similar to: Dovecot authenticating to multiple kerberos realms

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Dovecot authenticating to multiple kerberos realms"

2009 Jul 07
Lost email where did it go...?
Hello, I have this user that lost an email, even when the server is set up to do lazy expunge. The mail server logs show that the message was received, the user also read it and he did reply to it. here is the mail.log Jun 29 07:52:48 mx20 postfix/smtpd[19289]: 0ACD81C443B:[] Jun 29 07:52:48 mx20 postfix/cleanup[20259]: 0ACD81C443B:
2009 Feb 27
Outlook cant delete folders
Hello, It has been brought to my attention that outlook users cant delete folders from their mailbox. They can move them around and erase emails, but when it comes to folders, they cant.. Any ideas..? # dovecot --version 1.1.7 # dovecot -n # 1.1.7: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf # OS: Linux i686 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (i586) login_dir: /var/run/dovecot/login
2008 Dec 04
LDA questions
Hello, I am looking at the docs and I see this: Problems with deliver Namespaces are supported with v1.1 and later. With v1.0 and older versions mails can be delivered only to mailboxes specified by the mail_location setting. But in the dovecot.conf I see: # NOTE: Namespaces currently work ONLY with IMAP! POP3 and LDA currently ignore # namespaces completely, they use only the mail_location
2009 Jul 28
Expunged emails getting automatically deleted
Hello, So i had this email in my inbox, i moved it to Folder1/tickets/ folder, then i decided to move the same email back to my inbox and when i went to the inbox it wasnt there nor in Folder1/tickets/ folder... I opened a SSH session to the mail server and went to /srv/mail/ vmail/DOMAIN.COM/rventura/Maildir There i did "ll expunged/.INBOX/cur" and it showed me 300+ emails
2009 Feb 11
Adding new storage
Hello, I am about to add more storage to the mail server and would like to know if it is as simple as it sounds..? I have: dovecot.conf mail_location: maildir:~/Maildir/ and /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf with: user_attrs = sAMAccountName=mail=maildir:/home/vmail/%Ud/%Ln/Maildir/ So all the mail gets stored at /home/vmail/%Ud/%Ln/Maildir/ so if i add a new volume to the VM lets say
2011 Jan 11
Denying authentication
Hello, I've been running dovecot for over 3 years now and it works with no problems. I have it setup so that it authenticates users against Active Directory via LDAP and so far no problems. What I would like to know is if there is any way that I could deny access for users trying to access email via cellphones or email clients outside the company. I can
2010 May 10
dovecot/deliver ... Can't open log file /var/log/dovecot/error.log: Permission denied
I'm getting this ... May 10 12:45:01 eth0 postfix/local[3416]: A788D685F7: to=< xxxxxxxx at>, relay=local, delay=13, delays=13/0/0/0.03, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (temporary failure. Command output: Can't open log file /var/log/dovecot/error.log: Permission denied ) So I'm looking at to see what I can do about it. I would have hoped
2012 Dec 03
Gmail style conversations
Hello, I am wondering if there is any way to support Gmail style conversation when using Dovecot? Someway of associating all inbound and sent emails..? I know that some clients let you display the emails in "conversation" which kinda does what Gmail does, however, it does not associate the Sent emails with it. Thanks for any information.
2013 May 28
Load Balancing and HA
Hello, I've been thinking about the best way to achieve load balancing and making my mail servers highly available. So far I believe I have 2 scenarios: Scenario1: This should allow any to lose any of the servers and clients still have access to their emails (although I am not sure how the indexes would react to this and sudden disconnection) - 2 Dovecot Proxy servers, using a
2012 Jun 20
GlusterFS + Dovecot
Hello, Has anyone used GlusterFS as storage file system for dovecot or any other email system..? It says that it can be presented as a NFS, CIFS and as GlusterFS using the native client, technically using the client would allow the machine to read and write to it, therefore, I think that Dovecot would not care about it. Correct? Anyone out there used this setup?? Thanks.
2008 Nov 26
Dovecot auth-worker permission denied.
Hello, I am trying to get dovecot to use virtual users and authenticate using PAM+kerberos against Active Directory and I am running into some problems. I followed the tutorials from the wiki page from: And here is what I get from the /var/log/mail log: Nov 26 15:12:27 housigma20 dovecot: auth(default): client in:
2010 May 10
Client cant see emails
Hello, Last Saturday i scp the vmail folder from server1 running SLES to server2 running Debian. Everything went ok and only have a few small problems, but the one to bring up is that some users cant see their new emails. The server receives the emails and puts them in their folder, but the client cant see them. One user's inbox shows last email was received on Friday, however, the
2008 Dec 10
MySQL as a storage only.?
Hello, I was wondering is I could use MySQL as storage only..? Meaning that no user information, other than the obvious email address associated with an specific email so that each email can be showed to the right user, will be stored in a MySQL database instead of /home/vmail/DOMAIN/<user> Would I get any advantages.? Would it be better, faster? Thanks
2009 May 20
Deleting everything left from lazy expunge
Hello, My storage is running low and i was wondering what would be the best and easy way of deleting everything within the "deleted" and "expunged" folders for every user...? My mail resides in: /srv/mail/vmail/MYDOMAIN.COM/<users>/Maildir/ Thanks..!
2008 Dec 04
Auth_username_format question
Hello again, I have change authentication to LDAP from Kerberos due to recent changes to my plans and I am having a little problem getting the malbox created in desired path. At the moment the home folders are being created in: /home/vmail/DOMAIN.COM/%Ln and it worked great with kerberos, but with LDAP the domain part is missing so I did the following: Auth_username_format = %Ln Then I did:
2008 Dec 05
Username changed by dovecot..?
Hello, I have postfix+dovecot authenticating via LDAP to Active directory and everything is working fine except that some user names get changed by dovecot. # cat dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf hosts = base = ou=HST-Users,dc=h-st,dc=com ldap_version = 3 auth_bind = yes dn = cn=<account>,cn=Users,dc=h-st,dc=com dnpass = <password> user_attrs =
2009 Jan 14
Adding Disclaimer to emails
Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to add a disclaimer to every outgoing email using my setup (Postfix+Dovecot)..? Any links or ideas where i should start.? Thanks
2009 Jun 09
Archiving feature
It would be nice to have some sort of archiving feature on which dovecot can save emails older than N+1 months to either a remote Dovecot server with MySQL as storage or a separate instance of Dovecot running on the same server but storing the emails in MySQL Is any of this possible now, or in the works...? Thanks
2013 May 28
Email migration
Hello, So I am currently running dovecot 1.2.11 on Debian 5 for our production email systems. We just deployed some new Debian 7 servers and we will be upgrading to the latest dovecot version. I've been reading the docs, but I wanted to heard some feedback on the import of all my current email into the new installation. We have 320GB worth of email. Any gotchas I should be prepared for?
2019 Jun 15
Kerberos and NTLMv2 authentication
Hello Rowland, Sorry for the workgroup and realm name, I put MYDOMAIN to anonymize, should be : realm = MYDOMAIN.LOCAL workgroup = MYDOMAIN About libpam-krb5 installed, I have on my system : yum list krb5-workstation pam_krb5 krb5-workstation.x86_64 1.15.1-37.el7_6 @updates pam_krb5.x86_64 2.4.8-6.el7 @base Is pam_krb5