similar to: geom_smooth with sd

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "geom_smooth with sd"

2024 Aug 11
geom_smooth with sd
Hi! This is probably completely off base, but your ymin and y max setup lines are different. One uses sqrt(y), while the second uses sqrt(length(y)). Could that play a part, please? Thank you Erin Hodgess, PhD mailto: erinm.hodgess at On Sun, Aug 11, 2024 at 10:10?AM SIBYLLE ST?CKLI via R-help < r-help at> wrote: > Dear community > > > > Using
2024 Aug 16
boxplot notch
Thanks Ben, Here the reproducible example. It works without notch=TRUE, but provides an error with notch=TURE Error in `geom_boxplot()`: ! Problem while converting geom to grob. ? Error occurred in the 1st layer. Caused by error in `ans[ypos] <- rep(yes, length.out = len)[ypos]`: ! replacement has length zero Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see where the error occurred. Warning message: In
2024 Jul 18
ggplot two-factor legend
Hi I am using ggplot to visualise y for a two-factorial group (Bio: 0 and 1) x = 6 years. I was able to adapt the colour of the lines (green and red) and the linetype (solid and dashed). Challenge: my code produces now two legends. One with the colors for the group and one with the linetype for the group. Does somebody have a hint how to adapt the code to produce one legend? Group 0 = red and
2024 Aug 16
boxplot notch
I don't see anything obviously wrong here. There may be something subtle, but we probably won't be able to help without a reproducible example ... On 2024-08-16 9:24 a.m., SIBYLLE ST?CKLI via R-help wrote: > Dear community > > > > I tried the following code using geom_boxplot() and notch=TRUE. Does anyone > know if the command ?notch=TRUE? is at the wrong place in
2024 Aug 16
boxplot notch
Dear community I tried the following code using geom_boxplot() and notch=TRUE. Does anyone know if the command ?notch=TRUE? is at the wrong place in my special code construct? Without notch=TRUE the code provides the planned ggplot. Kind regards Sibylle Code: MS1<- MS %>% filter(QI_A!="NA") %>% droplevels() MS1$Jahr<-as.factor(MS1$Jahr) MS1s <-
2024 Aug 16
boxplot notch
That's not really a reprex Sibylle.? I did try to use it to see if I could work out what you were trying to do and help but there is so much in there that I suspect is distraction from the notch issue and its error message. Please can you give us something stripped of all unecessary things and tell us what you want? Something like data that we can read as a tribble() or from a dput() of
2024 Jul 18
ggplot two-factor legend
?s 16:27 de 18/07/2024, SIBYLLE ST?CKLI via R-help escreveu: > Hi > > I am using ggplot to visualise y for a two-factorial group (Bio: 0 and 1) x > = 6 years. I was able to adapt the colour of the lines (green and red) and > the linetype (solid and dashed). > Challenge: my code produces now two legends. One with the colors for the > group and one with the linetype for the
2024 Jul 18
ggplot two-factor legend
If I follow your question, you want redundant aesthetics. Ggplot normally notices correlated aesthetic mapping variables and merges the legends, so the most likely answer is that your data are not fully correlated in all rows. I have also seen this where data are drawn from different dataframes for different layers since it is hard to merge factors, but I don't see that here. You are using
2024 Jul 18
ggplot two-factor legend
?s 17:43 de 18/07/2024, Rui Barradas escreveu: > ?s 16:27 de 18/07/2024, SIBYLLE ST?CKLI via R-help escreveu: >> Hi >> >> I am using ggplot to visualise y for a two-factorial group (Bio: 0 and >> 1) x >> = 6 years. I was able to adapt the colour of the lines (green and red) >> and >> the linetype (solid and dashed). >> Challenge: my code
2023 Aug 12
