similar to: [Fwd: Zeroing out non integers]

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "[Fwd: Zeroing out non integers]"

2005 Jul 19
variable size limit & documentation
Bryan, I''m trying to use a Dtrace script with a modest size global variable and hit a problem. Looking for a solution, I turn to the docs and notice that option "dynvarsize" appears just once in the docs, and it refers you to Chapter 3, where there is no mention. It doesn''t help me anyhow. I have: #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -qws #pragma D option dynvarsize=2000000
2007 Nov 16
USDT probes from PostgreSQL
while trying to use the USDT made available to us in Postgresql database I have problems enabling them. On my database server I ran 1024+ PG processes (1024 clients). The server is a 8 core T2000 @1000MHz. 32GB. 7 storage arrays. Solaris 10 Update 4. Home compiled PG 8.3 beta 1 (optimized binary for T1 chip) with DTrace probes enabled. When running without enabling the probes I have approx 25%
2007 Jun 11
2 iosnoop scripts: different results
I am teaching a DTrace class and a student noticed that 2 iosnoop scripts run in two different windows were producing different results. I was not able to answer why this is. Can anyone explain this. Here are the reults from the two windows: # io.d ... sched 0 <none> 1024 dad1 W 0.156 bash 1998
2005 Sep 22
io provider and files in a forceddirectio mounted filesystem
The following script is used as a first attempt to discover IO patterns in a dbase setup: #------------------------------------------------------------------ #pragma D option dynvarsize=128m dtrace:::BEGIN { } pid$target::kaio:entry { self->doit = 1; } pid$target::_aiodone:return { self->doit = 0; } io:::start /self->doit || execname == "oracle"/ {
2013 Oct 15
How to unstick ZFS resilver?
I have a large (88-drive) zpool in which a drive was recently replaced. (The pool has a bunch of duff Toshiba MK2001TRKB drives -- never ever pay money for these! -- and I'm trying to replace them one by one before they fail completely.) The resilver on the first drive replacement has been taking much much too long, and currently it's stuck in this state: pool: export state: DEGRADED
2009 Oct 08
Solution to problem : dynamic variable drops with non-empty dirty list
I read some of the previous posts on this forum, which discussed this particular problem. I tried to use the solution that those posts suggested, but I am still having a problem with my dtrace application running on a heavily loaded system. I have the following lines in my D script, #pragma D option aggsize=8m #pragma D option bufsize=16m #pragma D option dynvarsize=16m #pragma D option aggrate=0
2009 Sep 09
dtrace overhead and proper measuring technique
I''m trying to time a function within Firefoxwith a pid$target probe [2]. e.g dtrace -Zqw -x dynvarsize=64m -x evaltime=preinit -p 13954 -s menu- construct.d -s sigcont.d elapsed: 12.7942481ms cpu : 7.7911194ms count : 40 times I''m also measuring Firefox startup time by running it arguments like this: ... file:///Users/joelr/work/mozilla/startup/startup.html#`python
2003 Sep 23
what does the sum of square of Gaussian RVs with differen t variance obey?
This is a relatively recent article that is somewhat accessible. Jensen, D. R., and Solomon, Herbert (1994), "Approximations to joint distributions of definite quadratic forms", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89 , 480-486 It has references to previous work. I also have an old paper that is so old I can't tell what journal it came out of:( Grad, Arthur and Solomon,
2003 Apr 14
A statistical problem.Anybody can help me?
Sorry for the contents not relating to R. Assume there are N i.i.d zero-mean complex gaussian random variables(RVs),as w(i),0<=i<N} with known variance,from which one can generate another N RVs,as R(0)=sum over i {w(i)*w'(i)} R(1)=sum over i {w(i+1)*w'(i)} ... up to R(N-1)= w(N-1)w'(i) where w'(i) is the complex conjugate of w(i). (from viewpoint of signal
2003 Sep 23
what does the sum of square of Gaussian RVs with different variance obey?
