similar to: Problem with kernel and e1000 driver - Correction

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Problem with kernel and e1000 driver - Correction"

2007 Feb 07
Problem with kernel and e1000 driver -Correction
1) I'm actually not building a custom kernel per se, just one from the standard with our configuration. I may be adding a custom driver, but unless I can get the standard kernel to boot,... 2) I have been told that after, support for the Infiniband driver is dropped, and we need that. If this is not the case, I would be delighted to know that and proceed accordingly.
2007 Mar 23
Samba config for Windows on VMWare
I know this is a little off topic (not as usual, dammit!), but I figure at least one of y'all can handle this one. I have tried to configure my CentOS4.4 Plus desktop for samba sharing with the VMWare Windows that runs on it. However, no matter what I've done so far, I can't get the Windows to recognize this machine as a legitimate network destination. Here's my samba
2007 Jan 25
Problems with building a complete kernel
I have a plain vanilla Centos source (not 100% sure where we got it from), but I can't seem to get a build that installs correctly. I tried the method described at, but rpm doesn't like the output file, and even if I install it with -F, nothing seems to happen - no new kernel, now initrd, nothing. When I tried following the directions in the
2007 Feb 22
USB flash drive stopped working properly....
This past Tuesday (2/22/07) my flash drive started acting really strange - it only worked intermittently and would disappear right after an access or two. Yesterday it stopped working altogether - I couldn't even access it through my WinXP-on-VMWare. I rebooted my machine, and it worked fine after that. Is there some time limit on how long a USB flash drive will work in CentOS or is this a
2007 Mar 23
Errors in display settings
This is what nvidia-settings gave me on the terminal window before it brought up its own (useless) window - anyone know what this means (or is it all related back to the other thread I posted on screensaver problems)? [mhr at mhrichter ~]$ nvidia-settings ERROR: NV-CONTROL extension not found on this Display. ERROR: Unable to determine number of NVIDIA GPUs on ':0.0'. ERROR:
2007 Feb 28
How to build a debug kernel
I need to build a kernel with full debugging enabled - breakpoints, etc. I know there's a relatively simple way to do this with rpms, but I don't know what it is.... Help? Thanks.
2007 Mar 14
What's the best way to convert a whole set of file systems?
I am currently running a Windows XP system at home with around 100+ Mb in use over ~400Mb of NTFS file systems. I am installing CentOS 4.4 on it when I change out the mobo/cpu/mem/video combo I just bought. I want to convert all the file systems to (probably) Reiserfs or maybe ext3, but I need to do them one at a time because I only have enough transfer space to accommodate the largest one, or
2007 Apr 12
Looking for a good disk exerciser
I recently added a Seagate 400Gb SATA drive to my system, and it has been behaving strangely since I put it in. for one thing, the BIOS S.M.A.R.T. came up with a warning the last time I booted with it enabled, saying that I should backup my data and replace the disk (!). I still have not made any irreversible data transfers to this drive, and I have some time yet to take it back, but I'd
2007 Apr 25
Strange content in the kernel dmesg traces [SOLVED]
On 4/25/07, Michael D. Kralka <michael.kralka at> wrote: > > I am going to regret answering this, because it is not the right place > for such questions. However... True, but thank you for the post. > I suspect you are misusing printk and the KERN_XXX prefixes (KERN_DEBUG, > KERN_ERR, KERN_INFO, etc.) defined in include/linux/kernel.h. Try > dropping the comma
2007 Apr 02
Missing samba binaries
I went to enable samba on my home machine, which has a largely plain vanilla install of CentOS 4.4 Plus, and the smbd and nmbd files are missing. As you may know, this makes it rather difficult to run samba. For some reason, the winbindd binary is present, and rpm reports: samba-common-3.0.10-1.4E.11 samba-client-3.0.10-1.4E.11 as present. So how do I retrieve the missing samba binaries/ Do
2007 May 04
Stumped: kernel 2.6.18-8 source doesn't build???
