similar to: Backtrace for passing specs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Backtrace for passing specs"

2008 Jul 08
Strange behaviour with pending specs and implementation_backtrace
Hi all, I''m using my own OutputFormatter with /bin/spec to catch rspec results. I''m experiencing strange behaviour with pending specs and implementation_backtrace. This is my example_pending implementation in rspactor_formatter.rb: class RSpactorFormatter def example_pending(example, message) spec = :name => example.description,
2008 Dec 01
Undefined method "full_description" when trying to run "rake spec"
Hello guys, I''m getting this weird error when trying to run the specs using "rake spec": /home/mauricio/NetBeansProjects/talkies/vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_process.rb:471:in `method_missing'': undefined method `full_description'' for #<Spec::Rails::Example::ControllerExampleGroup::Subclass_73::Subclass_9:0x7f5fdca4a810>
2009 Apr 30
Partitioning Specs
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Nicholas Van Weerdenburg <vanweerd at> wrote: > I saw that a couple of days ago- very nice. Will that be added to RSpec? Sooner or later, yes, but it will be managed through the hash passed to the declarations: describe "something", :tags => [:a,:b] do it "does something", :tags > [:c] do etc You can already access
2008 Jan 04
patch for html display
All, I''ve found that the html view for the rspec formatter falls to pieces with Rails 2.02 and rspec 1.10. Has anyone else run into this trouble? Here''s a monkey patch that fixes the problem. A more elegant fix would be in order, but this gets the job done: Index: /Users/timcharper/www/exchange/vendor/plugins/rspec/lib/spec/runner/formatter/text_mate_formatter.rb
2008 Dec 09
a custom progress bar formatter
I''ve always been a little bit bemused by the default ruby test/unit and rspec output. Basically, what I want is a progress bar and that any errors and warnings be displayed immediately. I also want warnings to be printed for slow specs. When using color, I want the entire progress bar printed in green if everything is good, yellow if there has been a warning, and red if there has been an
2006 Oct 21
Usage Error
rake spec seems to work fine, but I keep getting a usage error at the end of the spec run: /usr/local/bin/ruby -I"/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-0.6.4/ lib" "/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-0.6.4/bin/spec" Usage: spec [options] (FILE|DIRECTORY|GLOB)+ --diff Show unified diff of Strings that are expected to be equal when
2006 Dec 21
heres how to get color output in rspec_autotest with rspec 0.7.5
In case anyone else is trying to make this work, here is what I did (Before 0.7.4 I had patched the regex in zentest redgreen, but that is not used any more) To use directly, it is very simple. In rspec_autotest/lib/ rspec_autotest.rb, add a -c to the spec_command in the initializer function: @spec_command = "spec -c --diff unified" This won''t help however if you want
2007 Dec 09
[rspec-devel] rspec_on_rails (trunk - r3070) works with Rails 2.0.1
I figured most of it out. The Spec::Rails stuff was something in the code which has been fixed by revision 3099. The test methods partially make sense. Since the test/unit code has been integrated, methods with test in them are automatically turned into specs. However, the test? method is in a lib file that isn''t directly loaded into the specs. It is a convenience method: def
2007 May 10
RSpec 0.9.4
RSpec 0.9.4 has just been released. Gems haven''t rsync''ed around the globe yet, so you might have to wait a few hours to install it. The big news this time is Spec::Ui 0.2.0, which has been released along with RSpec core. This RSpec extension gives you custom Watir matchers (custom Selenium-RC matchers are not implemented yet). Moreover, it comes with a custom KICK ASS formatter
2007 Jul 26
Coding standards and whitespace
Recently as a result of using Git I''ve noticed a number of inconsistencies in the RSpec codebase with respect to whitespace (mixed line endings, mixed use of spaces and tabs for indentation, and trailing whitespace at the end of lines). I never would have noticed, but Git produces nice colorized diff output which highlights these kinds of inconsistencies. I wanted to ask if the
2008 Jun 12
after :each invoked before formatter?
Hello. I''m using RSpec with Watir to do some automated tests on IE. I''ve ran into problem, where I want to make a screenshot of a browser window when example fails. For that I made custom formatter where in extra_failure_content i''m invoking screenshot taking methods. Now, everything works like a charm, as long as I''m not using after :each. I remember that I
2013 Mar 20
Passing variables to custom formatters
Guys, I observing old mail and from it I understood that options hash is more side effect then proper way for passing variable from spec to formatter. So is there any official and supported way for doing that ? Thanks a lot in advance, Yury
2011 Jan 26
changes in rspec 2.4 break ci_reporter
Hi I use the ci_reporter gem for builds on my CI machine (hudson). Prior to rspec 2.4, environment options would override commandline options. So the gem used this to change the formatter and require its files. In 2.4, that order has been reversed. the thing is 2.4 supports multiple formatters, so there is another suggestion. RSpec::Core::ConfigurationOptions def parse_options
2011 Oct 18
Database custom formatter
I am trying to write a custom formatter to update a database record based on example results. Having a lot of trouble, so I thought to ask if anyone has a custom formatter that writes results to a database or outputs results in JSON or some other programmatic format. A working example will go a long way in helping me work thru my own use case. Thanks -------------- next part -------------- An
2008 Jan 13
How to trace running spec
Hey all, I have a spec that is hanging when it is running. How do I get the rspec runner to show what specs it''s running so I can which one is hanging? I am calling the runner from my rails project. Thanks, Ben
2007 Jan 12
spec_ui problems
While looking into spec_ui, I decided to run the examples. The watir example works a little, but always chokes on the ''better than fudge'' spec (failure output below). Also, is there any command to pause the "browser"? If my connection slows, the test gets out of whack. The selenium example fails right away (output below). I do have the 0.9.0 selenium-rc
2010 Mar 13
Testing file upload (Sinatra, RSpec, Rack-Test)
Hi. I have a simple application and I want to add a file upload functionality. How can I write a spec? Here''s my try. # directory structure app: - controller.rb - controller.spec.rb - files: [] - fixtures: [test_file.png] # controller.spec.rb require ''rack/test'' require ''controller'' module MyHelpers def app Sinatra::Application end end
2007 Nov 11
Who''s using --format rdoc
I''m doing some housekeeping and just realised that the rdoc formatter produces gibberish: Will anyone protest if I just go ahead and remove it? (I can''t imagine anyone using it, especially with the much better HTML formatter) Aslak
2011 Dec 05
How to extend common helper methods to view specs?
Hi, there, I have some methods which I have written as helpers. They are in spec/support/controller_macros.rb (yes, I will change the name soon). The 2 methods, login_user and login_admin_user works in the controller specs BUT fail to work in the view specs when I call them in the view specs. ---------- spec/spec_helper.rb start -------------------------- # This file is copied to spec/
2007 Mar 19
spec.opts: questions about formatters, etc.
Questions concerning spec.opts: 1. Am I correct in believing that each option should go on a separate line of spec.opts in the rails spec directory? If this is so, why is it so? 2. Using a formatter in spec.opts doesn''t seem to work. Here is my spec.opts file: --colour -f s and this is what happens when I run the rake task: Couldn''t find formatter class s Make