similar to: Possible update to survival

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Possible update to survival"

2001 Nov 12
check() warnings for survival-2.6
I am not sure if this is the right place for that kind of questions, but I wondered that the recommended package survival did not pass R's check procedure without warnings: 1) unbalanced braces: * Rd files with unbalanced braces: * man/Surv.Rd * man/cluster.Rd * man/cox.zph.Rd * man/coxph.Rd * man/coxph.detail.Rd * man/date.ddmmmyy.Rd * man/lines.survfit.Rd *
2012 Apr 30
need help with avg.surv (Direct Adjusted Survival Curve), Message-ID:
Well, I would suggest using the code already in place in the survival package. Here is my code for your problem. I'm using a copy of the larynx data as found from the web resources for the Klein and Moeschberger book. larynx <- read.table("larynx.dat", skip=12, col.names=c("stage", "time", "age", "year",
2012 Apr 29
need help with avg.surv (Direct Adjusted Survival Curve)
Hello R users,  I am trying to obtain a direct adjusted survival curve. I am sending my whole code (see below). It's basically the larynx cancer data with Stage 1-4. I am using the cox model using coxph option, see the fit3 coxph. When I use the avg.surv option on fit3, I get the following error: "fits<-avg.surv(fit3,"stage.fac", var.values=c(1,2,3,4), data=larynx)
2011 May 26
Survival: pyears and ratetable: expected events
Dear all, I am having a (really) hard time getting pyears to work together with a ratetable to give me the number of expected events (deaths). I have the following data: dos, date of surgery, as.Date dof, date of last follow-up, as.Date dos, date of surgery, as.Date sex, gender, as.factor (female,male) ev, event(death), 0= censored at time point dof, 1=death at time point dof Could someone
2010 Dec 20
survexp - unable to reproduce example
Dear All, when I try to reproduce an example of survexp, taken from the help page of survdiff, I receive the error message "Error in floor(temp) : Non-numeric argument to mathematical function" . It seems to come from match.ratetable. I think, it has to do with character variables in a ratetable. I would be interested to know, if it works for others. With an older version of
2011 Apr 20
survexp with weights
Hello, I probably have a syntax error in trying to generate an expected survival curve from a weighted cox model, but I can't see it. I used the help sample code to generate a weighted model, with the addition of a "weights=albumin" argument (I only chose albumin because it had no missing values, not because of any real relevance). Below are my code with the resulting error
2010 Sep 13
using survexp and ratetable with coxph object that includes a factor term
Hello, I'm attempting to use the ratetable argument to survexp in the survival package. I use the example from the ?survexp help page below, and then slightly modify it to produce an error. library(survival) data(pbc) #fit a model without any factors pfit1 <- coxph(Surv(time, status > 0) ~ trt + log(bili) + log(protime) + age + platelet, data=pbc) #this works as expected
2010 Dec 31
survexp - example produces error
Dear All, reposting, because I did not find a solution, maybe someone could check the example below. It's taken from the help page of survdiff. Executing it, gives the error "Error in floor(temp) : Non-numeric argument to mathematical function" best regards, Heinz library(survival) ## Example from help page of survdiff ## Expected survival for heart transplant patients based
2005 Aug 29
Core dump during lazy loading of "survival" at installation time (PR#8106)
Full_Name: D Kreil Version: 2.1.1 OS: HP-UX B.11.23 U ia64 0029870451 unlimited-user license Submission from: (NULL) ( I sadly get a core-dump during installation, when it tries to lazyload package survival. Any idea what to do about this? Best regards, D. ... include -fPIC -g -O2 -c survindex2.c -o survindex2.o gcc -I/bi/common/src/R-2.1.1/include
2009 May 21
Changelog for the survival package
> Several changes in print.survfit, plot.survfit and seemingly in the structure > of ratetabels effect some of my syntax files. > Is there somewhere a documentation of these changes, besides the code itself? I agree, the Changelog.09 file is not as comprehensive as one would like. Specific comments: 1. The ratetables were recently changed to accomodate a new option. I thought
