similar to: wicd system tray status doesn't change when connected to network

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "wicd system tray status doesn't change when connected to network"

2015 Jul 27
wicd problem 2: wicd does not sync when ifconfig commands are given from a terminal
greetings, during past week or so, i have been having problems with mozilla firefox locking up kde desktop and i have to open a terminal to reboot system. to insure that i get kde back to a desired state, i make backups of ~/.kde path when ever i change any settings of kde. after system reboots and desktop manager is displayed, i <ctrl+alt+f1> to terminal, delete current ~/.kde, then copy
2015 Jul 27
wicd problem 1: wicd allows network to be connected on reboot
greetings, i find this strange because i see problems when using 'wicd'. 1st problem is that wicd allows network to be connected on reboot, even when network is disconnected at time of reboot. such does not seem to be good because i leave system up 24/7/365 and if there is a mains failure and ups takes system down, system will come back up with network connected, which i prefer not to
2015 Jul 27
wicd problem 0: i have started having problems wicd and network connections
greetings, system: CentOS = 6.6 - current updates KDE = 4.3.4 Network Manager = 0.8.1 wicd = 1.7.0 (bzr-r552) from what i have read in threads, it appears that 'wicd' is recommended network controller over 'network manager'. because of this, i installed wicd and tried to use. i find this strange because i see problems when using 'wicd'.
2011 Feb 25
wicd questions
Hello I am trying to get wicd to work on Cent 5.5 it installs fine but when i run wicd-curses i get this error wicd-curses File "/usr/share/wicd/curses/", line 505 class appGUI(): ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax my versions of wicd and python-urwid are wicd-1.7.0-3.el5 python-urwid- Has anyone been able to get wicd working
2015 Jul 27
wicd problem 3: wicd blocking 1st attempt connection for firefox and yumex
greetings, wicd is preventing firefox and yumex to connect to internet. when i first try to connect to a web site with firefox, i get err message; Unable to connect when i click [Try Again], connection is made. all further connection attempts are ok. when i try to run yumex, i get error message; Not connected to a network. Do you want to continue selecting [Yes] continues starting
2015 Jul 27
wicd problem 4: wicd restarts itself when as root user making terminal commands
greetings, to further check wicd problem, i decided to run test as root user and as user. i verified wicd problems 1, 2, 3 happen when logged in as root user. to further test wicd problems, i tried a few command line problems using virtual terminals. in following, note changing of status for eth0. [root at boxen Documents]# ifconfig eth0 down [root at boxen Documents]# ifconfig eth0 Link
2012 Feb 22
question about wicd
Hello, I am using SLC6 and wicd for wi-fi. Always during system booting wicd asks me to fill superuser password/or ignore (but in this case wi-fi works bad). I am using KDE ... Do you know the way how to remove this message (exactly small special window) from monitor? Thank you. Regards, Dusan
2009 Jan 01
Wireless network connection problem
hi all , i just met a strange problem about my wireless network , i installed ipw3945 driver and it can detect the wireless network lists around my laptop ,but , i can't connect to the wireless network even under the right authority my centos 5.2 dectected my wirless network card as eth1 , it's really strange , i think any help ? thx and wish you a happy new year :) -- Keep It Simple
2015 Jul 27
wicd problem 5: wicd restarts itself when as user making terminal commands
greetings, following are command line problems as user using virtual terminals. ]$ ifconfig;date eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0F:FE:8F:8F:23 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::20f:feff:fe8f:8f23/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:1419 errors:0 dropped:0
2009 May 31
WINE system tray appears randomly
Hello everyone, I am in the process of adapting my app so it runs well on WINE. My app creates an icon in the system tray on Windows (via the Shell_NotifyIcon API) and it sometimes starts a child process that itself creates another icon in the system tray. It typically starts during interactive user login. So I configured a system with Ubuntu 8.04 (and GNOME) to automatically start my app
2010 Mar 08
¿Can I detect tray icon position of a Wine app?
Hi Many Windows apps uses a tray icon. ?There are a command or method to determine x and y corrds of that icon?. I want this to develop a notifier that shows a balloon "growing" from tray icon. Thanks in adavance :)
2006 Aug 02
tray icons not in Gnome Notification Area
Running for example NetMetter or uTorrent Dapper drake, Wine 0.9.18 -Tray icons show in its own window in left upper corner :/ (Cedega shows it in Notification Area, but with wrong background) -minimizing and maximizing back app from tray will make that app window move a little left and up -minimizing with minimize button will make app window
2010 Jul 09
Wine System Tray - can i remove/disable it
Hello, i am heaving issue with some program in wine. When i start it Wine System tray window is shown in screen corner and stay there without icon [Image: ] ( Software is working fine i am just heaving issue with tray icon. Is there a way to disable Wine System Tray ? Best regards n24
2017 Aug 25
retrieve machine password in current Samba?
On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 10:06:59PM +0000, James Zuelow via samba wrote: > We have a wireless network that uses 802.1x authentication, in which domain joined computers use their machine credentials to connect. > > > Windows machines do this automatically, and until recently Linux computers could join using wicd, wpa-supplicant, and a simple script that would retrieve the machine
2013 Jan 25
Mail notification in panel/system tray on CentOS 6
Hi. Does anyone know of a way to add a "new mail" notification icon to the panel/system tray under CentOS 6? On CentOS 5, I used the "mail-notification" software package provided by the Fedora "EPEL" distribution, but this is gone from the version 6 repository, and the one from version 5 won't install just like that due to dependency issues. Maybe it's
2017 Sep 08
retrieve machine password in current Samba?
> -----Original Message----- > From: Andrew Bartlett [mailto:abartlet at] > Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2017 3:41 PM > To: James Zuelow; samba at > Subject: Re: [Samba] retrieve machine password in current Samba? -- >8 -- snip -- 8< -- > I've looked into this, and I don't think we have changed the format, it is just that > we stopped
2017 Aug 26
retrieve machine password in current Samba?
> -----Original Message----- > From: Jeremy Allison [mailto:jra at] > Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 3:48 PM > Looking at the code I think it's now returning the plaintext password, whereas > previously it only stored the password hash. You'll have to hash to make it > useful by wicd it seems (I'm guessing wicd expects the hash, not the plaintext). OK. I
2017 Aug 25
retrieve machine password in current Samba?
We have a wireless network that uses 802.1x authentication, in which domain joined computers use their machine credentials to connect. Windows machines do this automatically, and until recently Linux computers could join using wicd, wpa-supplicant, and a simple script that would retrieve the machine password with tdbdump. ( specifically tdbdump -k SECRETS/MACHINE_PASSWORD/DOMAIN
2011 Aug 05
Configuration for ppp0 and wlan0 (Standalone laptop - Debian Squeeze)
Hello, I would appreciate any feedback/suggestions on my Shorewall configuration for a standalone laptop Debian Squeeze configuration for ppp0 and wlan0, set out below: ------------------ My current system: ------------------ I have successfuly configured Shorewall on my standalone Debian Squeeze laptop for a ppp0 (Mobile broadband) connection using GNOME PPP, works great (refer to
2010 Oct 19
Printer Tray option not available
Good morning, on Ubuntu I'have install a Lexmark T650 printer using T650.ppd get from official Lexmark web site. When I printing from OpenOffice I can choose all printer options like Tray option and other. I'm using Wine 1.3.3 on Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop. If I try to print using notepad installed in Wine, I see the printer, same name like in Ubuntu, but without the tray option choise. Wine