similar to: Plugin to generate text logs using cucumber.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Plugin to generate text logs using cucumber."

2009 Apr 30
Partitioning Specs
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Nicholas Van Weerdenburg <vanweerd at> wrote: > I saw that a couple of days ago- very nice. Will that be added to RSpec? Sooner or later, yes, but it will be managed through the hash passed to the declarations: describe "something", :tags => [:a,:b] do it "does something", :tags > [:c] do etc You can already access
2010 Jul 22
Updates to cucmber-vhost - guineapigs wanted! :)
Hi all, For those of you that are using cucumber for Continuous Integration or similar I've created a set of steps that enable you to use cobbler and cucumber to auto-provision using Libvirt. I've just made some changes to the code however I don't have access to all the hardware/software required to test it fully. If you are able to, please check out the code from
2009 Feb 25
[Cucumber] pretty html output?
Cucumberists (and RSpec Classic users ;): How can we convert a Cucumber feature file into HTML with syntax highlighting? Not the test-runner output; that''s preprocessed so it does not match the input file... Tx! -- Phlip
2012 Feb 02
Missing files with rails generate cucumber:install
when ranning cucumber:install and generate me this files <code> create config/cucumber.yml create script/cucumber chmod script/cucumber create features/step_definitions create features/support create features/support/env.rb exist lib/tasks create lib/tasks/cucumber.rake gsub config/database.yml gsub config/database.yml force config/database.yml </code> im searching for the
2008 Sep 29
rspec-ui overlap with cucumber?
Hi! I''m using cucumber + selenium and I love it. However I''m looking to add some methods (example: click_and_wait etc) to the lib. Therefore looked around a bit and I got two questions: Firstly about rspec-ui, I''m a little confused, does rspec-ui overlap with its propose with webrat with cucumber or I''m missing a point? Secondly, are there any plans to
2009 Apr 27
uninitialized constant ActionController running Cucumber features in Aptana/RadRails IDE
I''m just starting on BDD. I installed the gems for webrats and cucumber. I also ran the following in the Ruby shell: >rake gems:install RAILS_EN=test >script/generate cucumber These commands seemed to create the expected features and lib folders in my project. I''m using the eclipse framework with Aptana and RadRails as my IDE. However, when I run: >cucumber features
2009 Feb 13
[cucumber][v0.2alpha]Where could I find API docs for custom formatters?
Hi, I''m working on update my local Cucumber to the latest version. But it seems the old formatter APIs(step_failed, scenario_executed, etc.) don''t work any more. Are there some documents or even Cucumber source code I can refer to? Thanks in advance, Liu -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Nov 03
Cucumber and autotest
Hey all, Does anyone know how to disable the cucumber autotest support on a project? With this commit: The cucumber features are worked into the autotest cycle automatically. This is cool, but on some projects I don''t think it fits well with my red->green->refactor cycle. Any ideas on
2009 Mar 18
Cucumber failing with ''uninitialized constant Spec::Ruby''
I''ve just upgraded RSpec to 1.2 on a Rails 2.2.2 app. rake features fails with the following error: /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.2.2/lib/active_support/ dependencies.rb:442:in `load_missing_constant'': uninitialized constant Spec::Ruby (NameError) from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.2.2/lib/ active_support/dependencies.rb:77:in
2010 Jul 01
using rSpec stub in Cucumber with rSpec2
Hello, I have a Rails3beta4 project where I want to use rSpec stubs in a Cucumber feature. Unfortunately it looks like requiring ''spec/stubs/cucumber'' in env.rb does not work anymore: I get a "no such file to load -- spec/stubs/cucumber (LoadError)" error. Is it possible to use rSpec stubs in Cucumber with rSpec2? If not, is there any other viable alternative? Thanks
2009 Mar 25
[Cucumber] ANN: Cucumber with pure Java
Big news for all Java programmers out there. Now you can use Cucumber with pure Java! That''s right, you don''t have to write a single line of Ruby! (1) All of your step definitions can be written as annotated methods in POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects). To get a taste of what this looks like, check out the simple example in the cucumber_java project on GitHub: * README for
2009 Feb 02
[Cucumber] Cucumber and acts_as_xapian
Hey list, Anyone have experience with acts_as_xapian and Cucumber? I''m struggling with updating xapian''s index, to actually "find" fluff that has been indexed.. In a scenario, I''m adding a bunch of articles, and in the actual search step, I run: When "I search for \"$query\"" do |query| %x[rake RAILS_ENV=test xapian:update_index]
2009 Sep 16
Problems while loading 'spec/stubs/cucumber'
Rodrigo Flores wrote: > Hi > > I''m reading the rspec book and I''m having problems when I require the > file ''spec/stubs/cucumber''. When I go to an IRB prompt and type > require ''spec/stubs/cucumber'' after requiring another libraries [1] I > get the false in ''spec/expectations'' and an error in >
2010 Jan 29
testing controllers using cucumber
Hello, Is there any way to test controllers using cucumber. I was doing it with rspec but since cucumber''s description is good how can i proceed testing it with cucumber? For e.g. I have a scenario of user creation like Feature: User Scenarios Scenario: Successfull creation of user Given a new user When the user fill all the mandatory details Then that user should get
2008 Nov 24
Cucumber Custom Logging
Where and how do you put custom logger statements in cucumber? I understood (more or less) how to do this in rspec in the spec_helper file but I do not know where to start with cucumber. I want to add a simple identifying text line in the log file to assist in picking through the output. Something akin to: Running Scenario: X Feature I should have this logged .... Feature This should
2009 Jan 30
Pass a variable from rake to steps file in cucumber
Can anybody tell me how to pass a variable from the rake command to my steps file using cucumber? I have the following in my Rakefile: ## Rakefile do |t| profile = ENV[''PROFILE''] || ''default'' browser_type = ENV[''BROWSER''] || ''*chrome'' t.cucumber_opts = "--profile #{profile}" end I
2009 Feb 06
RecordNotFound bubbling thru to cucumber
Hello, I have a controller action that raises a RecordNotFound exception if you''re not allowed to see something. In my global application controller (application.rb), I catch these and render the 404 template. But when I run cucumber (using webrat), it''s getting the full stacktrace (the step blows up). Any ideas why? I have consider_all_requests_local turned off in my test.rb.
2009 Apr 27
[cucumber] Where does STDOUT go?
If one invokes a Ruby script from a cucumber step definition and that script contains "puts" statements then where does the output go? I have a script that when run from the command line displays "puts" output in the terminal session, but when run from a cucumber step definition produces no console output. It does however produce the expected output file in either case. --
2009 Mar 21
[Cucumber] Rails Upgrade Notes
In the history.txt for 0.2 is an "important note" toward the bottom of the announcement. ( ). This is really, *really* important for Rails users, but it can be more than a bit difficult to Google out. Questions: 1. Can this be brought into a wiki page on github on 2. Is
2008 Dec 02
Using Cucumber with latest Webrat
I added cucumber to my rails project using the following commands: git submodule add git:// \ vendor/plugins/cucumber ruby script/generate cucumber git submodule add git:// \ vendor/plugins/webrat git submodule add git:// \ vendor/plugins/rspec git submodule add