similar to: Experiment in Online Mongrel Chat Support

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Experiment in Online Mongrel Chat Support"

2006 Aug 18
- Lingr is born
Hello everyone- In the spirit of previous Rails-based product announcements that I''ve seen here, I''m pleased to announce Rails'' newest progeny, at Lingr is a community site where you can chat about your current interests, in realtime, right in your browser. You can find related topics, meet new people, and just have fun in general.
2006 Dec 04
[SECURITY] DOS In cgi.rb Announced, Upgrade Your Ruby
It''s time again for your monthly cgi.rb DOS vulnerability. This latest vulnerability is different from the one that cgi_multipart_eof_fix.gem fixed. This one is related to the boundary taken from the web client being used incorrectly. You can read about the vulnerability: The applicable PATCH is
2006 Aug 23
Recommendation: Install The Real MySQL Driver
Hi Folks, I''ve been receiving lots of reports of the following problems: 1) Huge pauses. 2) Slow response on heavy queries. 3) Lost MySQL connections. 4) General database failures. What I''ve been able to confirm is that this is almost always caused by people using the default mysql.rb that comes with rails in their production setups. ****** Please, if you run your Rails
2007 Jan 23
Mongrel-users Digest, Vol 12, Issue 22
On 1/23/07, mongrel-users-request at < mongrel-users-request at> wrote: > > > Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 21:48:21 -0800 > From: "Zed A. Shaw" <zedshaw at> > Subject: [Mongrel] [ANN] Mongrel 1.0.1 Officially Released > To: mongrel-users at > Message-ID: <20070122214821.4804e941.zedshaw at>
2006 Sep 03
Documentation Day!
I''m spending today writing documentation. I''ll be updating quite a few documents, doing some edits, and adding some user contributed docs. If anyone has documentation suggestions, FAQ questions they''d like included, or things they think are old and stale, then let me know. Swing by the Lingr room: And drop me a line if you want
2006 Sep 03
Mongrel Pre-Release -- Docs and more Docs
Hi Everyone, Just want to get out another ping on the Mongrel pre-release saga. I''ve updated a bunch of the documentation to include documents people have donated and to beef up the FAQ for most of the questions people have asked over the past month. INSTALL gem install mongrel --source= CHANGES * Fixed memory leak by switching to Sync rather
2006 Nov 24
[OT] I Finally Got an Atom Feed
Hi folks, I took a break from Mongrel today and instead whipped up an Atom feed generator for my site. People who love or utterly hate my essays will lover or utterly hate to subscribe to it. Let me know if it isn''t working well in your favorite feed reader. -- Zed A. Shaw, MUDCRAP-CE Master Black Belt Sifu
2006 Dec 27
Thanks For The Present!
Alright Mongrel people, thanks for contributing to the mayhem around popularity by making me the official King of the Internet. In case you all missed it, here''s my blog post on my first act as King: Stay tuned for pedro. I want to make this reign very democratic and chaotic. (I wonder if the Nitro folks will help with pedro?) The whole
2006 Dec 28
An Even Better Thank You!
I really wanted to thank everyone personally for voting for me, but man I don''t have the time. So, like a good programmer I just automated it with espeak: $ speak -w thank_you_everyone.wav -s 168 -v en/en-f -p 60 -a 120 -l 50 -f who.txt $ lame -V2 thank_you_everyone.wav thank_you_everyone.mp3 And now you all get a personalized thanks from some electronic British woman:
2006 Nov 25
Mongrel 0.3.18 PR -- Lightning Fast Turnaround
Alright folks, I put in a fix for camping and added the patch by Thomas Hurst for the accf_http deferred accept settings for FreeBSD. As usual, please test this release out and let me know if it has any additional problems. I''ll be working on win32 builds today and tomorrow with Luis. Install with: sudo gem install fastthread --source= sudo gem
2006 Sep 07
Mongrel Ultimate Deployment Certified Rails Aptitude Program
I''m proud to announce the official Mongrel certification program: Move quick, seats are filling fast for the RubyConf courses. -- Zed A. Shaw -- Come get help.
2006 Oct 19
Typo in Apache docs causing MSIE problems?
Someone contacted me earlier today and pointed out this typo in the mongrel apache documentation: "the following line: BrowserMatch bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html must be written instead as: BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html The effect of this typo is that files that are not caught by previously listed rules, such as all *.css and *.js files are never deflated for MSIE
2006 Oct 30
[RFC] Mongrel Books Page?
There seems to be a bunch of books now that either mention Mongrel or focus on it or will focus on it. I''ve got my book, but the more books that people can easily get in as many languages as possible benefits Mongrel and everyone. Soooo, I''m gonna start a "Books" page that will list all the books that talk about Mongrel. Send me your book, a small abstract, and the
2007 Jan 02
Recommendation: Stalled Mongrel? Memcache Hates Spaces
Hi Everyone, There''s quite a few of you who have contacted me about Mongrel suddenly stopping. After a lot of investigation, I found that the common thread between all of you is memcache and Eric Hodel''s memcache-client. People who were running this combination would have intermittent pauses and investigating the stalled mongrels showed that memcache-client was waiting for
2007 Jan 26
Attention FreeBSD Gurus
I received this piece of code in a patch that turns on the FreeBSD http filtering. I completely missed that it calls /sbin/sysctl directly which means I''m slipping on my auditing. def configure_socket_options case RUBY_PLATFORM when /linux/ # 9 is currently TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT $tcp_defer_accept_opts = [Socket::SOL_TCP, 9, 1] $tcp_cork_opts =
2006 Apr 20
NYC Ruby Job Fair ‹ April 25th
=== NYC Ruby Job Fair -- April 25th The NYC Ruby meetings lately have looked a lot like middle school dances. On one side of the room is people saying, "Gee, I wish I could work full-time doing Ruby or Ruby on Rails." On the other side of the room are companies saying, "Wow, those Ruby people sure look cute, I wish they would all come work for me." The music is playing, the
2006 Aug 26
Mongrel Pre-Release -- Ruby's LEAK Fixed (Death To Mutex!)
Howdy Folks, This release is after painstaking analysis of a memory leak that was reported by Bradley Taylor, reduced by myself, and then fixed after much work. You should all thank Bradley for finding the bizarre fix. It turns out the Ruby has a memory leak when you use pretty much any thread locking primitive other than Sync (Mutex, Monitor, etc.): The fix (for
2006 Dec 16
Mongrel 0.3.20 -- 5 Hours Deadline
Another fancy release with just a few little changes from yesterday: * Set-Cookie, Set-Cookie2, Warning, and WWW-Authenticate are allowed as duplicate headers. * mongrel_rails stop now has a --wait option to go with --force. It will wait for either the given timeout in SECONDS or the PID file to go away. If the PID file goes away it just exits. If the timeout happens then it does a kill -9 on
2006 Sep 04
Mongrel Upload Progress 0.2 -- With Instructions and Examples
Hi Folks, I''m sure tons of people are gonna ruin a whole drawer of their best panties over this one. Rick Olson worked on the mongrel_upload_progress gem, documentation and examples and has almost everything you need to do progress tracked file uploads using just Mongrel to handle the upload. This means that Rails (or any other framework) isn''t blocked while the upload
2006 Dec 15
Mongrel 0.3.19 -- The Gnostic MIME Type Release
Hello All, I''m putting out a quick half-release because there''s some work on the MIME types I''ve included that needs to be done by all of you. Read at the end to understand your role in what you started. This release features two major capitulations on Mongrel''s stance of not being a full web server. The first is Mongrel now sports a YAML file with 739 MIME