similar to: "DATA3.CAB" asked for but not on disk

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: ""DATA3.CAB" asked for but not on disk"

2011 May 29
oblivion - & black face of hero
Greetings, during installation of Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition GOTY in German on wine-1.3.21 the installation asks for inserting Disc 0 with the file Well, there is no such on the DVD. Workaround for me was booting to WinXP, installing Oblivion there, booting to Gentoo, mounting the WinXP partition and copying the directory Oblivion to a suitable place in ~/.wine.
2008 Jan 18
winetricks and gecko
*When I run sh winetricks gecko, the following happens:* superman at travis-lin:~$ sh winetricks gecko --13:43:26-- => `winegecko.php?v=0.1.0' Resolving Connecting to||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found Location:
2011 Mar 21
Trying to run RIFT on OS X 10.6 and Having DirectX Issues
I've been working for a few hours to get RIFT running on my Mac Pro. I really don't want to have to get a full windows license to play the game so it seemed like a good alternative. So I pulled wine via macports (I did this today so I got wine-1.2.2). Then downloaded the game and got it patched (my wife has a Windows machine and a Rift account). This is where progress stopped. I find that
2007 Apr 17
VuXML entry for CVE-2007-1870: ClamAV CAB File Unstore Buffer Overflow
Good day. Spotted the CVE-2007-1870: the clamav 0.90.2 is already in the ports, but no sign of the issue in the VuXML. The entry is attached. One thing that is a bit strange is that the ChangeLog for the ClamAV ( says about CVE-2007-1997 as the libclamav/cab.c log entry, but I think they are messed the numbers -- there is no such CVE, at
2007 Mar 19
No fonts in "Magic Online"
Hi all, I'm in trouble with wine in playing with Magic Online: I'm running Mandriva 2006 and I have tried several versions of wine, without success: - wine-20050725 (version included in Mandriva 2006): The app hangs, I can't have the intallation to work. - wine 0.9.17 (last rpm for Mandriva available on the wine
2007 Feb 16
sangoma 102 and CAB-E1-RJ45BNC
Hi, sorry for the newbie hardware questions but here it goes scenario - our telco is feeding us e1 thru coax connection (unbalanced) - so the coax feed rx-tx goes to our old pabx using ericsson bp250 - what we wanted to do is to install asterisk in between hence telco<-->asterisk<-->bp250 using asterisk to power up the voip portion the problem is the we are getting crackling sound
2009 Mar 05
Turbo Lister eBay problems.
I am trying to install TURBO LISTER from eBay. I get these errors in the Terminal (Ubuntu). First a million "Fix Me"s and then these: err:msi:msi_cabextract FDICopy failed err:msi:ACTION_InstallFiles Failed to extract cabinet: L"" err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"InstallFinalize" returned 1627 err:ole:ClientRpcChannelBuffer_SendReceive
2007 Mar 19
Table _Streams in msi files
Hi, can somebody help me. I've designed my own msi unpacker. In native Windows it works well, but wine implementation of msi.dll can't find table "_Streams"... :( Maybe there is another way to extract cab files form msi? And why there are no definition of this table in wine msi.dll?
2014 Jun 02
[Bug 79522] New: [NV67] Possible Regression 3.14.4+ Priority: medium Bug ID: 79522 Keywords: regression Assignee: nouveau at Summary: [NV67] Possible Regression 3.14.4+ QA Contact: xorg-team at Severity: normal Classification: Unclassified OS: Linux (All) Reporter:
2001 Mar 27
IMPRINTS: unable to expand microsoft cab file
Jerry, Perhaps you could help me with a problem building a Samba print package. I've downloaded the drivers files I need from HP. I run the appropriate command, but it dies with the following output: [root@tux designjet]# /usr/local/imprints/bin/ --name="hp1050c" --version=1.00 --display-name="HP DesignJet 1050c" -d "HP DesignJet 1050C
2008 Mar 13
How to Install WINE on Slackware 12
Hello, I read the README and the man pages and the User Guide. They only say to run ./tools/wineinstall but it can't be found anywhere on my system! I downloaded the package and used tar to extract it to my home directory (/root). I do not find "./tools" anywhere. Nothing in the documentation mentions the directory from which to install at all.