G'day Thomas, On Sat, 12 Aug 2023 04:17:42 +0000 (UTC) Thomas Subia via R-help <r-help at> wrote: > Here is my reproducible code for a graph using geom_smooth The call "library(tidyverse)" was missing. :) > I'd like to add a black boundary around the shaded area. I suspect > this can be done with geom_ribbon but I cannot figure this out. Some >
2023 Aug 12
Colleagues, Here is my reproducible code for a graph using geom_smooth set.seed(55) scatter_data <- tibble(x_var = runif(100, min = 0, max = 25) ?????????????????????? ,y_var = log2(x_var) + rnorm(100)) library(ggplot2) library(cowplot) ggplot(scatter_data,aes(x=x_var,y=y_var))+ ? geom_point()+ ? geom_smooth(se=TRUE,fill="blue",color="black",linetype="dashed")+
2023 Jan 12
Reg: ggplot error
Hallo I am not familiar with any of packages you use (except of MASS and ggplot2) and the code is too complicated without any hint where the error could come from and what is the message you get. I wonder if anybody would like to go through your whole code. 1. data seems to be read correctly ICUData <- read.csv(file = "ICUData.csv", stringsAsFactors = TRUE) ICUData.neuro <-
2016 Apr 09
Run script R
hi all ,? i have an problem in script R . But when I execute the script R I face this error . can you help me please ???error:----------------------------------------- Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) :?? Theme element 'text' has NULL property: margin, debugIn addition: Warning messages:1: Removed 361 rows containing non-finite values (stat_smooth).?2: Removed 361 rows containing missing values
2009 Aug 18
ggplot2: geom_smooth and legend
Hi all, Is that possible to remove the grey colour in the legend key that goes with the geom_smooth? In my case it doesn't ease the reading of the legend. Cordialement / Regards ------------------------------------------- Benoit Boulinguiez Ecole de Chimie de Rennes (ENSCR) Bureau 1.20 Equipe CIP UMR CNRS 6226 "Sciences
2023 Aug 12
?s 05:17 de 12/08/2023, Thomas Subia via R-help escreveu: > Colleagues, > > Here is my reproducible code for a graph using geom_smooth > set.seed(55) > scatter_data <- tibble(x_var = runif(100, min = 0, max = 25) > ?????????????????????? ,y_var = log2(x_var) + rnorm(100)) > > library(ggplot2) > library(cowplot) > > ggplot(scatter_data,aes(x=x_var,y=y_var))+
2016 Jul 20
Default level = 0.95. Does this mean +/- 0.025 from estimate? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Oct 04
extract fit values from geom_smooth
Dear all, I have a plot with two gaussian distributions: ggplot( tofdf, aes( x = tof, y = counts ) ) + geom_histogram( stat = "identity", position = "stack", fill = 2 ) + geom_smooth( method = "nls", formula = y ~ (a/b)*exp(-(x-c)^2/(2*b^2)) + (d/e)*exp(-(x-f)^2/(2*e^2)), se=F, start=list(a=100, b=1, c=695, d=100, e=1, f=710),
2017 Sep 07
> On Jul 20, 2016, at 10:01 AM, Tom Subia <tgs77m at> wrote: > > Default level = 0.95. > Does this mean +/- 0.025 from estimate? > > [[alternative HTML version deleted]] I would have guessed that it meant something along the lines of localized (or one might say "loess-ized") mean +/- 2* similarly localized standard error of the estimate. To find out
2023 Jun 28
horizontal grouped stacked plots and removing space between bars
I have code like this: data <- read.csv("test1.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE) # Graph myplot=ggplot(data, aes(fill=condition, y=value, x=condition)) + geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity", width=0.5) + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#7b3294", "#c2a5cf", "#a6dba0", "#008837"))+
2017 Nov 17
How to produce rainfall maps
Dear R users, I need to produce rainfall maps using R. I know that this is possible, I looked though the web, I found the example below reported (the author is Andrew Tredennick). I would ask you if this is the most performing way to make rainfall maps; if yes would someone be able to give me an example of how file.asc and pointfile.csv should be? If no would somebody please show me another way