Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Translation pt-br "WIKI - FrontPage""
2003 Jun 27
Probs with smbfs
Hi all
I am having trouble with my SMBFS and it is the following
Every time I try to connect to other machine in my network, throught the command MOUNT, the folowing ERROR appears. I've already tried to see the manpage but i had not success.
[root@backup_sp bin] mount -t smbfs //sarq/c /mnt/windows
ERROR: smbfs filesystem not supported by the kernel
Please refer to the smbnt (8)
2006 Jun 17
Vamos fazer o lançamento do livro? (Brazil)
Hi, I apologize for a portuguese message at this group, but I am trying to
reach brazilians who read this great group. It''s about the release of the
first Ruby on Rails book for the brazilian audience.
Here it goes:
Galera, finalmente terminei de escrever o livro e entreguei o material
para a editora esta semana, agora resta esperar at? que eles nos digam
quando ser? a data do
2003 Dec 20
----- Mensagem Original -----=20
Eu boicotaria estas empresas s=F3 pelo fato de financiarem os enjoativos e =
rancentos Cassetas, mas me surpreendi ao descobrir que tantos produtos que =
eu costumo comprar s=E3o transg=EAnicos. Fui conferir no site do greenpeace=
e =E9 verdade!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boicote neles!
----- Original Message -----=20
C A M P A N H A=20
2009 May 06
Portal for br.centos.org or pt_br.centos.org
Hi, my name is Thiago Avelino, I'm Brazilian, talks in Brazil on
CentOS (RedHat), part of porjeto LXDE (Development).
First I want to know when we have the CentOS website of Brazil, and I
actively helping put this content on the portal, the portal can be
CentOS BR bringing more public Brazilian (Spanish) to use and help the
CentOS. Today I have a mirror of CentOS in Brazil
2009 May 06
[CentOS-devel] Portal for br.centos.org or pt_br.centos.org
Yes, all from this list pt_br know this in my publication list of hundreds devel.
2009/5/6 Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>:
> Thiago Avelino wrote:
>> Ralph: Not understand what you mean!
> a) Please don't top post.
> b) No offense meant, but your last mails all loked like you are the sole
> ? proprietor of everything "CentOS Brazil".
2009 Oct 12
Thiago Avelino has invited you to Dropbox
We're excited to let you know that Thiago Avelino has invited you to Dropbox!
Thiago Avelino has been using Dropbox to sync and share files online and across computers, and thought you might want it too.
Visit http://www.getdropbox.com/link/20.zCvZjLzqDt/NjM3MTY0ODY3 to get started.
- The Dropbox Team
To stop receiving invites from
2003 Jul 30
Lula-Cuba, "bloqueio", patrulhas"...
msz De: Fern?ndez-L?pez, Ambito Iberoamericano, Paseo de la Castellana
223, Madrid. [1]InEnglish - [2]EnEspanol
Caros amigos luso-brasileiros,
? de se perguntar se as "patrulhas ideol?gicas" esquerdistas estar?o
impedindo que os ?ltimos artigos do ex preso pol?tico e escritor
cubano Armando Valladares - que abordam delicados aspetos das rela??es
entre o regime
2009 Oct 12
Thiago Avelino has invited you to Dropbox
We're excited to let you know that Thiago Avelino has invited you to Dropbox!
Thiago Avelino has been using Dropbox to sync and share files online and across computers, and thought you might want it too.
Visit http://www.getdropbox.com/link/20.fbqG0o6V9e/NjM3MTY3NTg3 to get started.
- The Dropbox Team
To stop receiving invites from
2010 Nov 10
clustering association rules
I have a general question regarding to clustering of association rules.
According to http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/arules/vignettes/arules.pdf
"4.7 Distance based clustering transactions and associations" there is possibility for creating clusters of association rules.
I do not understand, how I have to interpret clusters of rules.
Let us have next association rules and
2011 Mar 14
Serial Date
Hello R Help,
I'm working in a project with a software that register date and time data in serial time format. This format is used by excel, for exemple. In this format, 40597.3911423958 is 2011/2/23 09:23:15. First part is number os days since 1900/1/1, and second part is a fraction of a day.
I need to make this transformation in R, and use it to make some algebrian operations. I found that
2012 Jun 08
Consulta sobre GLM-log linear
Estimados amigos,
Estoy familiarizándome con los modelos lineales generalizados en R. Estoy
interesado en realizar un análisis lig linear y me gustaría saber cuáles
son o como extraer los valores correspondientes al chi cuadrado en el
análisis para cada grupo y para las interacciones. Desde ya muchas gracias
y disculpas si la pregunta es muy básica, adjunto los comandos que estoy
utilizando. Si
2012 Jun 08
Consulta sobre GLM-log linear
Estimados amigos,
Estoy familiarizándome con los modelos lineales generalizados en R. Estoy
interesado en realizar un análisis lig linear y me gustaría saber cuáles
son o como extraer los valores correspondientes al chi cuadrado en el
análisis para cada grupo y para las interacciones. Desde ya muchas gracias
y disculpas si la pregunta es muy básica, adjunto los comandos que estoy
utilizando. Si
2007 Apr 10
help with Sipura SPA 3000
Hi there everyone!
I've bought a Sipura SPA 3000, and succesfully connected it to my Mac, where
I installed Asterisk 1.4.0. Both ports (FXO and FXS) are well configured).
However, living in Brazil, I'd like to know if there are optimal settings to
my PSTN that I should enter into the config of the device. I experience a
little bit of echo on the FXO probably because I raised the gain of
2004 Dec 16
MS Access XP on Wine?
Hi, is it possible to install Office XP con Wine? I only need Access
running. But I tried executing the "INSTALLACC.EXE" from the Office XP
CD and it doesnt work.
Capit?n Planeta de camino al planeta Fedora !!!
2007 Aug 24
Speex on ARM7
I'm testing SPEEX on embedded board using ARM7 (Atmel). ARM7 don't have
floating point so I'm using FIXED_POINT. Unfortunately the encoding speed is
about 5 times slower then necessary for real time.
ARM7 is slow for 16/8 bits operations.
The sequence:
static inline spx_word32_t compute_pitch_error(spx_word16_t *C, spx_word16_t
*g, spx_word16_t pitch_control)
2009 Sep 16
Change "bi-weekly" newsletter on "FrontPage" to "monthly"
Dear all,
FrontPage currently mentions a bi-weekly newsletter. This should be
changed to "monthly".
Timothy Lee
2006 Sep 30
Frontpage 2003 Upgrade
Hi! How do I get frontpage 2003 upgrade to work? I used ies4linux to get
ie6 and copied the directory and installed frontpage 2000. When I try to
install 2003, though, it terminates before even starting! I need
frontpage 2003 for school, otherwise I wouldn't use it. Any help would
be appreciated! Thanks!
2005 Jun 06
FrontPage Extensions
Has anyone had success getting FrontPage extensions to work with
I've been trying to set up a virtual hosting server with front page
I found this page to help getting around the selinux problems:
but each problem I overcome I keep hitting another...
Just wondering if anyone's had success with this on Centos-4 or if
2007 Oct 12
Wiki FrontPage Proposition
Hi guys,
What do you think about this structure:
2007 Nov 26
SiteNavigation wanted on FrontPage
Hi Ralph,
Could the SiteNavigation page be listed on the Front Page as before?
I fairly often use it and now I cannot 'navigate' to it :-)