similar to: jruby em

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "jruby em"

2007 Apr 25
ldd, sparc64, openbsd4.0
sorry to start a new thread. didnt know how to continue the other one i started. $ ldd Exec format error exit status 1 dont mean to waste your time, just been asked on irc whether i''ve had a look into eventmachine and i mentioned that it did not compile properly on my box. so if this is too much of a
2006 Aug 08
Core dump using sample DumbHttpClient
I''m using the current release branch from the repository (version_0) on freebsd 6.1 with ruby 1.8.4. This is the error that is generated when running the code below at the bottom of the message, plus a gdb bt. Sorry no debugging symbols built into ruby but maybe the bt will help anyways. terminate called after throwing an instance of ''std::runtime_error'' what():
2010 Oct 06
rspec2 observations
Just a few observations now that I have completed the upgrade from RSpec-1 to RSpec-2. 1. In my project (2800 examples across about 40 files), MRI 1.9.2-p0 takes roughly 3 times longer to complete the spec run. Runtimes grew from 2.2s (rspec 1.3.0) to 6.1s (2.0.0.rc). 2. Rubinius 1.1.0 runs RSpec-2 without error. 3. JRuby 1.5.1 runs RSpec-2 without error. 4. Both Rubinius and JRuby print a
2008 Jan 16
getsockname access
Is getsockname (or its equivalent) available to an EM Connection object? I''d like to access the local port number in my client application. --Michael
2008 Aug 22
EventMachine website down?
Hi all Is the EventMachine website ( down? I can''t access it from South Africa, and have tried using tor as well with no luck. I''m kinda new to EventMachine, so I first have a lot of examples to work through and reading to do before I start pestering the mailing list with questions. Thanks to everyone who partook in creating the library, so far
2007 May 24
Multiple EM connections on separate threads
Hi EM Gurus, I''m hoping someone can shed some light on the following... I''m using a 3rd party (legacy) server that can accept up to 8 simultaneous connections on one port. I''ve been able to make multiple connections to this server from within one call to EventMachine::run {...}. Specificaly, I can access each connection separately using: em_thread = do
2008 Mar 11
Mechanize#get vs Mechanize#fetch_page
So I found myself wanting to call Mechanize#get with a hash for arguments like this:'''', {:method => ''flickr.auth.getFrob''... }) Granted, it looks like this isn''t supported but it led me to what looks like a bug. Namely that get calls fetch_page(abs_uri, request, cur_page, &block)
2009 Jan 20
Some basic questions
Hi, I''ve started learning about EventMachine right now and have some basic doubts. Hope you could clarify them. I''m developing a SIP server. For now I''ve started it from scratch but I expect to migrate it to EventMachine. SIP is a very complex protocol. For example: if I use a SIP proxy in front of my server then all the data will arrive to my server using the same TCP
2008 May 22
gem install of mongrel v 1.1.5 broken in jruby
Can''t install the latest mongrel (1.1.5) in JRuby (jruby revisions ranging from 6600 to 6750[trunk] checked) -- the platform is not being identified and it''s trying to do native compilation. I''m not sure it''s actually a problem with Mongrel or JRuby however -- perhaps there isn''t a mongrel-1.1.5-java.gem on rubyforge? Some investigation below: $
2007 Sep 24
Is Rcov working with Jruby now?
Hello everyone: I am currently assigned to test a big project which uses JRuby to build a web application. The reason of using JRuby is the web application is communicating with Java Service. I am writing test cases using Rspec and looking for a code coverage tool. Rcov is no doubt a nice code coverage tool. However, it is said that Rcov is not compatible with JRuby so far. Sigh....I can not
2008 Mar 23
redcloth gem ragel code doesn''t build in jruby
I tried to install RedCloth-3.274 in jruby (trunk) but the install failed when RedCloth tried to build the C code using mkmf: I forget whether SuperRedcloth ever did build in JRuby?? I know Hpricot (which also uses ragel which can compile to Java code) works in JRuby -- with the patch here: I might be confusing the two ... FYI: If you
2012 Jan 17
does jruby rspec have to use selenium?
With jruby and rspec requests, do you have to use selenium webdriver? I''m confused, with ruby and rubyonrails using cucumber with capybara, I didn''t have to set the default driver, what was it using and can i use that with jruby? Things just worked w/o me even having to know about it :) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Jul 22
can''t execute a build - on windows + jruby
Hi all, Am trying to get cc.rb working on a windows machine, running under JRuby. I patched line 19 of project_migration.rb to use jruby, instead of ruby. execute "jruby #{File.join(migrate_scripts_directory, script)} #{@data_dir}" The add project works fine, but when I run start, the webpage just hangs on the ajax request to build - never actually executes the build at all, or comes
2006 Nov 09
Making it work under JRuby
I''ve been having problems starting the daemon under JRuby, has anyone else tried this? What I''m trying to accomplish is running Rails on regular ruby and BackgroundRB on JRuby. I''m working on a project that requires me to use a java-api to communicate with a service and it should work so that when a user logs on to the rails app, it actually authenticates through the
2008 Oct 31
RedCloth 4.1.0 released with JRuby support
Sorry it took me a week to release the JRuby version. I was out sick most of the week. Thanks a million, Ola Bini, for implementing the Java code! Give it a go: Ruby: gem install RedCloth JRuby: jgem install RedCloth Let me know how it goes for you. Jason
2008 Jan 29
std::runtime_error when calling EM::stop
When I call EM::stop from within a Deferrable callback, I''m getting the following: terminate called after throwing an instance of ''std::runtime_error'' what(): already initialized Abort trap Is there any way to trace this a little further? -- Duane Johnson
2007 Oct 24
Status of Merb on JRuby
I''ve submitted a few patches on Trac to help get Merb running under JRuby [0][1][2][3][4]. It''d be cool if any of you committers could find the time to look them over and apply/reject them. They''re mostly tiny, so it shouldn''t be too onerous. With all of these patches applied, there are still 3 spec failures. One is in the spec ''a merb mailer
2007 Dec 28
WEBrick.. won't start and showing '/rails-2.0.2/lib/initializer.rb:159:in `require_frameworks': Could not find RubyGem jruby-openssl (>= 0.0.0) (RuntimeError)' errors
Hi WEBric won''t strat and showing the following errors:- => Booting WEBrick... /mnt/slash/home/akumar/jruby-1.1b1/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.0.2/ lib/initializer.rb:159:in `require_frameworks'': Could not find RubyGem jruby-openssl (>= 0.0.0) (RuntimeError) from /mnt/slash/home/akumar/jruby-1.1b1/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ rails-2.0.2/lib/initializer.rb:156:in
2007 Dec 22
error when installing on jruby (fastthread dependency)
I''m running jruby trunk which has integrated rubygems 1.0.0 and when I try and install mongrel with gem it blows up when the fastthread dependency tries to do a native compilation. I couldn''t find a copy of the gemspec in the svn checkout but looking at the one installed when gem installing mongrel didn''t show any platform differentiation. There is platform
2008 Jan 23
JRuby and callbacks?
Hi all, Any Java/JRuby folks on the list? I''d like to see if we can implement api.c for JRuby using JNA and see how it handles the callbacks. I''m not a Java guy, nor do I know JNA, but I''ll take a stab at it if no one else on the list does. Here are a couple of useful links: Regards, Dan This