similar to: CompRect modification

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "CompRect modification"

2009 Feb 25
[PATCH] CompRect more intuitive
Hi, Compiz++ uses CompRegion instead of XRectangle, right? This patch tries to improve CompRect usability *First* I was using CompRect, but I've found that the only way to modify a CompRect is using setGeometry function: void CompOutput::setGeometry (int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2); So I created setX1, setY1, setX2, setY2 functions *Second* As you can see above, setGeometry uses:
2009 Feb 05
Swap plugin and Compiz 0.8.0
** *Purpose* We were missing a plugin that could just exchange properties. Sometimes you just need to minimize a window and "unminimize" other. To do it, you would need to perform 2 or more clicks. So, we created Swap! [image: :)] *Description* It allows you to swap the geometry of two windows. Basically we changed Static Switcher plugin to swap active window with another window.
2009 Feb 25
Compiz++ repos
I've been working on compiz++ ports during last weeks and I'm here to ask access to compiz++ plugins. I've already ported maximumize, put(+putplus) and grid. Can I get access? P.S.: Sorry for bad english. -- Eduardo Gurgel Pinho (GELSoL-UFC) (Gentoo) Linux User #415930 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML
2009 Nov 14
Plugin inheritance
Hi, I'm trying to create a plugin that is derived from Switch. I just need to add a function... What should I do? How should I define and build this new plugin? Can anyone help me? -- Eduardo Gurgel Pinho (GELSoL-UFC) (Gentoo) Linux User #415930 -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
2008 Jan 16
I have been trying to use the package affylmGUI but keep getting the error message that it cannot find the package "Bwidget". I have downloaded the activeTcl for Windows and installed it in the default location C:\Tcl. The problem still persists. I have also tried to copy the files from C:\Tcl\lib into the C:\Arquivos de programas\R\R-2.6.1\Tcl\lib but the problem still there. Any help
2007 Apr 17
[Bug 554] Packet illegaly bypassing SNAT ------- Additional Comments From 2007-04-17 05:04 MET ------- I have been wondering about this bug and had similar problems myself here in my Debian system, linux-kernel 2.6.18 iptables 1.3.6. I too saw that some packets became transmitted illegally through the ppp0 interface, when they just shoudn't. What I
2004 Jul 20
Question about permissions
Hi, First of all, my apologies for the extension of this message, but it is needeed for you to undertand my problem. Straight to the point: i have this domain in my company running in Samba 3.0.2 My users are: hcoelho, jardim, gamito, yesenia, smatias, fqueiros, faugusto, vamaro, peixinho, aragao, dina, pinho. I have this shares with the users that can access them and the correponding Linux
2006 Dec 08
Patch to wobbly snap for outputs
Here's a patch to wobbly.c to handle edge snapping with multiple outputs... Also, I tweaked the window edge snapping to include dock window types, to support the case where dock windows may be on the inner edges of multiple monitors (and thus currently ignored as struts in the output workarea setup). I personally think we should include these "inner" struts when calculating the
2014 Nov 24
Contributor Contributions
I have made claims that I have not left the compiz project and that I have been maintaining it over the past 4 years, despite the lack of releases by not fault but my own. At the request of some of the original compiz developers, I am now posting a compilation of some of the contributions I've made over time, since the beginning. Since the most important contributions are code and easiest to
2011 Jan 26
Colour area under density curve
Hello, I have this code to plot a certain normal distribution and represent the pnorm value for a certain "x": x<-300 xx <- seq(2.5,7.5, by=0.1) yy <- dnorm(xx,5.01,0.77) d<-signif(pnorm(log(x), 5.01,0.77),4) xpts <- round(exp(0:8)) par(bg = "antiquewhite") plot(xx,yy, type="l", col="blue", lwd=2, xaxt="n",
2007 May 16
Unable to compile "Matrix" package
After upgrading to 2.5.0 under freebsd 6.2 I updated all the add-on packages in an R session via update.packages(...). R was unable to install the "Matrix" package because it couldn't find the package. Therefore I downloaded the *.tar.gz from the CRAN site and issued R CMD INSTALL Matrix_0.99875-1.tar.gz but the comilation ended in an error (see the complete attached
2019 Aug 07
Bind9 doesn't updated - TSIG error with server: tsig verify failure
Hello everybody, I've had a samba environment with the following "brief" description: - There are 2 DC (*samba4 *and *samba4bkp*) running samba version 4.1.6 on my domain (*SMB*). DNS back end is Samba Internal DNS; - I've added a new DC (*king*) running samba version 4.10.2 and as DC to *SMB *domain with BIND9 DNS Back End; - *king* has updated dns zones and
2012 Nov 07
pseudo R-squared with likfit (geoR)
We want to compute a pseudo R-squared for a model whose parameter estimation was based on maximum likelihood (function likfit, package geoR). I tried to compute the R2 proposed by Maddala (1983) which compare the maximized likelihood for the model without any predictor and the maximized likelihood for the model with all predictors. I got a really low value (0,01%). Did I miss something? Are
2005 Feb 18
Re: winetools
Am Fr, Feb 18, 2005 at 09:55:43 -0300 schrieb Manoel Pinho: > Did you see these articles: > > > > and > >,1995,1766738,00.asp > > ? > > M$ sucks !! > > This would break any efforts like your winetools... Yes, I read
1998 Feb 03
Signal 6
The answer is on the Slackware CD Rom - read /contrib/gcc2721.README. Apparently it's a bug wih this version of gcc, and the previous version is on the CD as a work-around. Regards, Derek You wrote: >I get the following error: >. >. >Compiling smbpass.c >cc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 6 >make: *** [smbpass.o] Error 1 >I have tried compiling
2010 Jun 17
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: jnidispatch (/com/sun/jna/linux-i386/ not found in resource path
Hi everybody, I'm trying to run the sample of the site, but is not working. In fact, already includes jna.jar in my class path, see. What can it be? -- Rafael Braga -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A
2006 Oct 30
psigamma derivative
Hello, I am trying to find a hessian matrix that involves log(gamma(1/p)) second derivative, p being one of the parameters of the function. I am using a function "deriv" with the hessian=TRUE option, but psigamma is not on the list of derivative functions. I know that it is possible to use 'psigamma(p,deriv)', but it doesn't work with 1/p. Does anybody can help with this?
2010 Apr 13
Network Analysis
Hi, I am working on a project to understand the linkages between various websites. My data currently looks like the following: Variables: Website referral_site_1 referral_site_2 ... destination_site_1 destination_site_2 ... The values in these fields are just websites. So for every website in the first column, I have the top referral and destination websites. I'd like to do some strength
2012 Oct 18
legend of maps generated by function symbols
I generated maps with the function symbols (graphics). These are basic maps generated with : symbols(x,y,circles=myvariable) where x et y are spatial coordinates corresponding to replicates of "myvariable". I would associate legend to this kind of maps, is it possible? Regards, Marion. -- Marion Jacquot Laboratoire de Chrono-environnement UMR UFC/CNRS 6249 USC INRA Universit? de
1998 Sep 13
new user question
Hi all, I have installed samba on both BSDI 3.1 and Linux. I have been having trouble compiling on linux so I got a binary form and installed it. So far all seems to work except the password keeps getting rejected when trying to map a drive. It is happening in both the linux version and BSDI. I am loging into windows with the same user/pass as my unix account and am trying to map a drive it