Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Expectations on Class Methods"
2006 Oct 23
overriding mock expectations
There is one annoyance I''m encountering with the Mock API in rSpec.
Overall it works well, as far as dynamic mocks go ;)... but there''s
this one thing... It doesn''t allow overriding of expectations.
m = mock("blah")
The second call to should_receive
2007 Jun 02
I''m really bad at controllers, help please.
Sorry for so many questions - I''m really bad at this right now.
I''m trying to cover the following code w/ rspec
def index
if params[:user_id]
@user = User.find(params[:user_id])
@messages = @user.messages
So basically what I''m doing is listing all the messages for a user,
provided there is an id parameter.
2008 Feb 07
Catching non-Merb::ControllerExceptions Exceptions
Is there an agreed upon method for handling exceptions thrown by
something outside of Merb? For example, DataMapper now throws a
DataMapper::ObjectNotFoundError when a record isn''t found in the db.
I''d like to catch these exceptions and raise a C:E:NotFound exception
instead, but without having to wrap a lot of code in begin/rescue/end
Mike Irwin
2007 Jun 03
It appears that if I have 2 should_receives in a row, the latest one
overrides the previous one(s).
If there isn''t one, could we add a way to accumulate them, such as
would be equivalent to
2007 Dec 12
Since there are so many efforts at the moment to port restful_authentication
I figured I''d put a repo up so that it can be a collaborative effort.
You can pick up a copy of the repo at
git clone http://snatcht.com/git/merbful_authentication.git
at the moment the app is in a branch. Not in the master.
get the branch by
git checkout -b remote/initial origin/inital_repo
At the moment
2007 Aug 23
controller spec with model that validates_uniqueness
I want to use mocks and stubs to test the controller, but am having
trouble getting my validation not to trigger. Here''s the code:
# spec:
put :update, :id => @image.id, :category_id =>
@category.id, :image => {:name => ''test'', :image_number =>
2008 May 17
Help needed
Hi All,
I am new to rspec and it seems that I don''t understand some basics.
I need to have a XML import which should parse through XML data
and saves all that in various mysql tables. The XML part works just
fine and I can test this with rspec. However when I try to execute
it "should find country object for DE" do
I get an error. @user.country is a one-to-many relation in
2007 Oct 25
Mocking/Stubbing help with subdomain as account key
My app uses account_location to set up subdomains as account keys. In
my controllers, all my model operations are scoped through the
@current_person object.
The question is: How do I test this with RSpec''s mocking and
stubbing? Basically, I need to test that @current_person.things is
getting the find message and returning @thing. I''ve tried stubbing
and mocking
2007 Jun 15
problem getting started with stubbing in rails controller specs
Hello, Ingo!
I''m copying your question to a new e-mail instead of replying to try
to keep message threads separate.
Have you tried setting up your expectation before issuing the get
statement? For example, take this out of the setup block:
get ''index'', :locale => ''en''
and move it after:
2007 Oct 26
Specing with Subdomains as Account Keys
How do you go about implementing and rspecing subdomains as account
keys? I''m sure that this must be an issues for others as well.
So I have an app using subdomains as account keys. The Application
Controller sets up @current_company in a before filter. Everything is
done within the context of the @current_company.
After reading about Demeter''s Revenge
2007 Nov 01
Writing controller specs
One thing that is bothering me about my controller specs is that
sometimes I end up with a number of examples that are the same except
for the example name.
The reason that this happens is that I''ve expressed all the expected
behavior with should_receive. While this does more or less work as
intended it doesn''t feel right.
As an example, let''s say I''m writing
2011 Jul 27
Rspec with ActionMailer and .deliver
I''m in the process of migrating from Rails 2 with rspec 1 to Rails 3 with
rspec 2, the process has been going pretty well, however, today I came
across an issue that I wanted to share.
I have a controller that sends out an email through a mailer.
Rails 2
code: CurriculumCommentMailer.deliver_comment_update(@curriculum_comment,
Rails 3 code:
2010 Jul 13
[Rspec] Difference between stub and message expectation with any_number_of_times
I''m wondering what''s the difference between stub and message expectation
with any_number_of_times, for example:
myMock = mock("mymock")
myMock = mock("mymock")
because is_a? may not be called at all, it just like a
2007 Oct 05
spec''ing view render partial collection, local variable not found
I''m trying to spec out a render partial collection but I get the following
NoMethodError in ''/games/_game.rhtml should show game name''
undefined method `body'' for #<#<Class:0x316580c>:0x2f1154c>
2007 Dec 29
Do you think it would look cleaner?
I was looking over some of my specs.
I was thinking that the following:
@game.should_receive(:name).and_return(''The Battle for Blaze'')
Would it look cleaner if I could do this instead?
:name => ''The Battle for Blaze''
2008 Jan 23
Not seeing the failure
I''m missing something simple, I think. I am writing a spec to say that my
CouponController should create a new coupon from the form parameters, then
set the current user. Here''s the spec:
describe CouponController, "When posting to save_coupon" do
before(:each) do
@expectedName = "pepper''s"
@expectedAmount = 5
coupon =
2007 Jan 05
How To Spec Controllers with Finders
Given this code (which renders rjs), I''m faced with the fixture-
driven way of spec-ing or mocking. How the heck to you mock this so
the code at line (2) and (4) work right? I''m still struggling with
mocks but it seems like this can be done. Forgive the naivety of this
1. def change_quantity
2. @line_item = LineItem.find_by_id(params[:id])
3. unless
2007 Jul 12
Agh, this is annoying. Why is this happening?
My problem:
Mock ''Task_1005'' received unexpected message :user_id= with (1)
No matter what I do to try to stub that out it will still fail out and give
me that message.
Here is my spec
describe TasksController, "handling POST /tasks" do
before(:each) do
@task = mock_model(Task, :to_param => "1", :save => true)
2007 Nov 21
describe AddressesController, "handling GET /addresses" do
I''m working with scaffold generated controller test code for handling GET
requests. Address is the model being tested. Address belongs_to Company,
Company has_many addresses.
In my addresses_controller I have:
before_filter :get_company
def index
@addresses = @company.addresses.find(:all)
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
format.xml {
2007 Sep 30
Problems with testing nested routes using mocking
Hello forum
I have there to files
#----- virtual_host_controller.rb
class VirtualHostsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :capture_domain
# GET /domain/1/virtual_hosts/1
def show
@virtual_host = @domain.virtual_hosts.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.rhtml
def capture_domain