similar to: bit, bit64, ff and greeNsort

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "bit, bit64, ff and greeNsort"

2012 Feb 21
new package 'bit64' - 1000x faster than 'int64' sponsored by Google
Dear R-Core team, Dear Rcpp team and other package teams, Dear R users, The new package 'bit64' is available on CRAN for beta-testing and code-reviewing. Package 'bit64' provides fast serializable S3 atomic 64bit (signed) integers that can be used in vectors, matrices, arrays and data.frames. Methods are available for coercion from and to logicals, integers, doubles,
2012 Feb 21
new package 'bit64' - 1000x faster than 'int64' sponsored by Google
Dear R-Core team, Dear Rcpp team and other package teams, Dear R users, The new package 'bit64' is available on CRAN for beta-testing and code-reviewing. Package 'bit64' provides fast serializable S3 atomic 64bit (signed) integers that can be used in vectors, matrices, arrays and data.frames. Methods are available for coercion from and to logicals, integers, doubles,
2018 Sep 24
Native 64 Integers
Dear R Developers, I would like to pick up back again the issue of 64 bits integers with R: *** CURRENT SITUATION *** At the moment, as regards integers, all the following are the same type: * length of an R vector * R integer type * C int type (Fixed at 32 bits: In practice) * Fortran INTEGER type (Fixed at 32
2012 Nov 08
package bit64 with new functionality
Dear R community, The new version of package 'bit64' - which extends R with fast 64-bit integers - now has fast (single-threaded) implementations of the most important univariate algorithmic operations (those based on hashing and sorting). Package 'bit64' now has methods for 'match', '%in%', 'duplicated', 'unique', 'table',
2012 Nov 08
package bit64 with new functionality
Dear R community, The new version of package 'bit64' - which extends R with fast 64-bit integers - now has fast (single-threaded) implementations of the most important univariate algorithmic operations (those based on hashing and sorting). Package 'bit64' now has methods for 'match', '%in%', 'duplicated', 'unique', 'table',
2019 Jun 03
Converting non-32-bit integers from python to R to use bit64: reticulate
Thank you Martin for giving to know and developing 'Rmpfr' library for unlimited size integers (GNU C GMP) and arbitrary precision floats (GNU C MPFR): My question is: In the long term (For R3.7.0 or R3.8.0): Does it have sense that CMP substitutes INTSXP, and MPFR substitutes REALSXP code? With this we would achieve that an integer is always an
2019 May 29
Converting non-32-bit integers from python to R to use bit64: reticulate
Hi Juan, Comments inline. On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 12:48 PM Juan Telleria Ruiz de Aguirre < jtelleria.rproject at> wrote: > Dear R Developers, > > There is an interesting issue related to "reticulate" R package which > discusses how to convert Python's non-32 bit integers to R, which has had > quite an exhaustive discussion: > >
2019 Jun 04
Converting non-32-bit integers from python to R to use bit64: reticulate
>>>>> Juan Telleria Ruiz de Aguirre >>>>> on Mon, 3 Jun 2019 06:50:17 +0200 writes: > Thank you Martin for giving to know and developing 'Rmpfr' library for > unlimited size integers (GNU C GMP) and arbitrary precision floats (GNU C > MPFR): > > My question is: In the long term
2017 Jan 20
How to handle INT8 data
Hi, I do have < INT_MAX. This looks attractive but since they are unique identifiers, storing them as factor will be likely to be counter-productive. (a string version + an int32 for each) I was looking to This looks like a good feet for my needs. Any chances such an external package for int64 would be integrated in core ? Le 20
2019 Jun 01
Converting non-32-bit integers from python to R to use bit64: reticulate
>>>>> Juan Telleria Ruiz de Aguirre >>>>> on Thu, 30 May 2019 18:46:29 +0200 writes: >Thank you Gabriel for valuable insights on the 64-bit integers topic. >In addition, my statement was wrong, as Python3 seems to have unlimited >(and variable) size integers. .... If you are interested in using unlimited size integers, you could use the
2013 Dec 02
pesky \usage-warnings with R CMD check
I?m in the process of preparing a package for CRAN. The package is called ?exportR? and since it really just consists of one function, I found it natural to call it ?exportR? too. The function returns a function that does the actual job, but it is set up to work in different ways, depending on the arguments given to its creator. In short: library( exportR ) exporter <- exportR( the, arguments
2019 May 29
Converting non-32-bit integers from python to R to use bit64: reticulate
Dear R Developers, There is an interesting issue related to "reticulate" R package which discusses how to convert Python's non-32 bit integers to R, which has had quite an exhaustive discussion: Python seems to handle integers differently from R, and is dependant on the system arquitecture: On 32 bit systems uses 32-bit integers,
2019 May 30
Converting non-32-bit integers from python to R to use bit64: reticulate
Thank you Gabriel for valuable insights on the 64-bit integers topic. In addition, my statement was wrong, as Python3 seems to have unlimited (and variable) size integers. Here is related CPython Code: Division between Int-32 and Int-64 seems to only happen in Python2. Best, Juan El mi?rcoles, 29 de mayo de 2019, Gabriel
2004 Nov 30
Performance problems
Some of you may recall that I have been working on building a box to convert H323 to SIP. After a significant amount of outside help and slicing and dicing of the ohh323 code to get it to compile on AMD64 we finally got it working. Now we are working on improving the performance. This box takes H323 from one device and converts to SIP and spits it back out to another device. The codec is g729 but
2017 Jan 20
How to handle INT8 data
How many unique idenfiiers do you have? If they are large (in terms of bytes) but you don't have that many of them (eg the total possible number you'll ever have is < INT_MAX), you could store them as factors. You get the speed of integers but the labeling of full "precision" strings. Factors are fast for joins. ~G On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 9:47 AM, Nicolas Paris
2017 Jan 21
How to handle INT8 data
To summarise this thread, there are basically three ways of handling int64 in R: * coerce to character * coerce to double * store in double There is no ideal solution, and each have pros and cons that I've attempted to summarise below. ## Coerce to character This is the easiest approach if the data is used as identifiers. It will have some performance drawbacks when loading and will
2017 Jan 20
How to handle INT8 data
Well I definitely cannot use them as numeric because join is the main reason of those identifiers. About int64 and bit64 packages, it's not a solution, because I am releasing a dataset for external users. I cannot ask them to install a package in order to exploit them. I have to be very carefull when releasing the data. If a user just use read.csv functions, they by default cast the
2014 Jun 27
[PATCH WIP] Can't generate argv variant
Hi everyone, lately I've been getting familiar with library and working on slight re-layering of the library. It's about having locking layer in public API and tracing one layer below that (let's call it __t_ layer. I'm not very good at making up names, so this is temporary:) ). Then making sure that all generated public stuff call __t_ layer and all other internal stuff
2017 Oct 06
Importando mal los datos
Gracias Carlos, Me lo ha solucionado, pero.. ¿Por que es necesario instlara ese paquete? Un saludo Jesús ________________________________ De: Carlos Ortega <cof en> Enviado: viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017 14:51 Para: Jesús Para Fernández Cc: r-help-es en Asunto: Re: [R-es] Importando mal los datos Instala el paquete "bit64".... Saludos, Carlos
2004 Nov 22
chan_h323 on AMD64
Has anyone here done this? I got it compiled just fine but when I make a call I do not get any audio going either way. The * box is not behind any sort of firewall or nat. My H323 client (gnomemeeting) is behind NAT but I have it set up properly to work through NAT and it will talk correctly with my other regular x86 box running H323. One odd thing I note is that when looking at the UDP traffic