similar to: Profile updates using profile_main

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Profile updates using profile_main"

2008 Apr 08
Session Expired for Profile Publishing
Ok. I''m not having any success with publishing profile FBML. Example code: class WelcomeController < ApplicationController layout "facebook" ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user def index @user = facebook_session.user ... @user.profile_fbml = render_to_string( :template => ''welcome/profile'' ) end end Results in
2008 Mar 31
Problems with *_path() and *_url() helpers when using Publisher
Hello, I am running into issues using *_path() and *_url() helpers the Facebooker Publisher framework. I encounter the following error when using these helpers while *inside of a partial*: undefined method `default_url_options'' for ActionView::Base:Class I''ve seen a few other people speak about this issue, yet I haven''t seen any resolution on the mailing list yet.
2008 Jan 23
Accessing the current session
I''m trying to fetch a session (and other fb user variables from the session) at the start of my controller, so that all the actions in that controller can make use of it. Here''s the code: class FacebookController < ApplicationController ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user fb_session = session[:facebook_session] # ... action functions here ... end
2008 Jun 12
Double Frame Problem
The only solution I''ve seen to the problem of the nested frame on the login/install pages (when using iframes rather than fbml), is to use JS to cause a redirect (c.f., def create_new_facebook_session_and_redirect!
2008 Jan 14
Setting profile FBML for a Facebook Page
Had a user add our app to a Facebook Page, Facebook Pages act like users but are more for businesses and Bands. It looks like the current Facebooker API doesn''t currently support setting the Profile FBML for a Page. The current code for setting the proflie is this: def profile_fbml=(markup)
2008 Feb 01
proposed patch for fb_request_form_submit
Hi, according to the Facebook docs, you can add a uid to the fb_request_form_submit button which will pre select the user for the form. So you can do: <fb:request-form action="/my_tasks" method="POST" invite="true" type="MyApp" content="wants to invite you to xyz app"> <fb:request-form-submit uid="FRIENDID" />
2008 Aug 19
redirect with application add
There are groups within our app that people can be invited too. If a user recieves an invite to a group and hasn''t yet added the application the filter chain ends up redirecting them to the main canvas page instead of the the group page directly. Is there a way to handle this if the user hasn''t installed the app, I tried redirect_back_or_default in one of my controllers but it
2008 Apr 04
something wrong with event_members
I''ve got this code in one of my views: <% for event in :uid => @facebook_user.uid ) %> <p><%= @facebook_session.event_members(event.eid).length %></p> <% end %> It should print the # of people coming to each of this user''s events. Let''s say that would be "5 12 8". Instead
2008 Mar 30
undefined method using ensure_authenticated
I''ve stepped through the basics of setting up facebooker, but I consistently see this message: "undefined local variable or method `ensure_authenticated_to_facebook'' for FacebookController:Class" My controller is defined: << class FacebookController < ApplicationController ensure_authenticated_to_facebook def index @facebook_user =
2012 Mar 02
devtools 0.6
# devtools The aim of `devtools` is to make your life as a package developer easier by providing R functions that simplify many common tasks. Devtools is opinionated about how to do package development, and requires that you use `roxygen2` for documentation and `testthat` for testing. Future version will relax these opinions - patches are welcome! You can track (and contribute to) development of
2012 Mar 02
devtools 0.6
# devtools The aim of `devtools` is to make your life as a package developer easier by providing R functions that simplify many common tasks. Devtools is opinionated about how to do package development, and requires that you use `roxygen2` for documentation and `testthat` for testing. Future version will relax these opinions - patches are welcome! You can track (and contribute to) development of
2012 Jun 20
Devtools 0.7
# devtools The aim of `devtools` is to make your life as a package developer easier by providing R functions that simplify many common tasks. Devtools is opinionated about how to do package development, and requires that you use `roxygen2` for documentation and `testthat` for testing. Future version will relax these opinions - patches are welcome! You can track (and contribute to) development of
2012 Jun 20
Devtools 0.7
# devtools The aim of `devtools` is to make your life as a package developer easier by providing R functions that simplify many common tasks. Devtools is opinionated about how to do package development, and requires that you use `roxygen2` for documentation and `testthat` for testing. Future version will relax these opinions - patches are welcome! You can track (and contribute to) development of
2008 Jan 29
Facebook Redirects to Callback Path after log in
Hey, I am wondering if anyone has run into this issue before. I can''t seem to figure out what Facebook is doing. I have an application that only requires Facebook Authentication, the user doesn''t need to "add" the app. So at the top of my main controller I have class GettingStartedController < ApplicationController ensure_authenticated_to_facebook ......
2008 Mar 11
trouble with MyPublisher.deliver_story
hi, I can''t seem to be able to delivery stories! I have this in my controller MyPublisher.deliver_story(@current_facebook_user.friends.first, @current_facebook_user, This is in models/my_publisher.rb # story is published to the story of the to user def story(to, f, object_id) send_as :story recipients to title "An object?" body
2008 Mar 18
respond_to formats, fbml and fbjs
In my controllers I have a respond_to block for both fbml and fbjs. I created the fbjs mime type in environment.rb: Mime::Type.register "application/javascript", :fbjs However, even if I specify fbjs in a parameter name format during AJAX post requests, it is being overwritten by Rails or Facebooker as FBML. I confirmed this by placing logger.debug params[:format] immediately before
2008 May 15
facebooker, respond_to and firefox 3 beta5/pre
Hi there, I have a controller that responds to fbml and html, with html at the top. In all browsers, this works as expected - When I''m hitting the controller from my normal app, I get html. When I hit it inside facebook, I get fbml. However, with Firefox 3 hitting the normal app, I''m getting fbml for some odd reason. Am I crazy? Sudara
2007 Oct 24
NoMethodError when creating new ActiveRecord model object
the strangest thing is happening...i''m not getting this every time, maybe 1/3 of the time, identical requests... i''m a rails newbie, but i think i''m trying pretty standard stuff, this is an excerpt from the log: ---------------------- Processing EmailConfigsController#edit_xml (for at 2007-10-24 15:52:09) [GET] Session ID: 6630219819a2da423d8c48a259dd28d6
2008 Jan 31
presenting validation errors via fbml?
Hi Facebookers, Is there a helper or suggested approach for presenting validation errors on an fbml form? Something to translate rails error markup to fbml:error markup? thanks Joel
2008 Oct 17
Error when posting facebook.feed.publishActionOfUser
posting ''facebook.feed.publishActionOfUser'' with {:title=>"<fb:fbml> <fb:name ifcantsee=\"A Hidden User\" linked=\"true\" uid=\"579947937\" /> wrote a <a href=\"\">caption</a></fb:fbml>",