similar to: Deliver sending bounces from 'MAILER-DAEMON@'

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Deliver sending bounces from 'MAILER-DAEMON@'"

2007 Jun 12
save failed to INBOX
Hello, I'm seeing som error messages in the mail log, like this: Jun 12 12:50:44 <> smtp2 deliver(user1 at domain.tld): msgid=< at foo99>: save failed to INBOX Jun 12 12:50:44 <> smtp2 deliver(user1 at domain.tld): msgid=< at foo99>: saved mail to INBOX It seems that when two or more
2007 Jun 04
errors in dovecot-uidlist
We have migrated a mailsystem to postfix/dovecot, using the courier migrate script, and we have run into a problem with dovecot-uidlist. The messages are not listed in the correct order .. This is an example dovecot-uidlist -file: 1 1177585200 49 22 1179084774.P7191Q0M321163.webmail1,S=8245:2,S 24 1179377823.P15932Q0M835219.smtp1,S=3462:2,S 25 1179668346.P23942Q0M941365.webmail1,S=4820357:2,S 31
2007 Aug 17
dovecot notifying a database about total number of messages.
Hello, in addition to our mail system, we have some other systems which needs to know how many messages, and how many unread messages, a user has in his/her inbox (maildir). Currently, we have a mod_perl script which takes a mail address as input, and then traverses the maildir, and outputs the number of unread messages. Our challenge is that the maildirs are located on a SAN, and traversing a
2007 Jun 18
Odd error from deliver
I found these errors in my log today: Jun 18 01:02:11 postamt deliver(cpxxxsch): msgid=<FSL%200706180000356580.6412 at JISCMAIL.AC.UK>: save failed to INBOX: Unknown error Jun 18 01:02:11 postamt deliver(cpxxxsch): msgid=<FSL%200706180000356580.6412 at JISCMAIL.AC.UK>: Rejected: Unknown error Jun 18 15:37:22 postamt deliver(roxxxmy): msgid=<E1I0HPz-0002OZ-00 at
2019 Jul 24
DNS add error
I'm trying to add an entry to dns.? The IP is external to the domain's IP's.? Here's the error: athena:~# samba-tool dns add smtp2 A Password for [administrator at EDM-INC.COM]: ERROR(runtime): uncaught exception - (9717, 'WERR_DNS_ERROR_DS_UNAVAILABLE') ? File
2012 Jan 13
sendmail deferred
Hi all, I having a problem with my sendmail server running on centos 5.7 x64. Sometimes when we send an email to microsoft exchange servers, sendmail says deferred or timeout. I do not know what is happening. Here is some details; [root at avgw ~]# sendmail -v -qRxxx at Running /var/spool/mqueue/q0B7caw9023076 (sequence 1 of 2) <xxx at>... Connecting to
2005 Oct 27
[info] Spamcop listing and, our list servers, seem to have gotten listed in the RBL. Spamcop listings are temporary and will time out, and because of occasional major false positives (or perhaps collateral damage?) like this I don't use it to reject mail. Anyone who IS using Spamcop to reject mail has missed much of today's list traffic. -- mail to this
2013 Dec 22
'unknown user' using dovecot LDA
Ok, one more issue to resolve. The old server was still using the postfix/virtual for delivery, but the new one is using the dovecot LDA. Now, when an email generated locally by a cron job is delivered, this shows in the log: 2013-12-22T10:29:55-05:00 host postfix/pickup[31400]: C67FD90F676B2: uid=0 from=<newsrv+rkhunter at> 2013-12-22T10:29:55-05:00 host
2007 Jul 11
postfix pipe to deliver, null_sender.
