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2011 Aug 30
column names with rbind loop
Hello R users.
This is a fairly basic question:
I am concatenating data from sets of files in a directory using a loop. The column names in all files are exactly the same. My understanding is that rbind takes column names from the first file it reads. However, my output is showing that the column names are treated as a first data row, not treated as headers.
I compile my file names like this:
2005 Nov 15
An optim() mystery.
I have a Master's student working on a project which involves
estimating parameters of a certain model via maximum likelihood,
with the maximization being done via optim().
A phenomenon has occurred which I am at a loss to explain.
If we use certain pairs of starting values for optim(), it
simply returns those values as the ``optimal'' values, although
they are definitely not
2010 Jul 08
random sample from arrays
Hello R users,
I'm trying to extract random samples from a big array I have.
I have a data frame of over 40k lines and would like to produce around 50
random sample of around 200 lines each from this array.
this is the matrix
ID xxx_1c xxx__2c xxx__3c xxx__4c xxx__5T xxx__6T xxx__7T xxx__8T
yyy_1c yyy_1c _2c
1 A_512 2.150295 2.681759 2.177138 2.142790 2.115344 2.013047
2011 Dec 09
Fixed! Thanks all:RE: scatterplot to boxplot translation?
Thanks to David and Jorge - both of your helpful suggestions got me to the desired endpoint. In case anyone else has this question: I boxplotted my y variable data, but did the "cut" operation on the x variable in order to conserve the order of the y data. I see another suggestion coming in from another user that basically says this.
So, my working line of code was:
2013 Mar 13
Failed to locate 'weave' output file / vignette product does not have a known filename extension
I'm seeing three different vignette-related errors with recent
versions of R-3.0.0 alpha.
First, with the package BitSeq
(http://bioconductor.org/packages/2.12/bioc/html/BitSeq.html), I get
the following when trying to build the package:
Error: processing vignette ?BitSeq.Rnw' failed with diagnostics:
Failed to locate the ?weave? output file (by engine ?utils::Sweave?)
2004 Jun 30
AS_NUMERIC and as.numeric - Could someone explain?
Dear List,
I stepped into a strange effect which I can't explain to myself
(probably due to lack of knowledge on R internals).
I have four vectors a,b,c and z of size 10000 each. With these vectors I
.Call("hyp2f1forrey", a, b, b, z, PACKAGE = "hyp2f1")
to access
SEXP hyp2f1forrey(SEXP a, SEXP b, SEXP c, SEXP x)
int i,n;
double *xa, *xb, *xc, *xx,
2009 Jan 20
heatmap.2 color issue
Dear All:
I tried to use heatmap.2 to generate hierarchical clustering using the following command:
heatmap.2(datamatrix, scale="row", trace="none", col=greenred(256), labRow=genelist[,1], margins=c(10,10), Rowv=TRUE, Colv=TRUE)
datamatrix is subset of a RMA normalized data subset by a genelist.
The problem is a lot of times, the z-score in key are from, like -5 to 15 or
2012 May 15
Master data frame or so
Dear sir/madam,
I have been using R for a while now for microarray analysis, and I would
like to make a "master" data frame in which I can combine information from
many different sources. The basic list a genelist with 25.000 probes, then I
would like to have a subcompartment with the statistical information, a
subcompartment with more extensive information regarding each gene, and then
2012 Jul 09
boxplot with "cut"
Dear UseRs,
I'm making box plots from a data set that looks like this:
Chr Start End GeneDensity ReadCount_Explant ReadCount_Callus ReadCount_Regen
1 1 1 10000 107.82 1.243 1.047 1.496
2 1 10001 20000 202.50 0.835 0.869 0.456
3 1 20001 30000 158.80 1.813 1.529 1.131
2008 Feb 11
Difference between P.Value and adj.P.Value
> fit12<-lmFit(qrg[,1:2])
> t12<-toptable(fit12,adjust="fdr",number=25,genelist=qrg$genes[,1])
> t12
ID logFC t P.Value adj.P.Val B
522 PLAU_OP -6.836144 -8.420414 5.589416e-05 0.01212520 2.054965
1555 CD44_WIZ -6.569622 -8.227938 6.510169e-05 0.01212520 1.944046
Can anyone tell me what the difference is between P.Value
2004 Feb 24
be careful: using attach in R functions
Hi there,
I have just found that the ``attach'' function
can get you into trouble when called many times.
