similar to: [PATCH] Add SM3 secure hash algorithm

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "[PATCH] Add SM3 secure hash algorithm"

2010 Sep 15
Difficulty creating Julian day in data frame
Hi, I'm attempting to add a "Julian Day" column to a data frame. Here is my code and the resulting data frame: <- read.table("C:/VIC/data/", header=F) names( <- c("year", "month", "day", "precip", "evap", "runoff", "baseflow", "Tsup",
2010 Nov 30
WoW - Ubuntu 10.10 - ATI HD5770
Hello all, I'm running WoW on Ubuntu 10.10 with the latest wine version as well as latest fglrx drivers. WoW runs quite well except that under the video settings, I can't turn the custom graphics settings to anything else than low. The reason in wow is: "Requires a shader model 3 capable graphics card" My card is an ATI HD5770 so I know it supports SM3. What am I supposed to
2011 Mar 29
[LLVMdev] [GSoC] "Microsoft Direct3D shader bytecode backend" proposal
On 3/29/11 5:14 AM, Justin Holewinski wrote: > On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 9:22 PM, Charles Davis <cdavis at > <mailto:cdavis at>> wrote: > > Here's the other of my proposals for this year's Google Summer of Code. > (The first is on cfe-dev.) It was suggested to me by Dan Kegel (from the > Wine project, they really
2020 May 04
"Earlyclobber" but for a subset of the inputs
Hi all, I'm working on a target whose registers have equal-sized subregisters and all of those subregisters can be named (or the other way round: registers can be grouped into super registers). So for instance we've got 16 registers W (as in wide) W0..W15 and 32 registers N (as in narrow) N0..N31. This way, W0 is made by grouping N0 and N1, W1 is N2 and N3, W2 is N4 and N5, ..., W15 is
2008 Aug 15
Strange error message from geoR´s likfit () lik. max. func.
ComRades: I am geeting the error message Error in ldots[[which(MET)]] : attempt to select less than one element when I try to fit the geostatistical model with the likfit() function of geoR. I have tried with old data for which likfit() successfully maximised the likelihood in previous versions of geoR, and yet the current version fails. I have tried in Windows Vista and Windows XP (I haven't
2005 May 13
not deleting from the root
I have a bit of an issue with rsync. I am using to keep directories in sync via another server for backup. Here is the server config [w1] path = /w1 comment = w1 web dir [w2] path = /w2 comment = w2 web dir Now on the client i run this command rsync -avv --delete --force /w1/ It will NOT delete anything that is no on the server anymore.. for example on the server/client there
2008 Jan 29
Using Predict and GLM
Dear R Help, I read through the archives pretty extensively before sending this email, as it seemed there were several threads on using predict with GLM. However, while my issue is similar to previous posts (cannot get it to predict using new data), none of the suggested fixes are working. The important bits of my code: set.seed(644) n0=200 #number of observations
2007 Aug 31
memory.size help
I keep getting the 'memory.size' error message when I run a program I have been writing. It always it cannot allocate a vector of a certain size. I believe the error comes in the code fragement below where I have multiple arrays that could be taking up space. Does anyone know a good way around this? w1 <- outer(xk$xk1, data[,x1], function(y,z) abs(z-y)) w2 <- outer(xk$xk2,
2018 Feb 25
HI Jim and all, I want to put one more condition. Include col2 and col3 if they are not in col1. Here is the data mydat <- read.table(textConnection("Col1 Col2 col3 K2 X1 NA Z1 K1 K2 Z2 NA NA Z3 X1 NA Z4 Y1 W1"),header = TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) The desired out put would be Col1 Col2 col3 1 X1 0 0 2 K1 0 0 3 Y1 0 0 4 W1 0 0 6 K2 X1
2018 Feb 25
