similar to: Mann Kendall mutation package?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Mann Kendall mutation package?"

2024 Feb 05
ggarrange & legend
I'm sorry but that is not a working example. A working example needs to create the plots being used. For example, stealing some code from #================================================================= data <>("ToothGrowth")df <- ToothGrowthdf$dose <- as.factor
2017 Aug 14
Statistical / data mining methods in R and not in SAS?
Hi, and sorry for asking such an unspecific question. Does anybody know of statistical / data mining methods that are available in R that are not in SAS ? With SAS I mean the SAS System Version 9.4 and SAS Enterprise Miner. I don't expect a complete list, just two or three examples or hints where and what to look for. I found some older comparisons, and the R methods mentioned there
2019 May 29
Making a package CITATION file from BibTeX
Dear Colleagues, I would like to provide a CITATION file for my package nat.nblast [1]. I have the correct citation in BibTeX format [2]. How can I convert this BibTeX to the format needed by R for a package CITATION file (I have a lot of other packages needing citations ...). I think what I need is the opposite of RefManageR::toBiblatex [3]. This seems like it should be a common need, so I
2011 Feb 08
tsboot fails on Seasonal Mann-Kendall (seaKen function, wq package)
Dear R-users, tsboot fails when I try to perform a block bootstrap on seaKen (package wq): these commands: require(wq) require(datasets) boot.block.sen <- function(data){seaKen(data)[[1]]} tsboot(sunspot.month, boot.block.sen, R=1999, l=12, sim="fixed") return: Error in seaKen(data) : x must be a 'ts' Any suggestion on how might I change seaKen in order to use it with
2009 May 13
Mann-Kendall test
Dear useRs, I've been trying to run a Mann-Kendall test in my data in order to detect trends. I studied the examples given at the Kendall package and I can understand pretty well how it works on time-series data. However, my data consists of values in different sites per year, as I display below;              Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | ... Site 1        x           x          x       ...
2011 Sep 02
Mann Kendall Test for Trend
Hi there, I'm trying to apply the Mann Kendall test for trend analysis of a time series. I have downloaded and installed the package Kendall and subsequently loaded it into the software. My time series is a .txt file with 2 columns - column 1 is the year (1985 - 2009) and column 2 is the corresponding entry variable. According to the R guidelines, the call should be: MannKendall(x)
2024 Oct 10
Anuncio del paquete de R, paisaje, para el análisis del paisaje y la biodiversidad
Estimado Que bueno, pero no entiendo nada. Me parece muy bueno y me llama la curiosidad, observo nc = st_read <>(system.file <>("shape/nc.shp", package="sf?)) y no tengo ni idea que es el archivo .shp. ¿Podría usted colocar algún ejemplo, por ahí si no es complicado se
2017 Aug 16
Statistical / data mining methods in R and not in SAS?
> On Aug 14, 2017, at 12:22 PM, fs <mail at> wrote: > > Hi, and sorry for asking such an unspecific question. > > Does anybody know of statistical / data mining methods that are available in R > that are not in SAS ? With SAS I mean the SAS System Version 9.4 and SAS > Enterprise Miner. I don't expect a complete list, just two or three
2024 Jun 26
Converting .grib to excel file
I'm now inclined to go with 'search for "convert GRIB to CSV". is the first line. I know that's not an R solution, but using software specifically developed for encoding, decoding, extracting, &c GRIB file by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and actively maintained, with an example
2017 Sep 04
Buenas días me gustaria saber cual es la libreria mas actual que contiene al algoritmo de maxima entropia que permite modelar nichos ecologicos; a su vez que libreria presenta mejor temática en la representacion de mapas. Saludos¡ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2024 Jun 26
Converting .grib to excel file
Whoops, sorry, you *did* answer "what went wrong". > param_names <- c("param1", "param2", "param3", "param4", "param5", "param6") > extracted_data <- extract(raster_data, param_names, df = TRUE) #Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : #unable to find an inherited method for function ?extract? for signature
2020 Mar 23
Tasa variación diaria COVID-19
Muchas gracias a todos por su ayuda. Hace un rato antes de abrir el correo, he encontrado dos soluciones a mi problema de como calcular el porcentaje de variación. La primera es usando el paquete dplyr: La segunda usando la función PercChange del paquete DataCombine
2020 Mar 25
Tasa variación diaria COVID-19
Gracias Ruben, muy interesante. Algo así estuve buscando, por ciudades y a nivel internacional, pero no lo encontré. Me bastaría con el número de fallecimientos por día, de cuantas más ciudades del mundo mejor. Si alguno supiera de algo así, le agradecería que me lo comunicase. Un saludo, Manuel El mar., 24 mar. 2020 a las 21:04, Rubén Fernández Casal (< rubenfcasal en>) escribió:
2024 Feb 05
ggarrange & legend
Dear John Kane Dear R community Here my working example 1. Example that is working with legend=?top?. However, as mentioned, the legend is in the middle of the top axis. mylist<-list(p1, p2), height=18) fig1<- ggarrange(plotlist=mylist, common.legend = TRUE, legend="top", labels = c("(A)", "(B)"), font.label = list(size = 18, color =
2017 Nov 17
'fractal' package Hi, I am trying to learn about nonlinear time series, and fractal time series analysis in particular. I am interested in becoming proficient with the 'fractal' package. I have two specific questions: 1. I have a basic understanding of ARMA and ARIMA models. Can someone recommend
2019 May 29
Making a package CITATION file from BibTeX
On Thu, 30 May 2019, Dr Gregory Jefferis wrote: > Dear Colleagues, > > I would like to provide a CITATION file for my package nat.nblast [1]. > > I have the correct citation in BibTeX format [2]. How can I convert this > BibTeX to the format needed by R for a package CITATION file (I have a > lot of other packages needing citations ...). (1) You can use read.bib() from the
2023 Apr 14
Package Caret
Or is there any similar function to split the dataframe to trainDF and testDF? G?bor Malomsoki <gmalomsoki1980 at> schrieb am Fr., 14. Apr. 2023, 09:45: > > This is the error then: > error in prettyseq(1:ncol(out)) : could not find function "prettyseq" > > > > > Eric Berger <ericjberger at> schrieb am Fr., 14. Apr. 2023, 09:06:
2024 Oct 10
Anuncio del paquete de R, paisaje, para el análisis del paisaje y la biodiversidad
Estimada comunidad de R, Les hago llegar el anuncio del paquete de R, paisaje, para el análisis del paisaje y la biodiversidad. El paquete está en desarrollo. Hasta ahora he incorporado estas funciones: *calculate_it_metrics*: Calculate 5 information theory landscape metrics *count_points_in_polygons*: Count Points within Polygons *create_cat_esa_10m*:
2020 Mar 22
Tasa variación diaria COVID-19
Eric ¿Que dataset utilizo? Por curiosidad probé su código, pero me salen errores. Copio y pego todo como me sale en la consola. > # > datos <- read.csv("C:/Users/HP/Downloads/time-series-19-covid-combined.csv") > > library(data.table) > library(ggplot2) >
2013 Feb 02
[LLVMdev] Publication Generation of TLM Testbenches Using Mutation Testing
Very interesting, thanks for the forward! If you're interested in having a link posted on, please email the llvmdev mailing list. -Chris On Jan 30, 2013, at 9:42 AM, Marcelo Sousa <marceloabsousa at> wrote: > Dear all, > > I would like to share a paper I co-authored with Prof. Alper Sen. This > paper describes an algorithm to generate testbenches from