similar to: shared behaviour for all views

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "shared behaviour for all views"

2007 Oct 22
View spec response has no content?
I have been messing with this all night, and can''t figure out what''s going wrong here. I have a test that renders the view, and then a shared behavior checks "response" for the various tags from a rails layout. The problem is matching. If I run in the browser the page renders fine. Is there a way to output what the response contains? Here are my tests: describe
2008 Apr 19
Is testing output within content_for possible?
I wanted to test that the links below were being rendered in the views. - content_for :sidebar do %ul.links %li= edit_link edit_admin_contact_url(@contact), "Contact" # view test it "should have the correct side bar links" do do_render response.should have_tag("ul.links") do with_tag("a[href=?]",
2007 Jul 22
have_tag for href with specific link?
Hi folks, I''m trying out this idea of "outside-in" and writing specs for my views first. Being a person who generally starts with some scribbles of a user interface and moves right to models, this has yet to be fun, but I''m giving it a shot. My question: I''m trying to specify that an index page should show a list of things, each with a link to a delete
2007 May 17
How to mock helpers in view specs ?
Hi all, I am mocking the following Rails view (inside a partial): <%= render :partial => "forums/forum", :collection => forum_category.forums.readable_by(current_user? ? current_user : nil) %> My spec fails with the following message: 1) ActionView::TemplateError in ''forum_categories/index (anonymous user) should only render forums accessible to anonymous
2007 Nov 06
Why is this view spec failing?
I can''t figure out why I am getting a failure. It renders out fine in the browser. <h1>New member</h1> <%= error_messages_for :member %> <% form_for(:member, :url => members_path) do |f| %> <fieldset> <legend>Member Info</legend> <p><label for="member[first_name]">First Name:</label> <%=
2010 Jun 28
have_tag matcher in rspec 2?
I always assumed have_tag was part of rspec, but it''s not in rspec 2, and looking now I don''t see it in rspec 1 either. Webrat defines it, but that seems like a coincidence (I tried requiring webrat/core/matchers to no avail). Is it depricated, not yet implemented, or does it work for everyone else? My project is from scratch, rspec-rails 2b13, using generated spec_helper.
2008 Aug 08
template.expect_render fails when partial is rendered from a helper
My spec; describe ''subnav rendering while logged in'' do before do template.stub!(:logged_in?).and_return(true) template.stub! (:current_profile).at_least(:once).and_return(mock_profile) end def do_render render "/homepages/show.html.erb" end it "should render the logged in partial for homepages" do
2007 Aug 06
used the described Class in a shared behavior
Is it possible to access the described class in a shared behavior? I''m trying to do something like this: describe "Siberian feline", :shared => true do described_class_instance_as :feline, :name => "fluffy", :breed => "Siberian" # or maybe before(:all) do @feline = => "fluffy", :breed =>
2007 Aug 02
Do the :attributes and :content matchers work
[Rails plugin 1.0.5] Hi, I am looking for some guidance. When working on a partial which looks like this <div class="bug" style="width: 100%;" /> I have some examples which should fail - I think - but do not: it '' should fail'' do response.should have_tag( ''div.bug'', :content => ''There is no
2007 May 21
Ordering in view specs using have_tag and with_tag
When writing view specs is there any way to test not only for the presence of tags (have_tag) and nested tags (with_tag), but also test that they appear in a given order? For example, consider the following: it ''should display the login names, display names and email address in alternating rows'' do response.should have_tag(''div.odd>div'') do
2007 Sep 14
using #include in shared behaviours
Hi folks, Is there any way I can call #include from within a shared behaviour without it blowing up?: > vendor/plugins/rspec/lib/spec/dsl/shared_behaviour.rb:48:in > `included'': private method `include'' called for #<Class:0x3047484> > (NoMethodError) More detail: I have a spec/concerns directory which contains specs corresponding to mixins in
2007 Jul 09
Is it bad to use a shared example in rspec_helper.rb?
I want to extract the method for logging in so that I don''t have to include it in each before call. Is it bad to use a describe block within the rspec_helper in a rails project for controller tests? I have in my spec_helper.rb describe "an authenticated request", :shared => true do before( :each ) do @u = mock_model( User ) mock_login( @u ) end def
2007 Jul 16
Accessing content_for html in view specs?
Hi All, Hope all is going well. I''ve got a few views that create some content using ''content_for'' blocks <% content_for :blah do %> ..... <% end %> Has anyone worked out a way to be able to access the html that''s generated inside those blocks? Since they''re not part of the view, have_tag('''') seems to miss them,
2011 Nov 05
Newbie Question/Feature Request
Hi, I'm working on a plugin for qpsmtpd (a perl smtp frontend) that delivers mail via dovecot's LDA. I can only get mail delivered by writing the email to file, then calling 'deliver -d someone -f someone-else < /path/to/temp/email' All good, expected behavior. A perl snippet: local $/=undef; open FH, "< ./demo.mail"; my $stringified = <FH>; # this is
2001 Feb 28
Spider diagrams
Hi, I am trying to create what are called "spider diagrams" in the geochemical literature using R. A spider diagram is basically a plot of the atomic number versus the concentration on a log scale. Lines are drawn from each atomic number for each sample. Right now, my data frame looks like: SAMPLE SITE V3 LA.NASC LAATNUM CE.NASC CEATMNUM 1 1A:001
2007 Oct 06
spec''ing views, mock_model associations
I writing a spec that returns the count of how many players in a game: it "should how many players in a link to all players" do render :partial =>"games/game", :object => @game response.should have_tag(''a'',"(2) Players") end I''m not sure how to do the mock model, I think it would be done two ways but unsure of the syntax: 1: add
2007 Nov 20
How to test views with Nested Resources and Partials
Hi everyone, I am relatively new to rspec and I am running into a wall in testing my views. I have a RESTful resource Contracts with a nested resource of Line_items. I am trying to figure out how to test the "edit" form of the Line_items. What complicates this is the nested routing and how to account for it, and that there is a partial form (_form.haml) that both the edit.haml and
2007 Oct 01
have_tag and line numbers
When I''ve got a view example like this: 1: response.should have_tag "fieldset#children" do 2: with_tag "child" 3: end If it can''t find ''child'', the error seems to come back as my_spec.rb:1 instead of my_spec.rb:2. Has anyone else experienced this? I just spent a while tracking down what I assumed was a problem in my have_tag only to
2007 Dec 07
strange error on mock proxy
I''m banging my head over this really strange error in a view test when I run "rake spec". The weird thing is that I don''t get the error when I run the spec file by itself. Here is the spec (I know, fixtures are the devil): describe "/units/new.html.erb here" do fixtures :units, :accounts, :groups it_should_behave_like
2007 Mar 09
AssertSelect for strings?
Hi, Is there a way to use the have_tag matcher on a string instead of the response body from a view? I have a helper in a method rails project that returns an html fragment which I would like to test. Like this: module SomeHelper def some_helper_method "<p>foo</p>" end end context "The SomeHelper" helper_name :some specify do