similar to: "Building RPM Packages" moved

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2013 Feb 26
Wiki Contribution Request
Username: BenHosmer Title: Building an RPM from Scratch Placement: I went through the process of building and documenting how to build an RPM from scratch using node.js as an example. I'd like to contribute this guide back to the wiki please. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2009 Nov 22
What's wrong with yum-priorities?
"The upstream maintainer of yum, Seth Vidal, had the following to say about 'yum priorities' in September 2009: Gosh, I hope people do not set up yum priorities. There are so many things about priorities that make me cringe all over. It could just be that it reminds me of apt 'pinning' and that makes me want to hurl." This note was placed on the wiki
2010 Oct 10
recommended way to install source rpms?
yes, i've read the online docs and followed a link or two to find a simple way to do this, such as: so, these days, is that the canonical way to download source rpms? now, note that i'm not arguing about whether this is a good idea. in my circumstances, i want the ability to just "yum download" source rpms so that i can
2008 Jan 17
build rpm from source code
Hello Is there any good and quick document on building spec file. there is source file that has no rpm and we need to build the spec file and srpm. Thanks
2008 Jul 11
Create page about rebuilding SRPMS and preparing RPM environment
Hello, As discussed on the centos-users list, I would like to create some pages on the CentOS Wiki with instructions on how to set up your environment to build RPMs and how to rebuild RPMs. This content today exists here: I would suggest creating these two: 1)
2010 Jun 07
rpm building and hyphens in Version tags
According to a Version: tag can contain a hyphen, as the tarball for the source I am compiling is named 2.3-pre4 etc. When I try to build it I get an error about the illegal char? Anyone know about the discrepancy between the docs and RHEL's rpmbuild? Without recreating a new tarball and bungling the name how does one gracefully handle this?
2008 Nov 17
OT - Automated rpm builds
Hi Currently devs check code into perforce and we have to checkout > package > update repo > deploy I know this could be scripted but are there any tools out there that can take code from a repository and build rpm's in a continuous integration type manner? I have been hunting around for such a tool and so far not seeing anything obvious as i dont want to reinvent the wheel if
2009 Apr 01
filesystem rpm fails when /home is NFS mounted
I don't know if it's a bug or a feature, but the filesystem-2.4.0-2.el5.centos rpm won't upgrade cleanly if /home is an NFS filesystem. I sorta-kinda remember this when going from 5.1 to 5.2, but that memory is hazy. -- Paul Heinlein <> heinlein at <>
2008 Jul 17
Problems with building an rpm
I followed the setup instructions from (link from the Centos wiki). All this is done on another 'clean' system, so I have to read the terminal screen there and tell what went wrong here. I then followed my colleague's instructions to get the tar, untar, autogen, configure, and finally make rpm. Well it was that make rpm command that finally
2010 Oct 12
libsrtp package anywhere?
Hi list, I'm trying to create an asterisk 1.8 rpm with SRTP. I found mention of a libsrtp rpm, < > in these instructions, <> but it is unreachable (by me, anyway). The libSRTP source is here, <>. Has this already been packaged for
2007 Jun 07
procmail, and the care and feeding of mailing list content received
Some threads just go on too long. Personally I think a troll has hijacked the main centos list again and is inducing food fight behaviours while that troll perfectly 'innocently' asserting that it is just respoding to all email. see: for a discussion of the problem of 'capture' in FOSS projects. But if one loses
2009 Jul 30
Open Letter to Lance Davis
I seem to be having network and email issues tonight; please excuse any duplication -- Russ herrold -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 HTML dump on Thu Jul 30 00:30:33 EDT 2009 Open Letter to Lance Davis July 30, 2009 04:39 UTC This is an Open Letter to Lance Davis from fellow CentOS Developers It is regrettable that we are forced
2011 Jul 08
Triggering script from cron or web client
I have a Bash script, currently run a couple times an hour from cron, that pulls data from an old Windows DB by rsync, converts it to SQL, and injects it into a MySQL DB for display in a LAMP-based app. (Make and Perl are also involved to minimize the number of tables touched and to clean up the SQL generated by Pxlib.) I'd like to add the ability to refresh the data immediately from the
2011 Oct 08
Installing Ruby gems on RPM-based systems
When I first got involved with Red Hat (back with 5.2 in the early 90's) I learned the hard way not to use language-specific packaging systems like CPAN for Perl because they'd conflict with RPM's database and make it much harder to manage what was installed on my system. If I now need a package for which no RPM is available, I'll use a utility like cpanspec to repackage it
2010 Mar 03
General FAQ addition
Added an entry to : 23. How do I provide appropriate information about my system when asking questions? Comments, corrections, and other (constructive :-) ) criticisms are hereby solicited. Phil
2017 Oct 04
systemd-networkd issue
On 4 Oct 2017 3:13 pm, "Kenneth Porter" <shiva at> wrote: On 10/3/2017 8:14 PM, Phil Manuel wrote: > systemd-networkd doesn't use those files at all. > > If you look at the appropriate ifcfg files eg > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em1 do you see IPV6_FAILURE_FATAL=no > ? > Where does systemd-networkd store its settings, then?
2020 Aug 26
Viewing changelog for packages to be updated
On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 2:54 PM Kenneth Porter <shiva at> wrote: > > Is there some way to see the RPM changelog entries for a prospective yum > update? Ideally I'd like to see just the entries that are newer than the > version of the package I already have. > > I saw a new kernel in today's yum-cron email and I'd like to know what it's >
2019 Jan 07
Upgrade CentOS 7.4 to 7.5 and don't want to upgrade it to 7.6
On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 5:49 PM Kenneth Porter <shiva at> wrote: > On 1/6/2019 10:51 PM, Kaushal Shriyan wrote: > > the product does not support the latest CentOS Linux > > release 7.6.1810 (Core) version as of now. > > What product and what, specifically, about 7.6 does it not support? > Could you not just exclude the incompatible packages? You could
2009 Jun 30
R version-2.9.1 for Linux
Hi All, I am currently using R version 2.8.1 on linux cent os 4.4 (i386) and want to upgrade to version 2.9.1. It seems to me that version-2.9.1 is it not for my OS. Am I right? Regards Utkarsh [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Nov 27
Monitoring services
What's available to remotely monitor services? What I'd like is something that can run scripts for each service to connect to a port and verify that it's up, and then send me an SMS message (phone text) to let me know which, if any, are down. Also, does a script exist that checks all the services listed by chkconfig and reports those that should be up but are down?