>From basic statistics principle,we know,given several i.i.d Gaussian RVs with zero or nonzero mean,the sum of square of them is a central or noncentral Chi-distributed RV.However if these Gaussian RVs have different variances,what does the sum of square of them obey? Thanks in advance.
2005 Jun 20
Hello. It seems very very strange to me that nobody talks about connecting ISDN lines to asterisk using a device with RCAPI Support. There are some devices (most of them isdn routers, like the famous Cisco 800 family) that support this protocol. It basically is an ISDN to IP gateway. There used to be software that used this technology to send and receive faxes, act as voicemail and even ISDN
2009 Oct 23
Using dapptrace. Can't seem to trace user functions with defaults or specifying -u<lib>
Hi Folks, I''m trying to get to grips with dapptrace, running it on my Mac. Everything seems pretty straightforward, except for - of course - what I''m trying to do. I want to focus in on my code but I can''t seem to be able to output just the functions I want, i.e. user functions. The -U option gives everything. Too much of course. Leaving that blank means the
2008 Aug 03
D-Light tool
Hi, My question is about D-Light tool in Sun Studio. Is D-Light tool a alpha project that I can wait for, or else is only a plugin for Sun''s internal testing with DTrace and Sun Studio? I really love this tool and I am very excited for the potential in this tool -ala MacOSX ''Instruments''- in OpenSolaris development / testing. IMHO this project can serve us in NetBeans
2007 Mar 13
about use dtrace analyze tomcat''s situation
everyone Here: How do you do! dtrace is interesting. I am studing how to write dtrace script and analyze situation. I read dtrace_example.pdf and 819-6959.pdf document more than five times with careful. because I am newbie to studing I still don''t know how to begin. for question: 1. What consumes time? 2. Which system call(s) consume(s) time?
2006 Jun 06
[Fwd: Persistent "Abort due to systemic unresponsiveness"]
Just adding a few more details to the previous mail so that I can avoid some trouble for you folks. 1. I have done a /execname != "dtrace"/ to avoid dtrace itself causing more syscalls to be fired. 2. I have also supressed the printing on the terminal which makes dtrace slower. And what happens is this: dtrace -qn ''syscall::read:entry /execname != "dtrace"/ {
2002 Aug 12
help with pseudo-random numbers
Dear People, I have a vexing problem related to pseudo-random number generation, and would appreciate any help and advice. This problem is not directly related to R, and the only reason I am posting it to this list is that my implementation is using R. Let me describe my problem by giving an example, that is close to what I am trying to do. Suppose we are given a stream of pseudo-random numbers,
2011 Jul 10
OpenGL issue on games - Ati 5650 on ubuntu 10.10 64bit
Hi dear forum members. I have a problem with my ubuntu running d3d games in wine, I hope someone can help me with this as I am a bit amateur in solving this problem. My config Ubuntu 10.10 64bit on an Aspire 5740, proprietary drivers and fully updated to moment. Code: Aspire-5740:~/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Combat Wings Battle Of Britain$ sudo lspci | grep -i vga 02:00.0 VGA compatible
2005 Jul 01
MS Combat FSim, CFS3
Does anyone have any information on whether or not these should work viat Wine? Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2, and Combat Flight Simulator 3 with the CFS service pack -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2010 Oct 07
That's what's different and exciting about(Buy WOW Gold ( underwater combat in Cataclysm. Its combat on different levels without having to fly (which necessitates being out of combat). Players can attack(Buy WOW Gold ( from above or below, although being on the sea floor works too, because it'll be kind of like walking on dry land. The
2007 Nov 01
monster method (too hard for my skill level)
I need to write a method for calculating the fee for medical procedures with respect to area. I have all the tables and data but its hard to give that here. Can someone take a look at this ''stub'' method and help me out? def calculate_fee # strip out the first 3 numbers of the user entered zip code # use those 3 numbers to identify row in [zipcodes table] (between upper and