similar to: OT -- What is with all the fragmented threads recently?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "OT -- What is with all the fragmented threads recently?"

2006 Feb 17
deployment server
Hi all, On there is an article describing an interview with Bruce Tate, where he calls Java dead like Cobol. See: However in the comments, some guy comes up with a good point: He states the following: <quote> I couldn''t come up with a viable enterprise quality/grade deployment platform for RoR. Even
2006 Jul 13
Folks- I just commited another revision of the plugin. Nothing huge in this update but some extra features. Acl lists are now configurable in the config file. So you will want to blow away and recreate your config file again. Thanks to Georg Friedrich for this. And I applied Gunter Ladwig''s patch for singleton worker classes. These are workers that only have one instance of
2006 Mar 06
How painful is the 1.0 -> 1.1 upgrade going to be?
Does anyone have a sense for how painful the 1.0 -> 1.1 upgrade is going to be for existing apps? I''m finishing up my first real RoR application with Rails 1.0. I can live with it staying at that level, but I really want to use the has_many :through attribute to clean up some of my code. I''m not particularly interested in edge Rails, mainly because the documentation for
2006 Jan 05
OT -- A "HOWTO" is a guide not a question.
This is way offtopic, but I''ve seen this several times recently and it''s annoying me. If you put "HOWTO" in your subject that means that you''re posting a guide on a particular topic. It doesn''t mean that you''re asking a question about "how to" do something. It''s not like it''s a crisis, but it screws up searches
2006 May 25
[OT] Rails hosting question -- video centric
This is OT in the sense that it''s yet another hosting question and not strictly a problem I''m having with Rails. Basically, I trust and appreciate the knowledge of the folks on this list so I''m hoping for some insight. I have a new project that I''ll be starting up soon. It''s basically going to feed videos. The webapp piece is trivial. I''m
2006 May 17
HABTM << producing incorrect insert sql ?
Greetings railsers - I''m trying to add to a collection through HABTM, but the sql insert is trying to insert a PK rather than letting mysql produce the auto_increment''ed PK. ## @medication_dose holds a validated, saved model @medication_dose.medication_frequencies << MedicationFrequency.find (:all) The above bails with, Mysql::Error: #23000Duplicate
2006 Jul 24
Actionmailer sending many emails in same SMTP connection?
Hi, I need to implement a mailing list system, Actionmailer is great, but i haven''t found out a way to send many (hundreds of) emails without having to reconnect to the SMTP server for each mail when calling Mymailer::deliver_my_mail(recipient) Any tips? (Possibly without calling directly Net::SMTP, so i can take advantage of the rhtml rendering of the body) Thanks, Best regards,
2006 Apr 25
Rails using Ruby that ships with RHEL 4
Hi, RHEL 4 ships with Ruby 1.8.1. I take it that won''t work with Rails 1.1.2? Thanks, Joe
2006 May 15
BackgrounDRb background task runner and Application Wide Context Store
Friends- I''m happy to annouce the first alpa release of BackgrounDRb. This is a small framework for managing long running background tasks that allows for ajax progress bars and more. It also serves as an Application wide cache and context store for when you need something like sessions but shared between users and multiple backend processes like fcgi''s or mongrels.
2006 Aug 31
Rails Deployment Book
I''ve been mulling over an idea for a book covering Ruby on Rails application deployment. Obvious topics include using Mongrel by itself and with Apache/Lighttpd, load balancers, memcached, and Capistrano. What other topics would you like to see covered in such a book? Cheers, -- Dave Murphy (Schwuk)
2006 May 06
[BUMP] conditional require? conditional action code?
Greetings all. I have some controller code that uses win32ole (only available on windows). This code is now solid, and I''d now like to resume development on (any) other OS(grin). But alas, the controller bails because the OS specific library can''t be found. Can I conditionally specify action code compilation (and a require ''win32ole'') based on OS or
2006 Jun 24
Why is rails using DB objects that don''t exist?
I admit it--I''m newb right now. But only to rails, ruby and friends. I''m walking through a "recipe" tutorial but have been stuck for hours; it''s time to ask for help. On Windows I''ve got the latest ruby, rails, and webrick; I''ve got the Oracle OCI "thing" to talk to our Oracle 10g database, I''ve got Slick Edit and a
2006 Aug 18
Rewriting URLs - help needed
Hello - I''m grappling with some tricky URL rewriting with Apache 2 and mod_rewrite, and could use a hand. Briefly: URL for application is: There is no Alias directive; the application is in the directory /www/content/path/to/app/ on the server file system. The FastCGI dispatcher (dispatch.fcgi) lives at: /www/fcgi-bin/path/to/app/dispatch.fcgi Inside
2006 Aug 16
mongrel lighttpd and ssl
I am wanting to one run instance of lighttpd, many many instances of mongrel. I also need ssl but only for one of my sites. I understand that Mongrel does not play with SSL so I am forced to use Lighttpd. I think that lighttpd only handles ssl or non-ssl on any given instance. Is there a way for me to accomplish my goal of one lighttpd with multiple mongrels and the occasional ssl connection? --
2007 Mar 12
I''m having a helluva time getting to resolve - "undefined method `utc'' for #<Date: 4908343/2,0,2299161>" model usage in before_create filter is : activated_at = I''m not stubbing out Date (should I be? [ stub(Date, :utc => didn''t help any ]. The before filter is working fine within the app, but
2006 Aug 16
Migrations: only one table per migration file?
Hi all I have a new migration file created that adds some tables and fills one with some data: create_table :sound_styles do |t| t.column :name, :string, :null => false end create_table :show_types do |t| t.column :name, :string, :null => false end create_table :countries do |t| t.column :name, :string, :null => false end ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper::COUNTRIES.each
2006 Feb 24
Ruby site structure on Apache
I use a hosting company,it use appache for RoR I test a ''hello word'' code here I can see the working code here My question is how to short the url like do not like public always in URL Thanks for help Mark -- Posted via
2006 Jan 03
Pdf::Writer ; page numbering, and table wrapping
Hey there, I know this isn''t a pdf::writer list - If there''s a more appropriate place for me to ask these questions I''d appreciate being set straight. I''m having a couple of misunderstandings/isssues first with page numbers and secondly with auto-wrapping of simple_table. First pdf.start_page_numbering(pdf.margin_x_middle, pdf.absolute_bottom_margin, 9,
2006 Feb 24
lighttpd and Apache .. will they play together?
Can someone point me to a tutorial or web example of doing this ... I want to have a site that is normally pure content served via Apache and I want to set up a Rails app on the same box that is served via lighttpd. Now I want the Apache site to be able to retrieve formatted pages for MySQL database queries by the Rails app. I will also be using ActionMailer under the Rails app. How can I
2007 Feb 07
Running patched rails
Hi, Does anyone have any tips for running a patched version of rails? I am currently running rails 1.2.2 and would like to keep up to date with any future releases. I also want to run with the following patch: I am unsure how to manage this. Is this something SVN or rake can handle? Any tips/pointers would be very much appreciated. Thanks, GiantCranes