Hello, I just noticed a problem on our servers .. If I send myself a bounce, like this: | [en at mailserver ~]$ telnet localhost 25 | Trying | Connected to localhost.localdomain ( | Escape character is '^]'. | 220 mailserver ESMTP Postfix | helo foo | 250 mailserver | mail from: <> | 250 2.1.0 Ok | rcpt to: my at mail.address.tld | 250 2.1.5 Ok | data | 354
2015 Aug 20
PROXY protocol
On 19/8/2015 5:43 ??, Stephan Bosch wrote: > Well... > > > > Regards, > > Stephan. That was impressive! Thank you Timo and Stephan. You are superb! I hope you will be able to provide some basic guidelines on how to enable/use the new functionality. (I am not very code-literate.) Looking forward to it! Thanks again!
2011 Dec 26
managesieve vacation script bounces/frozen with a 550 error.
Dear all, I have been trying to get this problem out of the way but I just cant seem to get it right. I hope someone can point me in the right direction here. I have come up with a vacation script as below, which can be send out from my Postfix SMTP server to my smarthost at the ISP, and yet for some reason it is not sent out at my ISP server. The guys at the ISP have sent me the full error they
2007 Sep 27
rJava and RJDBC
I am desperate for help. I am trying to get the RJDBC and rJava .5to work on both my windows xp and linux Redhat EL5 Server. On both I get a ava.lang.ClassNotFoundException when calling JDBC(). My example is require(RJDBC) classPath='C:\\libraries\\mysql-connector-java-5.1.3-rc\\mysql-connector-java-5.1.3-rc-bin.jar' driverClass=c("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") drv <-
2008 May 27
why there is no in /usr/lib?
hello all: I want to install ModSecurity v2.5.4 in my system. I do the following setup to install the lua tar -xzvf lua-5.1.3.tar.gz cd lua-5.1.3/src make linux cd .. make install The ModSecurity ask me to add "LoadFile /usr/lib/" to the http.conf,but there is no in /usr/lib. I have search it and i didn't find the solution. Can any one tell me why
2006 May 01
Same .rhtml and partial in mailer and non-mailer contexts
I have an ActionMailer template that properly generates HTML email. It contains a partial. The mail action was called via the following in my controller: def cmasend @cmaform = Cmaform.find(params[:id]) Mailer.deliver_cma(@cmaform) flash[:notice] = ''CMA Sent.'' redirect_to :action => ''list'' end Then, in order to allow a
2007 Oct 18
cruise control rb mailer / Action Mailer
I am getting this error message when the mailer tries to execute TLS not available after start at /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/smtp.rb:680:in `check_response'' any one have any idea whats going on here -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails:
2010 Jan 30
Action Mailer: All mail comes from MAILER DAEMON
Action Mailer: All mail comes from MAILER DAEMON. host on slice with postfix and google app. any idea? Please help. Thanks. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2008 Sep 09
Prioritizing Mailer Queue / Action Mailer
Hi, I have different kinds of mails going out. For eg: 1. signup 2. notification mails etc I am using mailer queue to avoid mongrels waiting on email to be sent. However, it makes sense to have signup mails go instantaneously whereas other mails can go to mailer queue. Has anyone done such thing? Any suggestions please? Regards, SG -- Posted via
2007 Dec 11
"yum --security" and staying with 5.0
Hello, So I've watched a few threads about the new 5.0 vs. 5.1 upgrade and have a couple of (hopefully) practical questions about this: Context - I'd like to stick to 5.0 at least for a while until the dust around 5.1 settles down (and I'm back from holidays). As an example - In Debian, as long as I stick to "stable" I can be sure that the only updates I receive there are
2007 Aug 23
Mailer delivery execution question (drb or not)
When I send an email with Mailer does it get processed in a separate detached thread (a-la background-drb) or not? If not the follow up would be: - Is this something that would be a future feature? - Does anybody know of a way to get background-drb working with merb? (it''s probably an obvious thing but I am pretty new to the project) Thanks Diego
2006 Nov 04
action mailer and IMAP
I''m trying to figure out if I can use the ActionMailer and Rails for a IMAP reading application. It''s not a web mail application. But I don''t really see where the boundaries are for a Model, Controller, View. Or is it simply that everything related to reading the email via IMAP (which is going to be started from shell via crontab or other) is a Model and everything