I installed the kernel-2.6.18-8.el5.src.rpm today and went to build it, but it fails with this error: $ rpmbuild -bp --target=`uname -m` kernel-2.6.spec Building target platforms: x86_64 Building for target x86_64 error: Failed build dependencies: unifdef is needed by kernel-2.6.18-8.el5.x86_64 I double checked and this appears to be the latest kernel source rpm on centos/5.0/os/SRPMS.
2007 Mar 16
Changing from NTFS to ext3
I want to convert all my NTFS partitions to ext3 since I'm no longer running Windows, at least on my main machine at home. I'm planning to tar the NTFS partitions to an existing ext3, reformat the partition as ext3 and untar it back. What is the best way to accomplish step two of this - reformatting the partition? I've only done this so far during the installation phase, and that
2007 May 02
Good things about CentOS 5; problem with flash in seamonkey
I'd like to point out that overall I am quite pleased with CentOS 5, although I am having more fun with it than I did with 4.4 and I knew less about CentOS then (duh). Most things seem to work fine, including a relatively smooth installation from the DVD image I downloaded, although the number of screensavers I can see (and this could be related to the ATI/dual head problem) is pathetically
2007 Apr 18
Screensaver flashing instead of normal function
I rebooted my machine this morning and now instead of running normally, my GLMatrix screen saver flashes as it repaints the screen, more and more noticeably as the screen fills up with glyphs. I didn't change ANYTHING and this was not happening before the boot. Anyone have any ideas why this might be? Thanks. Mark Hull-Richter, Linux Kernel Engineer DATAllegro ( 85
2007 Mar 16
Open Office on CentOS
I notice that the OO that comes with CentOS 4.4 is version 1.1.5, which is fairly ancient. Are there any plans to update this for OO 2.2, or 2.1, or 2.0? Or is this a RH thing exclusively? In which case is CentOS Plus likely to get a more recent version? OO 2.0 is way better.... Mark Hull-Richter Linux Kernel Engineer (949) 680-3082 - Office (949) 680-3001 - Fax (949)
2007 May 02
CentOS 5 dual head doesn't work
I just bit the bullet and installed CentOS 5 on my work desktop, and although I have two monitors and a card that supports them, I cannot get the display configuration to work with both as a continuous (spanning) desktop. I have tried using the correct (autodetected) monitor type (digital and analog), a generic LCD with 1280x1024, nothing works. Every time I set the configuration, the X server
2007 Mar 19
system-display-config doesn't run right
This might be a gnome problem, but.... I've noticed that, on occasion (frequently), when I try to look at or modify my display configuration, the Applications->System Settings->Display doesn't come up. It asks for the root password, which I give it, and then nothing. I ran system-config-display form the command line, but it dies thus: [root at mhullrichter mhr]#
2007 Mar 21
Kernel question(s): I/O handling
I have been chasing down the way the inode and page caches are structured and handled, but there is a mystery I have not been able to track down yet. How does the I/O queue that dirty inodes and pages are put into when it's time to flush them out to disk get picked up? Also, where are the sources for the I/O schedulers? I haven't been able to locate them yet either. I know this
2007 Mar 29
Problems with Samba between Linux host and VMWare Windows guest
I've asked this almost everywhere else, so obviously I only find out about this list now (my doing, too). I am running VMWare Workstation on top of host CentOS 4.4 Plus on a Dell Precision 390 with 2G of main memory. Under VMWare, I am running a Windows XP guest OS. I have a similar setup at home except that the hardware is a little different but the memory and the setup are the same, and
2007 Jun 06
x display issue
Hello, I've got a new Centos5 install and got x installed with gnome on it. The problem is the display looks awful and keeps flickering. It failed the monitor probe and doesn't have horizontal and vertical refresh rates in the xorg.conf file. I believe this is part or all of the issue, i took it down to 8-bitt color and 800x600 resolution, that didn't help. The video card is