similar to: How to install this package

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2024 Oct 02
How to install this package
Hi Enrico, yes it works. I can also plot the graph. Next question, how do I delete the date from 16 December until 31 December 2014? Thank you very much. > dt$time <- as.POSIXct(dt$time)> > dt_ts <- xts(dt$count, dt$time)> str(dt_ts)An xts object on 2014-01-01 / 2014-12-31 23:59:00 containing: Data: integer [525600, 1] Index: POSIXct,POSIXt [525600] (TZ: "")
2010 Nov 25
Hi, I am running the RODBC examples form the help guide. I am trying to UPDATE a table in an Access data base but I am having an error. library(RODBC) library(termstrc) path = getwd() setwd(getwd()) dbName = "data.mdb" pathdbname = paste(path,"/",dbName,sep="") accesChannel = odbcConnectAccess(pathdbname, uid = "", pwd = "")
2009 Mar 20
How to use termstrc functions?
Hi, I'm trying to use the package termstrc. However I cannot figure out how to invoke helper functions like create_cashflows_matrix & create_maturities_matrix. Even when I try to invoke those with the data supplied with the package (say, corpbonds), it throws error saying "Error in as.vector(x, mode) : invalid 'mode' argument". Can anybody provide some working example
2009 May 05
Can't build termstrc package from source
Hi, I'm trying to build the termstrc 1.1 package from its source on R 2.7.2 on Windows XP. However instead of building the package it just zips the entire source into a .tar.gz file. This is the first time I'm trying to build an R package from source. I installed the R toolset for Windows and set RTools as well as Perl & MinGW directories in the path. Anybody tried this out? Any file
2024 Nov 20
Rgl Quartz
Buenas tardes Les consulto por lo siguiente, posiblemente solo en Apple con procesadores M. Copio y pego un ejemplo, utilizando optiSel, no importa este sino el mensaje relacionado a RGL y como trabaja el sistema operativo. ¿Alguna sugerencia? > library(optiSel) Error in dyn.load(dynlib <- getDynlib(dir)) : no es posible cargar el objeto compartido
2009 Apr 09
Invoking bond_prices function of termstrc package
Hi, I'm trying to invoke the function bond_prices from termstrc package. Here is the code snippet: library(termstrc) data(eurobonds) b <- matrix(rep(c(0,0,0, 1),1),nrow=1,byrow=TRUE) group<-c("GERMANY") colnames(b) <- c("beta0","beta1","beta2","tau1") germaturities<-create_maturities_matrix(eurobonds$GERMANY)
2023 Jan 26
Failing to install the rgl package
Hi, I try to execute the seven lines of code below to plot a graph. But I am failing as the messages below show. Where am I going wrong? install.packages("rgl") library(rgl) y_hat = X%*%B_hat open3d(windowRect = c(100,100,900,900),family = "serif") color = rainbow(length(y_hat))[rank(y_hat)] plot3d(educ,exper,wage,col = color,type = "s",size = 0.5,xlim =
2013 May 19
TODAY field in termstrc
Hi: I am using termstrc package and not sure if TODAY field (govbonds dataset) is today's date or the settlement date for the bonds. Although the name suggests that it should be today's date, but how the formula is setup indicates that it should be settlement date. Please help and thanks in advance. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Apr 15
How to use cubic spline coefficients from termstrc package?
Hi, I'm using the cubic splines from termstrc package. I invoked the splines_estim function with a group of 43 bonds. It computes 6 knot points and returns values for alpha1 to alpha7. My question is how to use these alpha1 to alpha7 in the equation of yield? For example, if I'm trying to find the yield at, say, 12.25 years, which falls between 3rd & 4th knot points what should the
2012 Apr 26
Modelo de Nelson y Siegel
Hola a todos: En la estimación de parametros de Nelson-Siegel vienen definidos 3 argumentos: rate, maturity y MidTau. Este último lo define como un vector el cual indica el término medio del vencimiento para maximizar el factor beta2.Si yo tengo un vector de maturity de 77 datos, la pregunta es:¿Qué tan importante es el argumento MidTau, y qué otra especificación tiene? no me queda muy claro cómo
2011 Feb 17
Newbie Rccp module question. "Failed to initialize module pointer"???
Hi all. I started looking at Rcpp, which looks pretty great, actually. At the moment just trying to compile a module to get a feel how it all works without fully understanding how all the pieces fit together. Basically, i took the first example from Rcpp modules vignette: fun.cpp ======================== #include <Rcpp.h> #include <math.h> using namespace Rcpp; double
2002 Apr 11
Hi All, I am trying to decode the message received from openssh client 3.1.0 Following is the third message which I received. length = 0000 008c padding length = 06 messagetype = 1e (SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD) padding = b8 218e c680 and the next four byte should have the n which is 0000 0080 which is less than 1024. 0000 008c 061e 0000 0080 2a19 a9e4 05fb aee2 b107 4fa9 f0c1 83d3 3bf0
2011 Jun 04
Interfacing a C++ class
Hello Apologies for cross-posting, the discussion should (if) go to R-devel, but I also want to reach the rcpp-devel people. My C++ class FOO is a module available through Rcpp, and it works fine and is -- so far -- bug free. With trying to further develop my R package, I thought it was a good idea to interface my C++ workhorse FOO with an S4 class Foo. After some long and not always insightful
2024 Oct 15
[Bug 3744] New: openssh-SNAP-20241015 sshd-auth.c:467:2: error: use of undeclared identifier 'saved_argc'; did you mean 'saved_argv'? Bug ID: 3744 Summary: openssh-SNAP-20241015 sshd-auth.c:467:2: error: use of undeclared identifier 'saved_argc'; did you mean 'saved_argv'? Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 9.9p1 Hardware: ARM64 OS: Mac OS X
2010 Jul 18
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * allan (1.0) Alan Lee Automates Large Linear Analysis Model Fitting * andrews (1.0) Jaroslav Myslivec Andrews curves for visualization of multidimensional data * anesrake (0.3) Josh Pasek This
2009 May 05
self organizing map advice for categorical data
Hello, Could anybody offer any advice about implementing a Kohonen self organizing map for categorical data? Specifically I am wondering if there are any pre-existent packages that can deal with categorical data and/or how one would compare the input vector of categoricals with the self organizing map nodes. Thanks in advance. George Chen ----- Original Message ----- From: r-help-request at