similar to: Backgroundrb running under cygwin - having issue with Railsbase workers

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Backgroundrb running under cygwin - having issue with Railsbase workers"

2007 May 22
BackgroundRb Server not responding
Hey, I have scheduled script that is not working very well. It will only run once or twice before I have to restart the server to get it running again. If I try to the worker manually after it has stopped exceuting the schedule I get this in the server log: 20070522-07:33:36 (5030) Connection reset by peer - (DRb::DRbConnError) 20070522-07:33:36 (5030) /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:566:in
2007 Jan 23
Error while creating one worker from another
for some strange reason this error occours when i create one worker from another BUT only when i derive worker class from Worker::Base instead or Worker::RailsBase - when change it back it works fine, child worker can have empty do_work, but this error still ocours Bad file descriptor (Errno::EBADF) /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/slave-1.2.0/lib/slave.rb:214:in `for_fd''
2007 Jan 27
Debugging stale backgroundrb
Hi! As you might remember I''m having a problem of backgroundrb stopping calling my workers after some period of time. I tried adding logging to backgroundrb source code but it didn''t help. So, after digging through internet I''ve found several gdb tools and here''s what I''ve discovered: After attaching to a backgroundrb ruby process it turns out that it
2007 Apr 23
backgroundrb and REXML issue
Hi, I have an application that receives XML files, and then hands each one off to a backgroundrb worker to parse and store the info. Everything was working, until I needed to support a larger character set. So I added the following to the top of my XML files: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> Adding this worked fine when I tested it without using
2006 Nov 11
Error when creating a new worker -- "Text is not a module - (TypeError)"
Hello everyone, I''m stuck with this very obscure error whenever I try to create a new worker. My worker is a subclass of BackgrounDRb::Worker::RailsBase, and if you follow the stack trace below, you can tell that the error occurs while trying to load Rails. There is no problem starting up the server, by the way. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this? I didn''t have
2007 Nov 12
Workers calling Workers
Hello, We are working on a centralized report generating project, which calls for data processing on different servers and then centralizes the reports into a single project. What we would like to do is have a Monitor BackgrounDRb worker call another BackgrounDRb worker to process data on a different server, and then have our Monitor Worker collect the data and then store it according to our
2007 Apr 09
Drb Connection error on multiple dispatch.fcgi ''s
Hi All, I''m using Backgroundrb as a general purpose long-running-task back-end (upload processing, email sending, etc), and it''s been a great solution. However I''ve recently run into some some intermittent connection issues that have me baffled. I''m running on apache2/fcgid and the problem occurs in both devlopment and production mode. The problem seems to
2007 Aug 08
Cannot start workers in production mode
I have a job that I am starting from a Rails controller in production mode using MiddleMan: MiddleMan.new_worker(:class => :import_ccg_category_worker, :args => { :category_id =>, :remote_category_id => params[:remote_category_id], :description => "Importing CCG products for #{@}" }) Both of the category ID variables are just basic integers. I
2006 Dec 01
Worker won''t start work
(Sorry my last email had the wrong subject) Hi, I''ve just installed background rb 0.2.1. When I try start a worker in my application controller I receive the following error: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1) - (ArgumentError) /home/chris/projects/call_manager/trunk/call_manager_app/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/server/lib/backgroundrb/middleman.rb:211:in `initialize''
2006 Dec 15
:job_key acting weird?
Hi all I''m experiencing something strange with a :job_key, it took me a very long time to find out a worker wasn''t doing it''s job because of the name of my job_key. The first one I tried was :make_kohier, and with that name (and lot''s of other ones) I can''t get the worker to work. I do get my key in return, but the job doesn''t start
2007 Feb 28
IOError problem
Hello - Can anyone explain why I get the stack trace in background_server.log when I try to start my first worker? I don''t get this on subsequent workers, only the first one. I should note, the method I am using to start backgroundrb is documented in the archives, and is likely the root of this problem. Suggestions about how to "fix" or avoid this issue are appreciated.
2007 Jul 29
Server dying with perpetual "Connection reset by peer"
I''m at a loss to explain a very strange error I''m getting. This seems to happen on our production system where we have a backgroundrb server sharing a host with a Rails app running on Mongrel. The first one or two, occasionally three, calls to a worker (direct MiddleMan calls from Rails, not scheduled) succeed, but afterwards, the server fails to initialize new workers.
2007 Jan 30
Backgroundrb weirdness with multiple mongrels
Hi list, I''m having some issues getting backgroundrb to play nice with more than one mongrel. When I run my app on a single mongrel instance it works fine. I have two different problems show up in my backgrounrb_server.log. The top of the backtrace is shown here: 20070130-12:03:03 (92473) failed to find slave socket - (RuntimeError) 20070130-12:03:03 (92473)
2006 Nov 20
Production RAILS_ENV / DB Selection
Hey all, I''m having some issues moving a project that incorporates Backgroundrb onto a staging server... For some reason (surely of my own doing), my RailsBase workers are insisting on using trying to access my development DB instead of my "production" DB. When I try to load a model object from within a worker, I get the following: 20061120-21:54:28 (26296)
2007 Feb 20
"Text is not a module"
Hello all, After upgrading to Rails 1.2.2, I''m getting a strange error when one of my workers is invoked. The worker is responsible for monitoring a folder (using directory_watcher) and emailing a specific user when a file is dropped there, but it''s bombing immediately upon instantiation (or maybe when trying to instantiate ActionMailer?) with the error "Text is not a
2007 Feb 07
Repeatedly dying with "failed to find slave socket"
I''m struggling to keep backgroundrb v2 running for more than 24 hours. It appears to be running fine for a while, then tries to fire off a worker (exactly the same worker it''s been running for the past few hours), and it suddenly dies. I haven''t found any pattern for the cause of this. In backgroundrb_server.log, the final entry is this : 20070206-10:41:45
2007 May 31
Slave socket problem again
Hello! I have been using backgroundrb for a small project. My worker task is run every minute, checks the processing queue in data-base and execute the business method from Rails if something is to be done. Unfortunately I was hit by the problem of backgroundrb server dying after some runs. The exception is: 20070531-11:06:05 (31816) Starting worker: s_e_work sql_exe (s_e_work_sql_exe) ()
2007 Feb 22
failed to find slave socket - (RuntimeError)
Hi everyone, I''ve a class that try to spawn two workers, every 5 seconds. The code is something like: while true do MiddleMan.new_worker(:class => :researches_worker,:job_key => :researches) MiddleMan.new_worker(:class => :products_worker,:job_key => :products) sleep(5) end I''m using ":job_key", so if a worker hasn''t already ended its work
2007 Mar 13
Scheduled worker dies after about 30-45 runs
I have a scheduled worker that runs every minute, checking for new eBay auctions to post. If it finds an auction, then it posts it. If there are no auctions in the database that are queued up, it simply does nothing. I got the worker to finally run as a scheduled worker, every minute. However, after about 30-45 scheduled runs, it simply stops running. My backgroundrb_schedules.yml file: ------
2007 Nov 30
backgroundrb not cleaning up tmp files?
I just had an interesting issue on a production system that has been running nicely for about a year. There were approximately 10,000 backgroundrb temp files in the /tmp directory. It looks like backgroundrb wasn''t cleaning them up. I noticed it with the following error: DRb::DRbConnError: drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrb.20015/ backgroundrb_logger_0_0.101544829808665 -