similar to: Ayuda para hacer una lista

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Ayuda para hacer una lista"

2024 Jun 27
Ayuda para hacer una lista
Muchas fracias por la rapida contastacion Javier. Si, ya me he dado cuenta que a veces es mas limpiar y formatear que calcular. Lo que yo necesito hacer no es crear un data.frame, es crear una lista por cada grupo/condicion de muestras. Y queria hacerlo en un for loop, para que no tuviese que indicar cuantas listas necesito si no que cogiese esa informacion del usuario (y) Creo que no me
2024 Jun 26
Ayuda para hacer una lista
Hola Leticia Acomodar datos para analizar suele llevar más trabajo que el análisis. Yo prefiero en un data.frame colocar todos los datos, porque siempre es más fácil filtrar que agregar. Cuándo tengo el data.frame con todo, realizo un plot (datos), y muchas veces en la gráfica veo cosas que me llaman la atención, de esta forma busco algo de antemano no sospechaba. No es necesario que conozcas
2024 Jun 28
Ayuda para hacer una lista
Hola, que tal? Sin saber nada mas de los datos, por lo que dices, mi aprioximacion seria usar la funcion split, e.g.: splittedData <- split(myData, "variablegrupo/condicion") Esto te crearia una lista con tantos objectos como condiciones tengas. Saludos On 6/27/24 10:15, Leticia G Leon wrote: > Muchas fracias por la rapida contastacion Javier. > > Si, ya me he dado
2016 Apr 09
Run script R
hi all ,? i have an problem in script R . But when I execute the script R I face this error . can you help me please ???error:----------------------------------------- Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) :?? Theme element 'text' has NULL property: margin, debugIn addition: Warning messages:1: Removed 361 rows containing non-finite values (stat_smooth).?2: Removed 361 rows containing missing values
2023 Jun 16
Issue with crammed Y axis
Hi, I have a data frame like this: > dput(df) structure(list(ID = 1:8, Type = c("gmx mdrun -ntmpi 8 -ntomp 1 -s benchPEP.tpr -nsteps 10000 -resethway", "gmx mdrun -ntmpi 8 -ntomp 1 -s benchPEP.tpr -nsteps 10000 -resethway", "gmx mdrun -ntmpi 8 -s benchPEP.tpr -nsteps 4000 -resetstep 3000", "gmx mdrun -ntmpi 8 -s benchPEP.tpr -nsteps 4000 -resetstep
2017 Jun 24
Orden de categorías en gráficos de barras (position = "stack")
?? Hola. Estoy intentando ordenar el gráfico tal que las columnas se apilen en el siguiente orden: debajo, los EPI; los SemiEPI en el medio y los NoEpi arriba de todo. Estos son mis datos: > tabla.barras Rangos Clase Asistentes 1 De 45d EPI 405 2 De 1a EPI 812 3 De 2a EPI 1639 4 De 3a EPI 2202 5 De 4a EPI 1994 6 De 5a EPI
2013 Sep 26
Less than equal to symbol in ggplot2 legend text
Hello, I am trying to add a less than equal to symbol in a ggplot2 legend text. See sample code below. I have tried using the expression function and \u2264. I also tried adding labels to legend.text under theme. Neither of these 3 options work. Please help, Mahesh ++++++++++++++ Extra.column=ifelse(data[,covariate]>cutpoint,1,0) Grp1 <- "\u2264 1.5" Grp2 <-
2017 Jun 25
Orden de categorías en gráficos de barras (position = "stack")
Hola, Mira la versión de ggplot2 que estás usando por tenerla actualizada a la última... A mi me funciona introduciendo algún cambio salvo la última línea cuando cambias el tema... #----------- Lines <- " id Rangos Clase Asistentes 1 45d EPI 405 2 1a EPI 812 3 2a EPI 1639 4 3a EPI 2202 5 4a EPI 1994 6 5a EPI
2024 Jun 06
R Shiny Help - Trouble passing user input columns to emmeans after ANOVA analysis
Hello everybody, I have experience coding with R, but am brand new to R Shiny. I am trying to produce an application that will allow users to upload their own dataset, select columns they want an ANOVA analysis run on, and generate graphs that will allow users to view their results. However, I am getting the following error: *"Argument is of length zero."* Being new to Shiny, I am
2013 May 18
bar plot with non-zero starting level
Hi, I want to plot grouped bars to compare 95% confidence interval estimates from two models. Each bar represents a 95% confidence interval estimate of a coefficient from one of the two models. Each group represents confidence interval estimates of the same coefficient from the two models. I think such a bar plot will nicely present whether 95% confidence interval estimates of the same
