
options_from_collection_for_select(@fruit_types, "id", "kind", 3)) %>
the list still displays the first option (No Contract) in the list.
What am I doing wrong? I''ve looked
2006 Aug 02
form_for not working with Markaby
I''m playing around with Markaby and I decided to write a little blog app.
I''m running into issues with forms however. If I use form_for the output of
the form gets swallowed. For example:
form_for :article, @article do |f|
f.text_field :title
f.check_box :published
f.text_area :description
f.text_field :pub_date
f.text_area :content
gets rendered as an empty form
2006 Jan 09
Large select list, speed issues
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type">
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
<font size="-1"><font face="Verdana">I have a piece of code in my page
to generate
2006 Jun 15
Markaby Installation Issues
So I followed the directions.. I did a ''gem install markaby'' (which sounds
like its enough to get me going for rails), but I wasn''t sure, so I tried to
install the plugin as well.
Plugin installation fails looking for a file:
Script/plugin install http://code.whytheluckystiff.net/svn/markaby/trunk
Outputs this error:
+ ./trunk/svnindex.xsl
2006 Apr 25
markaby or erb?
We''re embarking on a new dev project, and I''m curious....why would one
choose markaby over erb? I for one am no fan of the erb syntax, but
aside from that it''s similar to other technologies I''ve used in the
past: PHP, JSP, ASP, etc.
Why would one choose markaby over erb? What are the benefits? What are
the drawbacks? Is there anything remarkable
2006 Mar 04
How to install Markaby as a Rails plug-in
After many hours of messing around and researching...
I''m still unable to get why''s Markaby installed as a Rails plug-in.
The command below is what I keep seeing everywhere:
ruby script/plugin install
It seems like code.whytheluckystiff.net isn''t responding...
Maybe I''m missing something... :)
Is there an
2006 Oct 10
how do I start/use Markaby 0.5?
I''ve upgraded from Markaby 0.3 to 0.5 using gem install markaby. When
I start my app and attempt to view my /articles/list.mab file, I get
this error:
Missing template .../app/views/articles/list.rhtml
I checked the readme and the changlog on why''s site to see if there
was any solutions mentioned, but didn''t find anything. Is there a
2006 Dec 17
Markaby template & layout (can't get them to work together)
Hi all,
I am starting a new rails app with the Markaby plugin (had some issues
installing, but think its working).
First, i created an index.mab file for a controller containing:
h1 "First template"
That rendered fine. Also, I do not have a "def index ..." in the
Then I created an app/layouts/application.mab file. It didn''t get picked
up until after
2007 Jul 11
Extending Markaby for SVG
Hi all,
I love the elegance of Markaby for HTML generation. I''d like to do
something similar for SVG, e.g.:
svg11 do
title "Slide Title"
stroke:black", :transform=>"translate(17,-38)"}) do
circle({:cx=>70, :cy=>100,