similar to: Problem loading BiodiversityR, Error: package ‘tcltk’ could not be loaded

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Problem loading BiodiversityR, Error: package ‘tcltk’ could not be loaded"

2009 Sep 15
trouble installing qvalue package
Hello all, I'm trying to use the package qvalue. Upon trying to install it I'm running into trouble. I re-downloaded and installed the most recent CRAN distribution of R which announced itself to have tcltk included. Now when I try to load qvalue I'm getting errors that seem to indicate that I need tcltk2. I tried going to get that package and loading it but both qvalue and tcltk seem
2013 Jan 15
Can not load Rcmdr
I am getting the error message: > library(Rcmdr) Loading required package: car Loading required package: MASS Loading required package: nnet Error : .onAttach failed in attachNamespace() for 'Rcmdr', details: call: structure(.External("dotTclObjv", objv, PACKAGE = "tcltk"), class = "tclObj") error: [tcl] invalid command name "image".
2011 Apr 08
Where is the tcltk package?
Perhaps I'm being even thicker than usual, but I can't find the tcltk package on CRAN. There is a tcltk2 package, which says that it is a collection of supplements to tcltk, but I cannot see a just-plain tcltk anywhere. If I try to install tcltk2 (from the Linux command line, or using install.packages() in R) it complains that it needs tcltk. If I try to install tcltk using
2008 Jan 10
load tcltk
Hi All! Can someone help me with the following problem? Lade n?tiges Paket: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... Error in dyn.load(file, ...) : kann shared library '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.6/ Resources/library/tcltk/libs/ppc/' nicht laden: dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.6/Resources/ library/tcltk/libs/ppc/, 10): Library not
2009 Feb 10
tcltk, tcltk2, Rcmdr, Mac OS X
Dear Colleagues, When I try to install Rcmdr the following happens: ---------------------------------- > library(Rcmdr) Error in structure(.External("dotTclObjv", objv, PACKAGE = "tcltk"), class = "tclObj") : [tcl] invalid command name "font". Error : .onAttach failed in 'attachNamespace' Error: package/namespace load failed for
2009 Apr 30
[Fwd: problems installing rjags | tcltk]
Quick followup. Confirmed that TCl/Tk are both installed on the machine (they are, in both 32- and 64-bit flavours), as are all tcl and tk-related libs, devel packages, and about everything else I could find. It occurred to me that perhaps the R I compiled isn't 'tcltk' aware. I checked the config.log, and there is some hint that this might be the case. Just before ## File
2009 Apr 30
problems installing rjags | tcltk
Greetings. Running Fedora Cora 8 on multi-Opteron system - full 32- and 64-bit libs installed (R compiled 64-bit on this machine). R 2.9.0 - libs sitting in /usr/local/lib64/R/library. Trying to install JAGS, with rjags. Partial success. For JAGS install: |./configure --with-jags-modules=/usr/local/lib/JAGS/modules --libdir=/usr/local/lib64 make make check make install Seems to work / no
2008 Sep 25
Bug while loading Package "tcltk" with R-2.7.2 (PR#13016)
Full_Name: Cyril Alegret Version: 2.7.2 OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( An error occurs when I try to load the package "tcltk2_1.0-7" with R-2.7.2 (whereas it works with version 2.6.2). Please find below the error message : "> source("C:\\Data\\Travail\\Software&Method\\R\\Procs\\Chargement des librairies.R") Le chargement a n?cessit? le package
2011 Sep 15
installation of BiodiversityR package
I have installed R on windows 7 machine. In the install packages I can't find BiodiversityR package. I was wondering if I can get some help with the installation process. Thanks. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2008 Apr 07
tcltk issue remains
Dear R-help, I'm trying to load the fGarch package and keep running into problems with tcltk: After succesfully instaling fGarch (and dependencies) I get: >library(fGarch) Loading required package: fBasics Loading required package: fImport Loading required package: fSeries Loading required package: robustbase Loading required package: fCalendar Loading required package: MASS Loading
2011 Aug 17
Regression help
I am having problems getting my app to run under wine-git so that I may perform my regression. Here is the output when I run wine-git/wine: Code: Wine cannot find the FreeType font library. To enable Wine to use TrueType fonts please install a version of FreeType greater than or equal to 2.0.5. Wine cannot find the FreeType font library. To enable Wine to use TrueType
2012 Mar 30
Error in use of "gwindow" and ".First" function
Hi, I saved an image and planed to open it whenever I want to load it. However, when I open it, It doesn't work. The code is following, and saved it as an image. .First<-function(){ require(tcltk) require(TeachingDemos) library(gWidgetstcltk) options(guiToolkit = "tcltk") win <- gwindow("Don't worry", visible = FALSE) } Error message is following, Error :
2009 Jan 04
Problems with Rcmdr and BiodiversityR
Dear all, I run R 2.7.2 under Windows and integrated BiodiversityR sucessfully into the R commander. Most functions of BiodiversityR run but others (like "analysis of species as response") produce blank windows and the message: Error in get(x, envir = RcmdrEnv(), mode = mode, inherits = FALSE) : Variable "operatorFont" nicht gefunden What's wrong? Best regards, Frieda
2005 May 23
installing R and Rcmdr onMacOS 10.3.9
I have been trying to install the new, patched R 2.1.0a along with the Rcmdr on my mac. I got the basic R package installed, but in Project Manager, the tcltk package will not install. When I downloaded the Rcmdr binary package from the Berkeley site, it did not show up on the package installer list until a second attempt, but it still does not show up on the package manager list. On
2011 Sep 20
tcltk freezes R
Hi there, I have the following problem on my macbook air with mac os x lion on it. when any program tries to load the tcltk library the R GUI or R command line freezes. also happens if I just use library(tcltk) changing versions of tcltk and/or R doesn't help. currently I have the following: R version 2.13.2 beta (2011-09-19 r57030) tcltk 8.5.10 any suggestions? thanks a lot already, t.
2015 May 26
building with tcltk on Ubuntu 14.04
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I'm having some issues trying to compile R-devel on Ubuntu 14.04. library("tcltk") works fine on the version of R as installed from Debian packages; I've done "apt-get build-dep r-base" so I think I have all the tcltk libraries I need installed ... (and going back to things like apt-get tcl-dev and apt-get tk-dev
2011 Jul 07
CAPdiscrim error in BiodiversityR
Hello, I having trouble running the CAPdiscrim function located in biodiversityR. My data tables are as follows: community data frame (called "spdata") Species1... Speciesn site1.. site2.. siten with abundance data as values. Site names are row names. and environmental data (called "envdata") year elevation site1... site2... siten my command
2012 Apr 20
error loading tcltk2
Hello, I just installed R-2.15.0 on windows XP and cannot load package tcltk2 (which I just downloaded from CRAN as; package install reported no problems): > library(tcltk2) Carico il pacchetto richiesto: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'tcltk2', details: call: system("cat /etc/issue", intern = TRUE,
2010 Jul 28
Odd crash with tcl/tk
Hi, Recently, I've been trying to use packages in R that require loading the Tcl/Tk interface. However, I get a strange result and a crash that I haven't been able to find discussion about on these boards (or any others). When I enter library(tcltk), it reads "Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... ", but then never says "done" or displays some sort of error message. Looks
2011 Jun 01
BiodiversityR GUI on macosx
Dear List! I installed R and quite a few packages I use. When I try to start BiodiversityR the library loads without any problems but GUI do not start. Rcmdr loads without any problems. I am using R 2.13.0 64 bit. Downgrade to R 2.12.2 works. Thanks, Janos