2008 Jul 03
HTML rendering is currently disabled
I am using Ubuntu 8.04 and Wine 1.10. Before installing Wine I had installed Firefox 3.0 final release for Linux as instructed on the Ubuntu site. It said not to uninstalled the version of Firefox that came with Ubuntu because it may break Gecko and other things, so I didn't uninstall it. I've now installed Wine 1.10 and have installed one application, however, it gave me a prompt to
2011 Apr 05
IFELSE function XXXX
Hello everyone, This IFELSE function call is not working properly. I do not receive an error message, but the actions are not executed conditional as I was hoping. Any assistance is appreciated. set.seed(12345) res1<-rbinom(10000,1,.1) rdata3<-transform(data.frame(res1),input1=rnorm(10000,50,10)) data3 #inducing correlation between res1 & input1
2009 Nov 12
redundant factor levels after subsetting a dataset
#I have a data frame with a numeric and a character variable. x=c(1,2,3,2,0,2,-1,-2,-4) md=c(rep("Miller",3), rep("Richard",3),rep("Smith",3)) data1=data.frame(x,md) #I subset this data.frame in a way such that one level of the character variable does not appear in the new dataset. data2=data1[x>0,] data3=subset(data1,x>0) #However, when I check the levels
2011 Mar 23
Can we add .ax files using winetricks
I have installed procaster in wine it installed successfully But when i try to start it it asks for import dll library can you please guide if the file can be installed using winetricks or also guide if there is any other way of installing in wine
2008 May 14
Accessing items in a list of lists
Using R 2.6.2, say I have the following list of lists, "comb": data1 <- list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3) data2 <- list(a = 4, b = 5, c = 6) data3 <- list(a = 3, b = 6, c = 9) comb <- list(data1 = data1, data2 = data2, data3 = data3) So that all names for the lowest level list are common. How can I most efficiently access all of the sublist items "a" indexed by the outer
2008 Apr 25
Who asking users to install native DirectX?
More and more poor clueless users getting to nowhere installing that stuff according to some howtos. Who are writing those? And why are they directing people to install it in the first place? The only person I've found who created that howto everyone links to - Tom Wickline states EXPLICITLY THAT THIS IS FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY!!! AND NOT TO BE USED WITH ANY REAL LIFE APPLICATION! Are
2008 Jan 15
how to fit model to split data and get residual plots
I have a data set with the following structure (with many more obs.): var1 expt day diameter 1 1 2 0.5 1 1 3 0.9 1 1 4 1.3 1 1 5 1.7 1 2 2 0.3 1 2 3 0.5 1 2 4 0.9 1 2 5 1.6 2 1 2 0.7 2 1 3 1.2 2 1 4 1.6 2 1 5 2.3 2 2 2 0.4 2 2 3 0.8 2 2 4 1.6 2 2 5 3.2 I can get separate regression analysis for each level of var1 and expt with the command: by(data3, data3$var1:data3$expt, function(x)
2009 Jul 23
$ sh winetricks dotnet11
Hi there, I am trying to install Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003, it fails with: $ wine VCToolkitSetup.exe fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"mathieu" (nil) 0x33f80c (nil) 0x33f810 0x33f804 - stub fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"mathieu" 0x12fd98 0x33f80c 0x12f828 0x33f810 0x33f804 - stub fixme:msi:ACTION_HandleStandardAction unhandled standard action
2005 Feb 16
scaling axes when plotting multiple data sets
1) When adding additional data sets to a plot using "plot" followed by "lines", is there a way to automate the scaling of the axes to allow for all data sets to fit within the plot area? 2) I attempted to solve this by setting xlim=c(min(c(data1,data2,data3)),max(c(data1,data2,data3))) however, there are some NAs and Infs in these data sets, and min(data1) and max(data1) both