similar to: Blacklist and rules - order of processing

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Blacklist and rules - order of processing"

2004 Aug 12
shorewall iprange problem
Perhaps someone can help me understand why this is happening. I''m trying to write a script using ''shorewall iprange'' to parse some ip ranges into subnets so that i can place them into the blocklist. I keep getting an error when i run the script though. Here is the script: #!/bin/csh foreach i (`cat ipranges`) shorewall iprange $i >>
2004 Oct 08
local yp/nis on the server
So, now I see why I was doing the fw 2 fw rule. It was for my YP/NIS usage. Does anyone know how I get that to work?
2005 May 26
Quick poll: CVS commits
Hi folks, I''m conducting a straw poll for your opinions on whether we should send CVS commit logs (probably with diffs) to the shorewall-devel list, or to another (new) list? I can see advantages to both ways: separate lists mean that people who aren''t contributing code don''t get flooded with code noise, but a single list will help keep everyone involved in the
2005 Feb 21
Routing changes break NAT (not a shorewall question)
Hi folks, I know this isn''t a shorewall question, but i''m hoping someone can point me to the right place to look for answers on this (since, as Tom suggests, search engines are useless for some things): Here is my firewall setup: ADSL1 ADSL2 dialup \ | / firewall | DMZ It''s a fairly simple setup. ADSL1 has a static IP, ADSL2 is
2005 Jan 07
Questions: place for doco, and routestopped during ''shorewall restart''
Hi folks, A while back we had some discussions about integrating heartbeat and shorewall. Thanks to your help and the excellent state of Linux failover clustering, i''ve managed to install my high-availability firewall. I know there''s already a howto for it at, but i thought i would document my setup for others, since it''s
2004 Aug 22
Tom''s Key
Since you''ve started signing your email, Tom, my machine can''t verify your sig. Where are you publishing your key? -- John Andersen - NORCOM
2005 Mar 01
I''m out of here for a while
I''m going to start being rude with people if I don''t take a break from the list for a while. I''ll be back in a couple of days after I cool off..... --Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Off-list replies are cheerfully ignored Shoreline, \ Washington USA \ PGP Public Key \
2005 Jun 26
Vservers and shorewall
hello I''m using the 2.6 series 5 vservers on eth1 running on debian unstable and I wanted two of them to be used as "proxies". One of the proxies has 3 interfaces (well 4 if you count the ath0 interface whose traffic I''d like to pass through the "vproxy"); one facing the hosts''/out interface, one facing the "dmz" where two vservers
2005 Feb 24
[Fwd: Re: 2.2 shorewall installation fails on suse 9.2]
Anyone else seeing this?? Thanks, -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \ PGP Public Key \
2005 Jan 07
smtp / pop allow
Hello, My server is on Mandrake 10.1 off. eth0 is WAN with static IP connected 512 DSL eth1 is LAN. My default shorewall settings are : Source zone Destination zone Policy Syslog level Traffic limit loc net ACCEPT None None fw net ACCEPT None None net Any DROP info None Any Any REJECT info None I have done NAT on eth0 and I am running squid proxy on the server. I am not able send or
2004 Sep 11
just checking if you have seen this before Tom.
Been trying to track down an issue where when I issue a restart on shorewall it stalls for maybe 5 minutes. I have tracked it down to the removing of the rules portion but have not been able to get any closer yet. Some place after "strip_file rules" and echo "Deleting user chains..." It seems to fix itself after a reboot of the system for an unknown time then it resurfaces
2005 Jun 04
[Fwd: [shorewall-coding] Shorewall2 functions, 1.39, 1.40]
Skipped content of type multipart/mixed-------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 186 bytes Desc: OpenPGP digital signature Url :
2004 Sep 03
getting up and running
Hello, I have read the getting started guides, FAQ, etc, so if your response to the following is RTFM, please at least refer me to the appropriate one :) I have shorewall set up as follows: zones: net Net Internet loc Local Local networks dmz DMZ Demilitarized zone policies: loc net ACCEPT dmz net
2005 Mar 13
Bridging Firewall with windows OpenVPN road warriors?
I have previously set up an openvpn LAN to LAN bridging VPN so I know a little about what has to happen. The gateways on either ends were running older version of shorewall that did not support openvpn directly so I just basically opened ports for it and used bridging with tap interfaces. I am no longer using that vpn link to the other house but now that i''ve upgraded I would like
2005 Jul 04
SysV install problem in FC4
After a fresh install, I noticed that shorewall 2.4.0 wasn''t starting automatically under FC4. The startup script installs properly from the rpm: /etc/rc.d/init.d/shorewall ... but the post install "/sbin/chkconfig --add shorewall" produces this in the runlevel symlink directories: /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S-1shorewall /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K-1shorewall /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K-1shorewall
2005 Jun 24
WINS across two networks and a router
 Hello, everybody.  This one''s got me stumped.  What I''m trying to do is have two networks-- and SMB and WINS running between them.  So far I can mount SMB shares allright, but I can''t browse by WINS names across the router.  I''ve posted this question on; you''ll find the details there.  Here are my
2005 May 26
Shorewall development web site
Hi folks, Last night and this morning i''ve hacked up a quick web site for coordinating our development work based on Drupal ( You can find it at: I''ve put a few ideas in there - feel free to use the comments or sign up for an account and create your own pages (particularly in the two books about development and web site work).
2005 Jul 02
Port redirection on standalone pc to pop3 proxy AV scanner
G''day all. I''m trying to set up Clam AV scanning of incoming POP3 email to my Thunderbird mail client; I have a standalone laptop with a 56k dialup connection to my ISP. I can''t seem to get port redirection working: I''m trying to redirect incoming POP3 mail from my ISP''s mail server to p3scan which is listening on and will do the AV
2004 Oct 06
Problem with local email after shorewall installation
Hi, Summary of problem: Local mail on the firewall stopped working after installing shorewall Background yesterday I installed shorewall, based on the debian package from (which seems to be a 2.0.3 package) on an otherwise virgin debian woody set up. Configuration was done based on the two-interface setup. Kernel is unpatched. A 2.4.23 kernel, with
2005 Jun 30
Long Shorewall Startup Times Revisited
Hello, With reference to the problems listed below. I too am having incredibly long start up times. I''m talking minutes here (around 5 minutes). My configuration is not complex I don''t think. We are you using ldap too and the settings are bellow. The network is up as I''m restarting shorewall whilst the machine is running. Any suggestions? Is there no way to