2009 Jan 19
further notes on model.frame issue
This is a follow-up on my note of Saturday. Let me start with two important clarifications - I think this would be a nice addition, but I've had exactly one use for it in the 15+ years of developing the survival package. - I have a work around for the current case. Prioritize accordingly. The ideal would be to change survexp as follows: fit <- survexp( ~ gender,
2008 Sep 10
relsurv package
Dear R-users, I have a couple of questions about the relsurv package: 1) when I try to run the example: fit <- rsmul(Surv(time,cens)~sex+as.factor(agegr)+ratetable(age=age*365.24,sex=sex,year=year),ratetable=slopop,data=rdata) with the datasets in the package (rdata and slopop) it gives me an error: Error in nrow(x) : object "x" not found 2) If I have a date format
2013 Sep 18
ENC paramater interpolation in ENC, and inline templates
I''m in the process of rolling out a new homegrown ENC (we''ve decided on using an ENC over hiera; I know it''s not the way a lot of you are going, but it''s right for us) and am running into some issues with variable interpolation in ENC data. To give a concrete example, I''m using modules to configure puppetdb, puppet master, and puppet clients. So,
2002 Mar 13
MASS Library
Hi, I was just trying out an example on Page 247 of the MASS (Modern Applied Statistics with S-plus) book and saw the function "negexp.ival". It says it is supplied in the MASS library, however when I load the library in R and typed: negexp.ival it says: Error: Object "negexp.ival" not found Does it mean it only appears in the MASS library for S-plus?
2009 Jun 01
Changing a Regedit and Half Life/CS Out
Good Afternoon!! I installed MuOnline game and it was issues in fonts ( text ). Then I fixed it changing key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\X11 Driver string: ClientSideAntiAliasWithCore value: N string: ClientSideAntiAliasWithRender value: N After that I don' t get run Counter Strtike 1.6 No Steam neither Half Life. Above is my output and I 'd like to know : are there interconnections
2005 Jun 05
[PATCH] line endings fix
On Sat, Jun 04, 2005 at 08:00:45AM -0700, Ralph Giles wrote: > The replay gain code has dos line endings in CVS, which causes problems > for the Sun compiler, among others. Attached is a patch for the lazy, > but it's probably easier to fix locally and commit. Now with actual patch... -r -------------- next part -------------- Index:
2012 Oct 06
Expected number of events, Andersen-Gill model fit via coxph in package survival
Hello, I am interested in producing the expected number of events, in a recurring events setting. I am using the Andersen-Gill model, as fit by the function "coxph" in the package "survival." I need to produce expected numbers of events for a cohort, cumulatively, at several fixed times. My ultimate goal is: To fit an AG model to a reference sample, then use that fitted model
2012 Feb 24
package relsurv
Dear R-Users, I've recently used relsurv package for relative survival analysis. In particular I've tried to reproduce the examples proposed in the R-documentation about rsadd, rsmul and rstrans functions in R latest version (R 2.14.1). These examples don't run and the error message is always the following: data(slopop) data(rdata)
2010 Nov 11
Evaluation puzzle
The survexp function can fail when called from another function. The "why" of this has me baffled, however. Here is a simple test case, using a very stripped down version of survexp: survexp.test <- function(formula, data, weights, subset, na.action, rmap, times, cohort=TRUE, conditional=FALSE,, scale=1, npoints,,
2017 Sep 13
How to add optimizations to InstCombine correctly?
Hi, I am working on PR34474 and try to add a new optimization to InstCombine. Like in other parts of the visitMul function I add a Shl through the IR builder and create a new BinaryOp which I return from visitMul. If I understand correctly the new BinaryOp returned from visitMul should replace the original Instruction in the Worklist. However, I end up in an infinite loop and the Instruction