Jim has been exceedingly patient (and may well continue to be so), but this smells like "failure to launch". At what point will you start showing your (failed) attempts at solving your own problems so we can help you work on your specific weaknesses and become self-sufficient? -- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. On February 25, 2018 7:55:55 AM PST, Val <valkremk at
2008 Mar 22
Simulating Conditional Distributions
Dear R-Help List, I'm trying to simulate data from a conditional distribution, and haven't been able to modify my existing code to do so. I searched the archives, but didn't find any previous post that matched my question. n=10000 pop = data.frame(W1 = rbinom(n, 1, .2), W2 = runif(n, min = 3, max = 8), W3 = rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=2)) pop = transform(pop, A = rbinom(n, 1,
2018 Feb 25
Hi Val, My fault - I assumed that the NA would be first in the result produced by "unique": mydat <- read.table(textConnection("Col1 Col2 col3 Z1 K1 K2 Z2 NA NA Z3 X1 NA Z4 Y1 W1"),header = TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) val23<-unique(unlist(mydat[,c("Col2","col3")])) napos<-which( preval<-data.frame(Col1=val23[-napos],
2011 Mar 10
getting percentiles by factor
Hello, I'm trying to get percentiles (PERCENTRANK for excel users) by factor in the following data.frame: myExample <- data.frame(Ret=seq(-2, 2.5, by=0.5),PE=seq(10,19),Sectors=rep(c("Financial","Industrial"),5)) myExample <- na.omit(myExample) Thanks to Patrick I I managed to put together the following lines which does it for the "Ret" column: myecdf
2018 Feb 25
hi Val, Your problem seems to be that the data are read in as a factor. The simplest way I can think of to get around this is: mydat <- read.table(textConnection("Col1 Col2 col3 Z1 K1 K2 Z2 NA NA Z3 X1 NA Z4 Y1 W1"),header = TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) preval<-data.frame(Col1=unique(unlist(mydat[,c("Col2","col3")]))[-1], Col2=NA,col3=NA) rbind(preval,mydat)
2000 Sep 19
coerce mode list?
Dear R/S users; I'm using S+ version 4 Release 3. and I am trying to do a simple calculation like the following : > X1<-X[1:5] > W1<-W[1:5,1:5] > X1 [1] 1.250000 1.292308 1.176471 0.937500 1.538462 > W1 VAR00003 VAR00004 VAR00005 VAR00006 VAR00007 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0
2009 Feb 03
lapply and aggregate function
Dear list, I have two things I am struggling... # First set.seed(123) myD <- data.frame( Light = sample(LETTERS[1:2], 10, replace=T), Feed = sample(letters[1:5], 20, replace=T), value=rnorm(20) ) # Mean for Light myD$meanLight <- unlist( lapply( myD$Light, function(x) mean( myD$value[myD$Light == x]) ) ) # Mean for Feed
2018 Feb 25
Thank you Jim, I read the data as you suggested but I could not find K1 in col1. rbind(preval,mydat) Col1 Col2 col3 1 <NA> <NA> <NA> 2 X1 <NA> <NA> 3 Y1 <NA> <NA> 4 K2 <NA> <NA> 5 W1 <NA> <NA> 6 Z1 K1 K2 7 Z2 <NA> <NA> 8 Z3 X1 <NA> 9 Z4 Y1 W1 On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 6:18 PM, Jim
2018 Feb 25
Sorry , I hit the send key accidentally here is my complete message. Thank you Jim and all, I got it. I have one more question on the original question What does this "[-1] " do? preval<-data.frame(Col1=unique(unlist(mydat[,c("Col2","col3")]))[-1], Col2=NA,col3=NA) mydat <- read.table(textConnection("Col1 Col2 col3 Z1 K1 K2 Z2
2008 Apr 05
How to improve the "OPTIM" results
Dear R users, I used to "OPTIM" to minimize the obj. function below. Even though I used the true parameter values as initial values, the results are not very good. How could I improve my results? Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Regards, Kathryn Lord #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ x = c(0.35938587,
2008 Apr 05
How to improve the "OPTIM" results
Dear R users, I used to "OPTIM" to minimize the obj. function below. Even though I used the true parameter values as initial values, the results are not very good. How could I improve my results? Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Regards, Kathryn Lord #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ x = c(0.35938587,