similar to: canvas url rewriting fails for templates loaded through ajax

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "canvas url rewriting fails for templates loaded through ajax"

2008 Mar 06
Setting :canvas => false for URL generation doesn''t always work?
I generate a lot of URL''s in my Facebook related code that point to our main site, not our FB app. My understanding was that the way to do this was to use ":canvas => false" as a parameter to url_for and link_to and so on. However, that doesn''t seem to generate the proper URL''s. The URL''s still point to (because they
2007 Dec 20
Relative URL fix
Hi Facebookers, I have been working on a change to facebooker to allow facebook and non-facebook apps to exist on the same code-base. I modified the url rewriting in facebooker a bit so that it would continue to use the facebook relative url when needed but not prepend the facebook app name to controller paths that didn''t have anything to do with your facebook app. Here is the
2008 Mar 28
undefined method ''alias_method_chain''
Running Rails 2.0.2, I get this error: ./script/../config/../vendor/plugins/facebooker/lib/facebooker/rails/facebook_url_rewriting.rb:29: undefined method `alias_method_chain'' for ActionController::UrlRewriter:Class (NoMethodError) from /usr/local/rubygems/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in `gem_original_require'' from
2007 Nov 29
Sessions Not Working In Production Mode
I am completely stumped by this problem, and would welcome any suggestions people could provide. My application uses active-record-based sessions. In development mode, the app works fine with sessions, no problems. But in production mode, the process works for a while (a few hours, maybe more), but at a certain point the session mechanism stop working. It looks like the system stops storing new
2008 May 15
Facebooker support for iframe apps
Hi facebooker-ers, It looks to me like facebooker does not currently support iframe facebook apps - or am I missing something? My first problem as I understand it is as follows - When you are logged into facebook, and access a facebook application, facebook tacks on a whole lot of extra fb_sig parameters to the request (including fb_sig_user) that the application can then validate to
2008 Mar 11
Facebooker-talk Digest, Vol 5, Issue 12
Hi all, I wanted to test requests from internal facebook apps, so I''ve been mimicking FBML requests from facebook in my tests using the following: def test_can_facebook_internal_app_login fb_login_as :facebooker num_of_members = Member.count facebook_request :get, :home assert_response :success assert_equal num_of_members, Member.count
2008 Mar 11
Facebook_request in unit tests
Apologies for not chaning the subject line. :( Hi all, I wanted to test requests from internal facebook apps, so I''ve been mimicking FBML requests from facebook in my tests using the following: def test_can_facebook_internal_app_login fb_login_as :facebooker num_of_members = Member.count facebook_request :get, :home assert_response :success assert_equal
2008 Jan 29
Here''s the fix for Facebook apps that specify a controller in their callback URLs. First, set this variable in your environment scripts: ENV[''FACEBOOKER_CALLBACK_PATH''] = ''/controller'' # where controller is the name of your Facebook controller And then patch vendor/plugins/facebooker/lib/facebooker/rails/facebook_url_rewriting.rb as shown in the
2008 Mar 10
facebooker is rewriting URLs even off of facebook canvas
The URLs for CSS/JS files are being rewritten to the address specified in the tunnel even when outside of the facebook canvas. Is anyone else having this problem?
2009 Mar 14
The 2.3 branch and Rails Edge failing
I found Brandon''s 2.3 branch for Facebooker and thought I''d give that a try to get around the problems I ran into starting script/server with Rails Edge. Unfortunately, no go. The error I get on start up is: > /Users/user/Sites/iwr2/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/ > dependencies.rb:440:in `load_missing_constant'': uninitialized > constant
2008 Mar 11
detecting if in the FB canvas
I have been checking the params for params[:fb_sig] to detect if the client is in the Facebook canvas, but those don''t work at the beginning of a controller when you''re calling before_filters. I have a require_login in the before_filter, but I want to skip it if the user is from Facebook. So are there any other ways to check that the client is coming from the canvas?
2008 Apr 05
url_for + :canvas => false weirdness for non resource controllers
I noticed something strange in my app today. It appears that the extra canvas path appended in url_for is back but only for controllers that are not resources. Here is an example I have in my site: campaigns is a resource checkout is not # With the canvas false flag (rdb:1) @controller.url_for(:controller => ''campaigns'', :action => ''show'', :id
2009 Apr 03
New R graphics package targeting HTML 5 canvas element
Hi, canvas is a new R package implementing a graphics device that emits javascript code conforming to the HTML 5 CanvasRenderingContext2D interface. Available on CRAN soon, but you can get it here immediately: If you have access to a beta web browser like Firefox 3.1 or later, you can see example plots here:
2009 Apr 03
New R graphics package targeting HTML 5 canvas element
Hi, canvas is a new R package implementing a graphics device that emits javascript code conforming to the HTML 5 CanvasRenderingContext2D interface. Available on CRAN soon, but you can get it here immediately: If you have access to a beta web browser like Firefox 3.1 or later, you can see example plots here:
2007 Jan 25
Canvas + prototype = Moonlander! Ben --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-spinoffs-/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2002 Feb 15
embed image in R-tcltk canvas
Hi, I think that R-tcltk doesn't have the capacity to display an image stored in memory on a tkcanvas object, am I right? I have digged around everything I can find from Peter Dalgaard and tcltk references and drew my conclusion. Can you, Peter, or some other gurus on the list, give us a pointer or two on how to proceed to solve this problem? I am afraid that it may involve writing C
2011 Jan 06
Cairo pdf canvas size
Hello, I want to save a pdf plot using Cairo, but the canvas of the saved file seems too large when compared to the actual plotted area. Is there a way to control the relation between the canvas size and the size of actual plotting area? Thanks in advance, and best regards, Eduardo Horta [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jun 16
x labels out of Quartz canvas
Hi R world, I am such a newbie, with only 4-5 days of R experience. I did a search in forum history but couldn't find a solution to my problem... Sorry if it's obvious: I managed to draw a barplot (yey!) with xlabels of 'long' names (filenames, to be particular). To make them readable, I place them perpendicular to the axis (las=2). When I do that, however, these names don't
2004 Mar 01
dev.print and X11(canvas = "black")
In Splus, I often use graphics windows with a black background and white foreground. The S print.graph() function sends the current plot to my printer but with a white background and black foreground. I'd like to be able to do something similar in R, but can't figure out how. I've tried various permutations of dev.copy() and dev.print(), but it seems that the foreground color is
2008 Feb 08
Dynamic resize of drawing canvas and FXImage
How can I use the drawing canvas and its off-screen image buffer, say FXImage, to dynamically resize or have its width and height attributes changed in reply to user interaction with the main window (FXMainWindow)? It seems that whem I put initial values to W and H of the canvas or FXImage, they remain with its initial values no matter what I do whem resizing the main window. -- Ranieri Barros