similar to: can''t execute a build - on windows + jruby

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "can''t execute a build - on windows + jruby"

2005 Mar 12
FW: Watir needs a Win32GUI library
Anyone need something to do? :) Dan -----Original Message----- From: Bret Pettichord [] Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2005 8:25 AM To: ruby-talk ML Cc: Subject: Watir needs a Win32GUI library We''ve seen growing enthusiasm for Watir, a web-testing library that is good enough that it is convincing people to learn Ruby just so that they
2008 May 03
silly partial qu
hi all, i''m just trying to check a partial has been rendered, by using: response.template.should_receive(:render).with(:partial => "tasks/list") this passes, even if I put something bogus in the partial name, such as: response.template.should_receive(:render).with(:partial => "___tassdfsdfks/list") does anyone know why this doesn''t fail? is this the
2006 Jul 12
ferret using UTF-8
Hey all, I went through the docs in Ferret''s page, plus a quick search through the email list (thread titles), and I couldn''t find any info on how to have Ferret storing it''s data using UTF-8. In the scenario I would use it, nothing''s being stored outside (like external databases). So it''s just how Ferret would do it that I''m interesting in
2007 May 02
CCTray setup with remote CC.rb
HI All: Sorry about the test post, I posted this 2x before and never saw it on the list. I modified the CCTray instructions in the manual which say to put in http://:3333 in the "Via CruiseContro.Net Dashboard", which I''m assuming was local to the machine running CCTRay, with http://:3333 which returns a "failed to connect to server" error. On the mongrel
2008 May 23
version 1.3 build log truncation
Hi All, I have upgraded to verion 1.3. Our build output has huge text in it and what I notice is that in 1.3 the I do not see complete build.log. Is there any flag to control this? I want to see the complete build output because the last few lines has interesting output about what part of build failed. Thanks and Regard, Manish
2008 May 02
CruiseControlRb behind apache
I managed to find this in the archives, so far: Found a better alternative to doing this in my .htaccess instead of messing with the httpd.conf, in case someone is interested: --- snip --- RewriteEngine On ### for cruisecontrol RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://localhost:3333/$1 [P] AuthType Basic
2007 Mar 17
a WARNING about cruise task or user-specified build task for Rails
If (like me) you use ccrb to test a Rails app and (like me) you define your own :cruise task, because, for example, you use rspec rather than Test::Unit and (like me) you have the RAILS_ENV ||= ''production'' line in environment.rb (because, like me, you use crummy shared hosting) Your build will run in production mode, possibly screwing up your production database,
2007 Mar 15
greetings, and first question
Hi, Nice project. I saw the checkin for jbehave and I thought "SOLD!" One question, is there a reason that it cannot be installed using gem? It would make starting the server easy. Other people can also customize the server like they do with Jetty (which I think is the coolest servlet engine because of that). -- Shane
2008 May 06
Failing build is restarted again and again (manual request + Win32)
Dear all, I am a recent user of this great tool for rails development and I have an issue with version 1.3.0. Sorry if I duplicate the question but I have been over the whole mailing list archives and could not find any answer. I have set up cruisecontrolrb on my home server (which runs WinXP, sorry, but it is better for the girlfriend to use than some linux distrib which I use on my laptop)
2007 Sep 10
Using Rspec with ScenarioFixtures
I am currently trying to get Rspec to work with ScenarioFixtures. I did a quick search and didn''t find any mention that any one else had gotten this to work yet. If i missed something, could you please drop me a line. Otherwise, expect a progress report when i get this working... Bret -------------- next part
2008 May 25
Cruisecontroi footprint for a virtual machine installation
Does anyone have any feel for the requirements (disk space, memory, anything else you can think of) of a virtual machine (say Centos Linux), set up as a CruiseControl.rb build machine? Regards, Lori -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2008 Mar 30
Hi the devel list. I am adapting the package.skeleton to S4 classes and methods I would have been very proud to post a new working function on this list. Unfortunately, I do not manage to solve all the problems. Mainly - sys.source does not compile a file with setClass - dumpMethod does not exists yet In the following code, thise two problems are notified by a line ################# Still
2007 Apr 18
documentation suggestion
Because I''m filing more of a sysadmin role than as a ruby developer I overlooked a nuance that is probably obvious to others, but edits to config/site_config.rb require a restart of CC-rb. I was banging my head on the wall wondering why none of my smtp auth settings made any difference. :( A suggestion would be to note this requirement in manual (http://
2008 Jun 09
SVN credentials
Hello All, Where are the username and password for your SVN repo stored for a cruisecontrol.rb project? I can see where you specify it when you add a project but I have been unable to find it to change it. Thanks -- Steve Kickert CEO Riverock Technologies 952-232-5280 (direct) 612-965-1909 (mobile) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2007 Apr 17
rspec with CI
I am a bit of a rails and rspec noob. I am trying to use rspec in conjunction with CruiseControlrb. When I run a cruise build having spec errors, the build does not indicate a failure. I have tried to track down why this is the case, and my best guess is that the spec task is kicking off the spec via a ruby() method in rake, and that ruby method does not propagate my spec failure back to
2008 Aug 08
Jabber Notification
Hi all, Some of my team are using ubuntu for their desktop (i.e. no cctray support), and email notification just ain''t quick enough for me, so I need to set up our ccrb to support jabber notification, I guess. I read in the documentation ( documentation/getting_notified) that there''s a jabber plug but I can''t see one in
2008 Jun 05
Build count limit == 5 ?
I have been running 4 builds on my CC server for a while now without a problem. Now I''ve added a 5th, and the dashboard is acting very strangely. Before I started the builder for the new project (while I was editing the config files, etc), it showed up on the dashboard as expected, with ''builder down''. However, at the top of the list of project rows was a white gap,
2008 Mar 31
cruisecontrol.rb with C++ projects
Hi, This has probably been asked a hundred times, but I couldn''t find the answer: how do I configure cruisecontrol.rb to build a c/c++ makefile? Thanks This e-mail message has been sent by Elbit Systems Ltd. and is for the use of the intended recipients only. The message may contain privileged or commercially sensitive information . If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby
2008 May 21
Fwd: One Build at a time
> > Hello CCrb users. > > Is there a way to configure Cruise Control rb to only build one > project at a time? > > I have two projects is two different repositories, and I don''t want > their builds to overlap. > > Thanks, > > Doug Bradbury > Software Craftsman > 8th Light, Inc. >
2007 Jul 23
CruiseControl.rb with CVS
Is it possible to use CruiseControl.rb with cvs? I couldn''t find any docs on it. Thanks. --Josh