2017 Nov 02
ggplot inside function doesn't plot
I have a function: myplot <- function (X) { d <- plotCounts(dds2, gene=X, intgroup="condition", returnData=TRUE) png(paste("img/", X, ".png", sep="")) ggplot(d, aes(x=condition, y=count, color=condition)) + geom_point(position=position_jitter(w=0.1,h=0)) + scale_y_log10(breaks=c(25,100,400)) + ggtitle(X) +
2017 Nov 02
ggplot inside function doesn't plot
I don't really understand. I mean, I understand the solution is print(ggplot(...)). But why is that required in a function and not at the console? Shouldn't I be able to rely on what I do at the console working in a script? Is this inconsistent behavior by design? On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 11:54 AM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at> wrote: > >> On Nov 2, 2017,
2010 Sep 01
ggplot2 multiple group barchart
hi there.. i got a problem with ggplot2. here my example: library (ggplot2) v1 <- c(1,2,3,3,4) v2 <- c(4,3,1,1,9) v3 <- c(3,5,7,2,9) gender <- c("m","f","m","f","f") <- data.frame (v1, v2, v3, gender) x <- names ([1:3]) y <- mean ([1:3]) pl <- ggplot (, aes (x=x,y=y)) pl
2009 May 08
centering axis labels in lattice
Hello, I'm attempting to alter the location of text in my axis labels in lattice plots and have been unsuccessful so far. For example, the y-axis labels are always right-justified, but I would like them to be horizontally centered. Here's an example: library(lattice); # create fake dataset to plot to.plot <- data.frame( x = 1:5, y = c("1\nAAA", "2\nBBB",
2009 Oct 17
Putting names on a ggplot
Putting names on a ggplot Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong here. I am plotting daily temperatures at Ottawa Ontario for 2008 broken down by months, I seperate them by lines and want to put the names of the months at the top of the chart ( with in the graphing area) Everything is working as I want until I try to add the names of the months. I did something similar a few days ago and I
2013 Apr 18
Arranging two different types of ggplot2 plots with axes lined up
Hi all, I want to arrange two ggplot2 plots on the same page with their x-axes lined up - even though one is a boxplot and the other is a line plot. Is there a simple way to do this? I know I could do this using facetting if they were both the same type of plot (for example, if they were both boxplots), but I haven't been able to figure it out for two different types of plots. Below is my
2017 Nov 02
ggplot inside function doesn't plot
> On Nov 2, 2017, at 9:27 AM, Ed Siefker <ebs15242 at> wrote: > > I have a function: > > myplot <- function (X) { > d <- plotCounts(dds2, gene=X, intgroup="condition", returnData=TRUE) > png(paste("img/", X, ".png", sep="")) > ggplot(d, aes(x=condition, y=count, color=condition)) + >
2011 Jun 21
qplot/ggplot2 Questions
I took some data from an online poll about which R GUI people used most and I am messing around with it to learn how to use qplot. Specifically I am making a horizontal bar graph and I have two questions. 1. The categories are ordered in rather strange way at least to me. It is not alphabetical or ascending/descending order of votes cast so i had to manually state the order I wanted which is
2023 Jan 13
Customise Plot tick label on time series plot using date series
?s 05:11 de 13/01/2023, roslinazairimah zakaria escreveu: > Hi, > > I would like to customise my date series on the plot. I tried this: > > dt_ts <- ts(dt) > autoplot(dt_ts[,2]) + ylab("Charge counts") + xlab("Daily") > > but the label is not the date series. > > Tqvm for any help given. > > >> dput(dt) > structure(list(time
2009 Apr 07
xyplot - label one line
Hi All, I have a panel xyplot with 2 lines in each panel. I'd like to label one line only but don't know how to do this. The code below labels both lines. Any ideas how I could change it to show the y-values of only one of the lines? Many thanks! xyplot(apples + bananas ~ year | category, data=fruit, as.table=TRUE, par.strip.text=list(cex=1.2,font="bold"), par.settings =