For example, you have a simulation routine called ``f()'',
in which you used ``attach'' and no corresponding ``detach''.
Then you call this function many times. You will find that
the system performance get slower and slower,
because you are making the R
2003 Dec 26
Problems converting output from Sweave to PDf
I am having trouble converting the output from Sweave
into a valid PDF file.
I have created a simple .Rnw file which will become a
full vignette at some point, but during the
intermediate testing, I got errors from texi2dvi.
This is what I have done.
0) Using a Windows Xp system
1) Created a file called GeneSpring.Rnw
2) Convert this to Tex using Sweave("GeneSpring.Rnw")
from within R
2011 Aug 30
Problem resolved: thanks! RE: column names with rbind loop
Thanks to both Weidong and David for the help! By implementing both of your suggestions I was able to make this work. I did end up putting header=TRUE for both read operations.
From: David Winsemius [dwinsemius at comcast.net]
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 1:16 PM
To: Vining, Kelly
Cc: Weidong Gu; r-help at r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] column
2011 Feb 24
reshaping list into a contingency table
Hi all,
I have been struggling with this problem for a few days.
I have a data table like this:
gene rpkm1 diff1 rpkm2 diff2
gene1 23 50 13 120
gene2 111 220 827 1200
gene3 75 998 71 910
And I want to re-format it so that, for each gene, I have a 2x2 contingency
table, such as:
gene rpkm diff
gene1 23 50
gene1 13 120
gene2 111 220
gene2 827
2006 Dec 17
Dear R users,
I'am using marray and Limma packages to analyze genepix output.
1) how can I filter bad spots from my data (data contains 3 types of bad
my experiment contains 12 samples and the bad spot are not associated to the
same probes
2) how can I remove control probes from my data ?
I'm sorry, i'm new with R and I can't find answer in packages doc.
best regards,
2011 Sep 14
Questons about 'igraph' package
I am using 'igraph' to make some plots. The problem I got is that I don't
know how to label the nodes with gene names.
My sample code:
## suppose I have 100 gene (nodes) ##
graph <- set.vertex.attribute(graph, "color",
graph <-
2008 Jul 02
help on list comparison
I want to compare two list by its names and get the values of that list.
can anybody let me know the syntax of comparing the list by their names
using a for loop
c.genes<- list()
for(i in 1:100)
c.genes[[1]]<- geneset(which(geneset == tobecampared[i]))
here geneset is a list and also tobecampared is a list
Thank you
View this message in context:
2008 Jan 24
store variable as tab-del. txt-file
how can I store a variable as a tab-delimited txt-file? I crated a
variable with the following commands:
> fit12<-lmFit(qrg[,1:2])
> t12<-toptable(fit12,adjust="fdr",number=25,genelist=qrg$genes[,1])
> t12
ID logFC t P.Value adj.P.Val B
522 PLAU_OP -6.836144 -8.420414 5.589416e-05 0.01212520 2.054965
1555 CD44_WIZ -6.569622
2008 Feb 07
How to calculate normality of the residuals from a test in R?
En innebygd og tegnsett-uspesifisert tekst ble skilt ut...
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2010 Apr 29
Using plyr::dply more (memory) efficiently?
Hi all,
In short:
I'm running ddply on an admittedly (somehow) large data.frame (not
that large). It runs fine until it finishes and gets to the
"collating" part where all subsets of my data.frame have been
summarized and they are being reassembled into the final summary
data.frame (sorry, don't know the correct plyr terminology). During
collation, my R workspace RAM usage goes