similar to: Meaning of "actions"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Meaning of "actions""

2008 Jan 11
DTrace in Perl: What probes should we have?
As of patch 32953 dtrace support is in bleadperl (5.11.0). The probes are based on Alan Burlinson''s original blog post on the subject: By guarding the probes with PERL_SUB_*_ENABLED the performance hit is unmeasurable. All the necessary bits already existed in the wild. I just assembled them and made the necessary changes to
2005 Oct 31
Aggregation elements
Howdy, Is there a method to get the number of elements in an aggregation? Are the results stored in an aggregation guaranteed to be in any type of order? Thanks for any insight, - Ryan -- UNIX Administrator
2008 Feb 26
Is there way to trace memory in the dtrace ?
N_conreq:entry { self->x=1; calledaddr=(struct xaddrf *)arg3; callingaddr=(struct xaddrf *)arg4; trace(calledaddr->link_id); tracemem(calledaddr->DTE_MAC.lsap_add, 80); trace(callingaddr->link_id); tracemem(callingaddr->DTE_MAC.lsap_add, 80); } 0 -> N_conreq 255
2008 Nov 24
debugging a faulty jboss/application
>From time to time a jboss process would end eating all, the available CPU and the load avg would skyrocket. Once the operators restarted jboss, the system''d be normal again (sometimes for weeks) until the next incident Since we moved the app from a v440 running Solaris 10 8/07 to a t2000 running Solaris 10 5/08 the problem started to happen more frequently (2-3 times a week). The
2007 Nov 27
DTrace unconference?
All, With Jon Haslam''s exciting news about the DTrace doc wiki (if you haven''t seen it yet, make your way to, and with some of the discussion with the Apple folks, I''m wondering if the time isn''t right for something of a DTrace summit, perhaps as an unconference. The idea here would not be a DTrace user group (though that
2007 Sep 02
DTraceTools Update
Is there any work on keeping DTraceTools up to date with the latest snv builds. These scripts are pretty useful and help get a novice dtrace user like me doing useful work quickly. Specifically the tcp stack tools like tcptop and tcpsnoop don''t work with later OpenSolaris builds. Thanks, Gary -- This message posted from
2006 Apr 05
DTrace as a security tool /
I''d like to see if we can use DTrace to as the kernel implementation of the BSD systrace security policy system ( I don''t really want to port systrace to Solaris because I think with DTrace we already have all the necessary in kernel hooks to do this. With systrace you express things like: "httpd can bind to port 80 but not any other port, it
2006 Oct 31
6256581 System got a hang or a panic with dtrace+kmdb
Author: bmc Repository: /hg/zfs-crypto/gate Revision: 213bfe03af413cdf71c523fb076aaa65a6306a7e Log message: 6256581 System got a hang or a panic with dtrace+kmdb 6264573 unanchored dtrace_getpcstack is rather imprecise toward function end 6289517 dtrace doesn''t like fd_intr anymore 6291378 dtrace helpers can interfere with the use of kmdb 6295554 dtrace doesn''t report
2005 Sep 15
Can I use printa() for printing multiple agg regations?
Hi Bryan, > Does that sit well with everyone? Seems fine to me. Just revisiting one of Dragan''s points, though (sorry if I missed the answer) - is there a reason for making this global (via a #pragma) rather than, say, simply providing two functions which print in the different orders? e.g. printa() for sort by sample, printak() for sort by key. My reason for wanting to do both in
2005 Dec 22
truncating aggregation output only
Hello dtrace-discuss, Sometimes I want to run a script for some time and every n second output N top entries. trunc() isn''t suitable here as it also removed keys/values. I want it ''coz over time if I use sum() entries which are normally truncated can actually get to top over a time. Maybe printa() extension, something like: printa(@b[10]) - to output top 10? --
2008 Jun 10
[Trivia question] What engine is it on DTrace T-shirt ?
Hi, This is not a DTrace technical question (so, please don''t flame me for it) :) This is regarding the DTrace (un)conference TShirt. I am curious to know what engine is it. Could not figure it out. Thanks and regards, Sanjeev. -- Solaris Revenue Products Engineering, India Engineering Center, Sun Microsystems India Pvt Ltd. Tel: x27521 +91 80 669 27521
2005 Sep 11
DTrace vs truss
G''Day Folks, I''ve finally typed up my classic DTrace demo, which I use to introduce people to DTrace (I delivered this at SOSUG#1), Here I create a fault and show the difficulty in analysing it using previous tools. Then I compare the impact of analysing the problem using both DTrace and truss. DTrace wins (a lot!).
2005 Jul 28
speculative tracing on nevada builds ?
Hi, Has something related to speculative tracing changed between s10 FCS and the more recent nevada builds ? I was trying the specopen.d script from the Dtrace guide on a nevada machine and it failed with : dtrace: failed to enable ''./spec.d'': DIF program content is invalid To try and narrow things down a bit I wrote the following short script. This works fine on s10, but
2007 Dec 22
Erlang DTrace Provider
DTrace folks, I''m pleased to introduce a potential new DTrace-sponsored project: the Erlang DTrace provider. To be good OpenSolaris citizens, we want to put the formation of this officially sponsored project to a vote -- as outlined in the OpenSolaris Constitution -- so here are the details for the new Project, as prepared by the Project Team: Name : Erlang DTrace Integration
2005 Nov 17
Abort due to systemic unresponsiveness
What is causing this error: dtrace: processing aborted: Abort due to systemic unresponsiveness It happens to my script which shows all the NFS operations coming through common_dispatch() on a server. I wasn''t the one running the test, so I don''t know how long it ran before it died. The script uses a couple of static probes and a couple fbt. Thanks, jim -------------- next
2005 Nov 29
Dtrace - Macros $1, $2, etc...
Unless I am missing something I cannot find a way to do a condtional check and handle it when a dtrace script is written with macros $1, $2 being passed to it, etc... In other words I have a dtrace script that can have parameters passed to it. Lets say $1 and $2 for example. I am trying to verity that there is or is not a value for $1 or $2 and adjust accordingly. I am finding that if use macros
2009 May 15
How to calculate java method timestamp?
Hi, I need help in calculating Java method time-stamp in following fashion. Consider following method example. long method3(long stop) { try { Thread.sleep(1500); } catch (Exception e) { } //////////////////// real CPU intensive operation /////////////////////////// for (int i = 1; i < stop; i++) { stop = stop * stop * i; };
2008 Jun 16
"stuck" in kmdb due to dtrace breakpoint()
So I realize this is somewhat stupid, and I''ve actually gotten myself out of kmdb to kill my dtrace script but this has happened in the past and I''m wondering if there''s any better way around it than hitting :c a bunch of times. Say you set a breakpoint() to fire in a common function. This will drop you into kmdb where you can do some debugging, you take a look around
2006 Oct 24
How to emit associative array after ^C
Boy am I a dummy. I want to simply dump out unfreed allocations when I terminate the script. What''s the secret sauce? #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s pid$1::MyAlloc:return { bufs[arg1] = walltimestamp; } pid$1::MyFree:entry /bufs[arg0]/ { bufs[arg0] = 0; } This message posted from
2006 Jul 10
Definition of "anchored" and "unanchored" probes
Referring to the DTrace manual: "Module If this probe corresponds to a specific program location, the name of the module in which the probe is located. This name is either the name of a kernel module or the name of a user library. Function If this probe corresponds to a specific program location, the name of the program function in which the probe is located." and then ...