Hello! I have been using backgroundrb for a small project. My worker task is run every minute, checks the processing queue in data-base and execute the business method from Rails if something is to be done. Unfortunately I was hit by the problem of backgroundrb server dying after some runs. The exception is: 20070531-11:06:05 (31816) Starting worker: s_e_work sql_exe (s_e_work_sql_exe) () 20070531-11:07:05 (31816) Schedule triggered: #<struct #<Class:0xb7df5324> job=#<Proc:0xb7e3c274@/home/kskalski/railsapp/sars/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/server/lib/backgroundrb/middleman.rb:355>, trigger=#<BackgrounDRb::CronTrigger:0xb7a3b42c @day=1..31, @cron_expr="5 * * * * * *", @sec=[5], @wday=0..6, @min=0..59, @month=1..12, @hour=0..23, @year=nil>, earliest=Thu May 31 11:07:05 +0200 2007, last=Thu May 31 11:07:05 +0200 2007> 20070531-11:07:05 (31816) failed to find slave socket - (RuntimeError) 20070531-11:07:05 (31816) /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/slave-1.2.0/lib/slave.rb:435:in `initialize'' 20070531-11:07:05 (31816) /home/kskalski/railsapp/sars/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/server/lib/backgroundrb/middleman.rb:210:in `new'' 20070531-11:07:05 (31816) /home/kskalski/railsapp/sars/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/server/lib/backgroundrb/middleman.rb:210:in `new_worker'' 20070531-11:07:05 (31816) /home/kskalski/railsapp/sars/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/server/lib/backgroundrb/thread_pool.rb:36:in `dispatch'' 20070531-11:07:05 (31816) /home/kskalski/railsapp/sars/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/server/lib/backgroundrb/thread_pool.rb:22:in `initialize'' I tried suggestions from http://rubyforge.org/pipermail/backgroundrb-devel/2007-March/000776.html but it didn''t help... actually it even get worse: I shortened the class name of worker and I used druby protocol and after that server fails even faster than before. Also, what I have spotted - even though I enabled druby protocol (and in logs there is entry: 20070531-10:24:33 (31813) protocol: druby 20070531-10:24:33 (31813) uri: druby://localhost:2000 20070531-10:24:33 (31813) config: /home/kskalski/railsapp/sars/config/backgroundrb.yml 20070531-10:24:33 (31813) rails_env: development 20070531-10:24:33 (31813) socket_dir: /tmp/backgroundrb.31813 20070531-10:24:33 (31813) pool_size: 5 20070531-10:24:33 (31813) host: localhost 20070531-10:24:33 (31813) acl: denyallallowlocalhost 20070531-10:24:33 (31813) temp_dir: /tmp 20070531-10:24:33 (31813) port: 2000 20070531-10:24:33 (31813) Installed DRb ACL ) the server still uses sockets!!! I have observed, that with every run of worker the sockets directory gets a new entry, which is never deleted... maybe this is a problem - new sockets are created, but never deleted and system runs out of resources? Currently my configuration is (backgroundrb.yml): :port: 2000 :rails_env: development :host: localhost :protocol: druby :pool_size: 5 :worker_dir: lib/workers (backgroundrb_schedules.yml) sql_scheduler: :class: :s_e_work :job_key: :sql_exe :trigger_args: 5 * * * * * * Worker code is: class SEWork < BackgrounDRb::Worker::RailsBase def do_work(args) # This method is called in it''s own new thread begin script = SqlScript.find(:first, :conditions => [ ''state = ? AND scheduled_run_at IS NOT NULL AND scheduled_run_at < ? OR'' + '' EXISTS (SELECT id FROM execution_params WHERE sql_script_id = sql_scripts.id) AND'' + '' state <> ?'', SqlScript::STATE_SCHEDULED, Time.now, SqlScript::STATE_RUNNING]) if script.nil? logger.debug "Nothing to run" else if script.execution_param.nil? ret, status = script.scheduled_execute else ret, status = script.execute end logger.info "Executed (#{ret}) #{script.name} - #{status}" end rescue Exception logger.error "Problems executing sql executor worker: #{$!}" ensure # worker must be finished, otherwise stale process it leaved self.delete end end end SEWork.register (note that I *have* self.delete at the end of worker code) -- Kamil Skalski http://nazgul.omega.pl