similar to: [Cucumber] after feature hook?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "[Cucumber] after feature hook?"

2008 Dec 02
Any plans for Before-feature or Before-all steps in Cucumber?
Hi The code I''m working on now is a server daemon that talks to Twitter, an RSS feed, and some web pages. I''ve got mock implementations of Twitter and the web stuff, which I start and stop with daemon_controller[1]. I do all the setup in a Before block, but this makes the feature runs agonisingly slow due to the time waiting for everything to restart. I''m
2009 Jan 17
Cucumber Scenario Outlines Output Insufficient
I''m having problems knowing what a scenario outline I''ve created is doing. In particular I have no idea about what steps are being matched when the outline is run so when I break something I can''t find out what is wrong. Is there any progress on getting better output for scenario outlines. TIA Andrew -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2009 Jan 30
Pass a variable from rake to steps file in cucumber
Can anybody tell me how to pass a variable from the rake command to my steps file using cucumber? I have the following in my Rakefile: ## Rakefile do |t| profile = ENV[''PROFILE''] || ''default'' browser_type = ENV[''BROWSER''] || ''*chrome'' t.cucumber_opts = "--profile #{profile}" end I
2007 May 29
Selenium, Spec:Ui and ... forks?
I am using Spec:UI to run my Selenium tests, and I want to start Selenium only once, for many descriptions. I''ve come quite far solving it by declaring a main ui spec like the following: require ''pathname'' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/selenium'' $base_url="http://localhost:3000" $browser =
2008 Nov 24
Cucumber Custom Logging
Where and how do you put custom logger statements in cucumber? I understood (more or less) how to do this in rspec in the spec_helper file but I do not know where to start with cucumber. I want to add a simple identifying text line in the log file to assist in picking through the output. Something akin to: Running Scenario: X Feature I should have this logged .... Feature This should
2007 Apr 11
Default exclude pattern in 0.9.0
The "rspec" rake task collects all _spec files in the spec directory, and excludes the "watir" directory. Is this indicating a preference for using Watir over Selenium? I would like it better to standardize on something more neutral, ''ui'' perhaps? /Marcus -- Marcus Ahnve
2007 Jun 18
Testing for cross site scripting, etc.
Being new to testing and ruby, are there "standard" tests that can be done that test for things like cross site scripting and friends? If not, anyone have ideas on what I might do about testing those sorts of things? I''ll be using rails, also. Mike B. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging
2008 Nov 05
rake features and cucumber feature/name not producing same result
Hi all. If I run rake features or cucumber features/* I get one failing FIT scenario in one of my features. If I then run that feature that contains the FIT table with the failing scenario manually, it passes. I run it again with rake features or cucumber features/* it fails, run individually, it passes. Obviously some state is carrying over between the features. Any idea where i would start
2009 Mar 31
[Cucumber] Running single feature from command line
I am using Cucumber 0.2.3 and am having problems running a single feature. In particular, the cucumber Textmate bundle was not working so I traced it back and discovered that I could not run single files or features from the command line either. My setup has the following line in cucumber.yml default: -r features/support/env.rb -r features/support/plain.rb -r features/steps
2009 May 04
cucumber - when to stub/mock
I''m just curious about this, since my solution involved stubbing a call to GeoIp. Is there a good rule of thumb for when you make exceptions to the ''no stubbing'' philosophy of Cucumber? My step was: "Given I am accessing the site from Japan," but I can think of other situations - mostly when interacting with web services, that I''d probably
2007 May 10
RSpec 0.9.4
RSpec 0.9.4 has just been released. Gems haven''t rsync''ed around the globe yet, so you might have to wait a few hours to install it. The big news this time is Spec::Ui 0.2.0, which has been released along with RSpec core. This RSpec extension gives you custom Watir matchers (custom Selenium-RC matchers are not implemented yet). Moreover, it comes with a custom KICK ASS formatter
2008 Sep 29
rspec-ui overlap with cucumber?
Hi! I''m using cucumber + selenium and I love it. However I''m looking to add some methods (example: click_and_wait etc) to the lib. Therefore looked around a bit and I got two questions: Firstly about rspec-ui, I''m a little confused, does rspec-ui overlap with its propose with webrat with cucumber or I''m missing a point? Secondly, are there any plans to
2009 Feb 06
RecordNotFound bubbling thru to cucumber
Hello, I have a controller action that raises a RecordNotFound exception if you''re not allowed to see something. In my global application controller (application.rb), I catch these and render the 404 template. But when I run cucumber (using webrat), it''s getting the full stacktrace (the step blows up). Any ideas why? I have consider_all_requests_local turned off in my test.rb.
2009 Apr 27
[cucumber] Setting a constant in step definition
On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 7:00 AM, Andrew Premdas <apremdas at> wrote: > Currently I have a very simple constants implementation being loaded as a > Rails initialiser > > module MVOR > ? module Postage > ??? THRESHOLD =''6.99'') > ??? RATE =''30.00'') > ? end > end > > > My scenarios
2007 Jan 12
spec_ui problems
While looking into spec_ui, I decided to run the examples. The watir example works a little, but always chokes on the ''better than fudge'' spec (failure output below). Also, is there any command to pause the "browser"? If my connection slows, the test gets out of whack. The selenium example fails right away (output below). I do have the 0.9.0 selenium-rc
2009 Mar 19
[Cucumber 0.2] Failure to use should
I have a step definition like this: Then "the account should be created" do account = Account.find_by_name("my shiny new account") p account.class account.should_not be_blank end When running this step, I got the error message: Account(id: integer, name: string, state: string, next_renewal_at: date, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, full_domain: string,
2008 Sep 09
cucumber - mark a step as pending
I love the way I can throw a call to pending() in the top of an unfinished RSpec example and stop it from failing the build. Is there a similar way to do such a thing with good ole'' cucumber? cheers, Matt ---- In case you wondered: The opinions expressed in this email are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of any former,
2009 May 25
[rspec] examples are broken
It seems that some examples at are broken with invalid html. For example: All those spans there should not be visible, I think :) Isn''t web tested well enough? :P Best regards, Jarmo
2009 Mar 25
[Cucumber] ANN: Cucumber with pure Java
Big news for all Java programmers out there. Now you can use Cucumber with pure Java! That''s right, you don''t have to write a single line of Ruby! (1) All of your step definitions can be written as annotated methods in POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects). To get a taste of what this looks like, check out the simple example in the cucumber_java project on GitHub: * README for
2008 May 03
Any news on the rSpec books?
I admit it, when it comes to rSpec, I''m lazy. I''ve made a few feeble attempts to use it, but for once I''m waiting for a book-length treatment. At least two books were announced, I think. Can anyone in the know please report on their progress? Thanks Michael -- Michael Schuerig mailto:michael at